Sunioc Newbie
Joined: 10 Mar 2008 Posts: 5
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:30 pm
Status Window for The Last Sunrise |
This is a script I wrote to create a status window for The Last Sunrise. You could probably retrifit it to another mud with a little work, but there's a lot of triggers to change. It pulls information from worth, score, as well your prompt. It also automatically updates information when you finish a battle, level up, purchase items, or make deposits and withdrawls at the bank. It pulls up about 50 variables, and the script only uses half of them, so you can customize the window to read however you like, or use the variables in calls for other scripts. Once it's installed, simply type "status" to activate it.
Note: in order for the script to work properly, you must either change your prompt to "prompt %h/%H HP %a/%A AC %e/%E END %X TNL", or adjust the trigger that reads prompt. You'll know if you have it right because it will gag your prompt.
I think I have all the bugs worked out, but if you encounter a problem, let me know and I'll see what I can do to fix it. Either reply here, or you can contact me through The Last Sunrise. I go by the name Resne.
#CLASS {stats} {enable}
#ALIAS Report {gt I am level @level, extended level @XLevel, and I have @XPToLevel experience until my next level.}
#ALIAS status {
#PROMPT Name "Name of Character?"
#stw %ansi( bright, White)Character Name: %ansi( bright, red)@name %cr%ansi( bright, white)Race: %ansi( bright, red) %ansi( bright, red)@race %cr%ansi( bright, white)Guild: %ansi( bright, red)@Guild %cr%ansi( bright, white)Sex: %ansi( bright, red) %ansi( bright, red) %ansi( bright, red)@Gender %cr%ansi( bright, White)Class: %ansi( bright, red)@Class %cr%ansi( bright, white)Level: %ansi( bright, red)@level %cr%ansi( bright, white)Extended Level: %ansi( bright, red)@XLevel %cr%ansi( bright, white)Exp: %ansi( bright, red)@exp %cr%ansi( bright, white)Exp to Next Level: %ansi( bright, red)@XPToLevel %cr%ansi( bright, white)Gold on Hand: %ansi( bright, yellow)@gold %cr%ansi( bright, white)Gold in Bank: %ansi( bright, yellow)@BankGold %cr%ansi( bright, blue)----------------------- %cr%ansi( bright, white)Str: %ansi( bright, red)@str %ansi( bright, white)Int %ansi( bright, red)@int %cr%ansi( bright, white)Wis: %ansi( bright, red)@wis %ansi( bright, white)Dex %ansi( bright, red)@dex %cr%ansi( bright, white)Con: %ansi( bright, red)@con %cr%cr%ansi( bright, white)HP: %ansi( bright, red) %ansi( bright, red) %ansi( bright, red) %ansi( bright, red)@HP/@HPMAX %cr%ansi( bright, white)Armor: %ansi( bright, red)@ArmorStrength/@MaxArmorStrength %cr%ansi( bright, white)Move: %ansi( bright, red) %ansi( bright, red)@Move/@MaxMove %cr%ansi( bright, blue)----------------------- %CR%ansi( bright, white)Practices: %ansi( bright, red)@prac %cr%ansi( bright, white)Trains: %ansi( bright, red)@train %cr%ansi( bright, white)Exp From Last Kill: %ansi( bright, red)@LastExp %cr%ansi( bright, blue)----------------------- %CR%ansi( bright, white)SPHERES %cr%CR%ansi( bright, red)F: %ansi( grey)@SFire %ansi( yellow)E: %ansi( grey)@SEarth %ansi( bright, blue)W: %ansi( grey)@SWater %cr%ansi( bright, cyan)A: %ansi( grey)@SAir %ansi( Bright, White)S: %ansi( grey)@SSpirit
