![](templates/Classic/images/spacer.gif) |
NitroDaPunk Newbie
Joined: 09 Oct 2007 Posts: 4 Location: Everett, wa
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 8:12 pm
I cant figure out why zmud keeps crashing - parsing and other errors HELP PLZ! |
So i used to have triggers set up that worked great with the old version of zmud. Then I stopped playing for quite a while.
Now, using my triggers in the new version of zmud, 7.21 i think, doesn't seem to work well. I keep getting parsing errors, and general zmud fault errors in windows.
I have looked over my setup many times now, and just cannot figure out why it keeps crashing. I'm about to tear my hair out!!!!!
If you have time, and I know this is asking alot, but PLEASE, Please look over my triggers, aliases, etc. even just briefly and give me another perspective on what the issue might be.
I also have map room scripts that -could- be the problem, but once again, they used to work great.
This is an example of the contect of my mapper room script
#tr {no such living} {#if (@amidle == 1) {#wait 20000;ne;k scarecrow}}
So, below all this will be the entire zmud setup i have. Thank you beforehand for ANY and ALL help!!!!
#CLASS {System} {enable}
#CLASS {System|Automapper}
#CLASS {System|Keypad} {enable}
#CLASS {Autolog} {enable}
#CLASS {System|AutomapperAll} {enable}
#CLASS {System|Directions} {enable}
#CLASS {System|DirectionsDiag} {enable}
#CLASS {System|KeypadDiag} {enable}
#CLASS {System|Pueblo}
#CLASS {herbmonitor}
#CLASS {Monitoring}
#CLASS {redtrack} {disable}
#CLASS {Playerfight}
#CLASS {bloodtrigs} {enable}
#CLASS {penis}
#CLASS {penis2}
#CLASS {autoblow}
#CLASS {System|_MapperRoom}
#ALIAS atconnect {} "System"
#ALIAS onwalkend {} "System"
#ALIAS onroomcreate {} "System"
#ALIAS onroomenter {} "System"
#ALIAS atexit {} "System"
#ALIAS atdisconnect {} "System"
#ALIAS recall {~recall %-1;#RECALL} "System|AutomapperAll"
#ALIAS 2 {n;w;w;w;w;w;w;w;w;w;w;w;w;w;nw;sw;s;s;s;s;s;w;w;w;w;w;w}
#ALIAS 1 {e;e;e;e;e;e;e;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;ne;se;e;e;e;e;e;e;e;e;e;e;e;s}
#ALIAS clubs {get clubs;1;sell clubs;2}
#ALIAS catchertoking {s;w;sw;n;n;n;w;w;ne;e;e;e;e;e;e;s;ne;se;s;se;e;w;nw;n;nw;sw;w;w;w;w;w;w;ne;w;ne;nw;s;nw}
#ALIAS redsword {n;n;e;n;e;n;w;n;n;n;e;n;n;n;e;#t redtrack;l}
#ALIAS hunt {#var hunted {%1 %2 %3}}
#ALIAS mist {#if (%1 != "home") {#var mist {Not now};~mist %1} {~mist %1};#if (%1 = "shang") {#te shang shang;#t- penis;#t penis2;#if (@amidle = 1) {idle}};#if (%1 = "storm") {#te storm iceland};#if {%1 = "docks"} {#te docks world};#if (%1 = "biggobs") {#te biggobs world;#t- penis;#t penis2};#if (%1 = "calais") {#te calais world;#t- penis;#t penis2;#if (@amidle = 1) {idle}};#if (%1 = "home") {#te home world};#if (%1 = "guards") {#te gards england;#t penis;#t- penis2};#if (%1 = "lizard") {#te lizard adelaid;#if (@amidle = 1) {idle}};#if {%1 = "jump"} {#te jump world}}
#ALIAS idle {#bu idleme}
#ALIAS kizil {kill %1;kill second %1;kill third %1;kill fourth %1;kill fifth %1;kill sixth %1;kill seventh %1;kill eighth %1;kill nineth %1;kill tenth %1}
