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Joined: 27 Feb 2008
Posts: 13

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:56 pm   

cmud upgrade
I am running windows Xp with sp2 packet

I upgraded my cmud to 2.18 thought I would finally try to make the switch over from zmud, but am having considerable difficulty trying to get it to run, the windows overlap the mapper background is black no matter what I set the background to I even tried to redownload, it still no go. please get back with me I would really like to use cmud, everyone is switching to it! thanks
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:39 pm   Re: cmud upgrade
panurge wrote:
the windows overlap the mapper background is black no matter what I set the background to

Are you saying the mapper is black or the CMUD main window (i.e. where you mud text shows up) is black?
Is this on a new session or an imported session?
How are you setting the background color to be different?

If you want to change the main session window (i.e. where you mud text shows up) go to Options -> Color. Select Session -> Default Session from the list of Styles and change the background color there.
Asati di tempari!
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Joined: 20 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:10 am   
For the windows, you can have several options
1) Tabbed, Every window is in a seperate tab position, and you can only see 1 window at a time.
2) A window can be positioned at the top, left, right, or bottom of the main window.
3) Having positioned the window at the top, etc, it can be set to autohide, so it only opens when you move the mouse over it (like the flyout panels)

To redo your layout, click and hold the left mouse button on the title bar, and start to move the window around. If it is a tabbed, window, click and hold on the tab and pull it off the tabbed area. Once your window can move around freely, move it close to the top of the main window, and you will see a 'd-pad' appear in the middle of the screen. Now (still holding the left button), move the mouse to the center of the screen, and over the d-pad, and you can select where you want the window to go, top, left, right, bottom, or the center puts it in a tab.
To create an auto-hide window, right-click on the title bar of the window, and the option will be there, which you can toggle on/off.

If still confused, there is a help page (online has the piccies as well) at ..

And no, I could not get the mapper background to change either, even using Zmapper. Adding a picture with Zmapper didn't result in viewing the picture on the mapper background either. This is probably a bug, but I doubt it will get fixed until Zugg finishes re-doing the mapper for Cmud.

And no, I switched back to Zmud cos of a few minorish problems that really screwed up my game-play. When next version comes out, will check, but until then, Zmud works fine.
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Joined: 19 Jun 2005
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Location: California

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:20 pm   
Background colors for maps aren't working yet, if I recall correctly. However, some of the themes will cause the background color to be black. I found this out by accident, and I kept it simply because I love the way my mapper is set up colorwise.

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