#VAR level {}
#VAR xlevel {}
#VAR xptolevel {}
#VAR gold {}
#VAR SFire {}
#VAR SEarth {}
#VAR SWater {}
#VAR SAir {}
#VAR SSpirit {}
#VAR Age {}
#VAR OnlineTime {}
#VAR 7 {}
#VAR Guild {}
#VAR GuildLevel {}
#VAR GuildTitle {}
#VAR Race {}
#VAR Gender {}
#VAR Class {}
#VAR Str {}
#VAR HP {}
#VAR HPMax {}
#VAR Wis {}
#VAR Saves {}
#VAR QP {}
#VAR Dex {}
#VAR Prac {}
#VAR Hitroll {}
#VAR Com {}
#VAR Train {}
#VAR Damroll {}
#VAR ItemsCarried {}
#VAR ItemsMax {}
#VAR WeightCarried {}
#VAR WeightMax {}
#VAR ArmorPierce {}
#VAR ArmorBash {}
#VAR ArmorSlash {}
#VAR ArmorMagic {}
#VAR ArmorStrength {}
#VAR MaxArmorStrength {}
#VAR exp {}
#VAR wimpy {}
#VAR rdamroll {}
#VAR Name {}
#VAR LastExp {}
#VAR Move {}
#VAR MaxMove {}
#VAR Int {}
#VAR con {}
#VAR BankGold {}
#TRIGGER {You receive &LastExp experience points.} {
#ADD Exp -%1
#VAR lastmob %1
#TRIGGER {Oh, and &BankGold gold in the bank, and &QP QP's.} {}
#TRIGGER {Your new balance is &BankGold coins.} {}
#TRIGGER {You get a gold coin from corpse} {#add gold 1}
#TRIGGER {You get (%d) gold coins from corpse} {#add gold %1}
#TRIGGER {You have deposited (%d) coins.} {#add gold -%1}
#TRIGGER {Spheres: Fire: (%d) Earth: (%d) Water: (%d) Air: (%d) Spirit: (%d)} {
#VAR SFire %1
#VAR SEarth %2
#VAR SWater %3
#VAR SAir %4
#VAR SSpirit %5
#TRIGGER {You have &gold gold, are level &level and need &XPToLevel exp to level.} {}
#TRIGGER {You are extended level &{Xlevel}.} {}
#TRIGGER {Level &Level, &Age Years Old} {}
#TRIGGER {Guild: &Guild Level : &GuildLevel Title : &GuildTitle} {}
#TRIGGER {Race: &Race Sex: &Gender Class: &Class} {}
#TRIGGER {Str: &Str Hp: &HP/&HPMax To level: &XPToLevel} {}
#TRIGGER {Int: %int Move: %move/%movemax Gold: %gold} {}
#TRIGGER {Wis: &Wis Saves: &Saves QP: &QP} {}
#TRIGGER {Dex: &Dex Prac: &Prac Hitroll: &Hitroll} {}
#TRIGGER {Con: &Con Train: &Train Damroll: &Damroll} {}
#TRIGGER {You are carrying &ItemsCarried/&ItemsMax items with weight &WeightCarried/&WeightMax pounds.} {}
#TRIGGER {Armor: pierce: &ArmorPierce bash: &ArmorBash slash: &ArmorSlash magic: &ArmorMagic} {}
#TRIGGER {Your current armor strength is {&ArmorStrength}. Your maximum armor strength is &MaxArmorStrength} {}
#TRIGGER {You have scored &exp exp.} {}
#TRIGGER {Wimpy set to &wimpy hit points.} {}
#TRIGGER {Right Weapon: Hitroll: &rdamroll Damroll: {&rdamroll}.} {}
#TRIGGER {Left Weapon: Hitroll: &lhitroll Damroll: &ldamroll} {}
#TRIGGER {&HP/&HPMax HP &ArmorStrength/&MaxArmorStrength AC &Move/&MaxMove END &XPToLevel TNL} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {Int: &Int Move:} {}
#TRIGGER {You sell %1 for %2 gold pieces.} {#add gold %2}
#TRIGGER {Prac: &prac Hitroll:} {}
#TRIGGER {You gain: (%d)/(%d) hps, (%d)/(%d) endur (%d)/&prac prac, (%d)/&train trains.} {}
#TRIGGER {You raise a level!!!} {
#IF (@level < 90) {#ADD level 1} {#ADD Xlevel 1}
gt I gained a level! Now give me a cookie.
#TRIGGER {Dex: &dex Prac} {}
#TRIGGER {Str: &str Hp} {}
#TRIGGER {You have withdrawn (%d) coins.} {#ADD gold %1}
#TRIGGER {You give (%w) (%d) gold.} {#ADD gold -%2}
#TRIGGER {%1 gives you %2 gold.} {#add gold %2}
#CLASS 0 |