#ALIAS chores {hang banner;e;hang banner;se;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;nw;n;hang banner;e;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;w;n;hang banner;ne;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;sw;w;hang banner;n;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;s;w;hang banner;nw;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;se;s;hang banner;w;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;e;s;hang banner;sw;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;tend garden;ne;e}
#ALIAS demon {in;worship idol;cave;enter;s;s;s;w;bind;n;n;d;d;d;d;d;s;e;e;s;w;w;open door;w;nick sheet;k demon}
#ALIAS epsa {ep;sa;ep;sa;ep;sa;w;s;e;deposit all;w;n;w;s;s;s;s;lift board;n;n;w;n;n;n;ne}
#ALIAS idleme {#loop %1 {vsmile;#wa 60000}}
#ALIAS kblood {vhiss ^+RI L^+rove ^+RT^+rhe ^+RT^+raste ^+RO^+rf ^+RB^+rlood}
#ALIAS k {kill %1;#var ename {%1};#var combat 1}
#ALIAS kpunk {vhiss ^+LWatch your back ^+Mpunk,^+L someday you might find it oozing ^+Rblood.}
#ALIAS now {s;e;s;e;e;e;n;rent room 2;n;unlock door with key;open north door;n;close door;lock door with key}
#ALIAS ke {#loop 1000 {kill @hunted;#wait 200}}
#ALIAS opendoor {unlock door with key;unlock door with second key;unlock door with third key;unlock door with fourth key;pick lock on door;pick lock on door;pick lock on door;pick lock on door;pick lock on door;open door}
#ALIAS closedoor {close door;lock door with key;lock door with second key;lock door with third key;lock door with fourth key}
#ALIAS quit {unwield all;drop dagger;drop rapier;save;get coins from backpack;~quit}
#ALIAS ratcatcher {sewer;d;d;d;w;nw;sw;sw;w;w;w;w;ne;e;n}
#ALIAS ratking {sewer;d;d;d;w;nw;n;nw;sw;w;w;w;w;w;w;ne;w;ne;nw;s;nw}
#ALIAS reboot {mist calais;n;n;n;w;w;n;n;w;crank piano}
#ALIAS notch {mist notch;shout lower drawbridge;w;nw;nw;w;w;sw;s;s;sw;sw;pull dagger from block;pull dagger from block;pull dagger from block;pull dagger from block;pull dagger from block;ne;ne;n;n;ne;e;e;se;se;e;e;n;n;ne;w;get key from hook;e;sw;s;s;e;se;e;e;kill guard;vs}
#ALIAS notch2 {n;n;e;e;e;n;ne;se;se;s;s;#10 enter;s;unwield all;wield longsword;#25 smash wall with longsword;s;s;e;e;e;s;w;move lid}
#ALIAS robegreen {change robe ^+WS^+Yh^+Wi^+Ym^+Wm^+Ye^+Wr^+Yi^+Wn^+Yg and ^+GE^+gm^+Ge^+gr^+Ga^+gl^+Gd-^+gg^+Gr^+ge^+Ge^+gn^*}
#ALIAS sacn {#loop %1 {sac %2;#wa 6000}}
#ALIAS trident {ocean;d;d;d;w;w;s;s;s;s;s;enter crevice}
#ALIAS gazem {#loop %1 {gaze %2}}
#ALIAS getrapier {sw;s;w;s;u;sw;w;w;w;open doors;w;sw;nw;w;w;w;w;w;w;s;nw;n;e;e;se;sw;se;s;sw;w;n;nw;nw;n;n;n;e;ne;se;e;s;se;s;s;d;w;nw;w;w;w;sw;w;sw;sw;d;sw;nw;sw;n;n;n;n;sw;w;w;w;n;u;u;u;u;u;u;u;se;search wall}
#ALIAS good {get red armour;get full platemail;get storm armour;get crown;get rapier;get redsword;get demon sword;get trident;get talisman;get cup;get horn;get grey robe;get cloak;get gem;get pouch;get herbs;get potions;wear red armour;wear full platemail;wear grey robe;wear cloak;wear crown;wa}
#ALIAS lp {lead pickpocket %1}
#ALIAS talisman {n;e;e;e;u;e;s;s;s;e;se;s;s;s;opendoor;se;e;opendoor;s;d;e;open drawer;get talisman from drawer;w;u;n;w;nw;n;n;n;nw;w;w;open door;s;open window;enter window;u;u;n;e;n;enter niche;enter hole;d;d;n;ne;nw;n;n;n;n;get cup from altar;s;s;s;s;se;sw;s;u;u;u;out}
#ALIAS bank {sw;s;w;s;u;sw;w;w;w;open doors;w;close doors;sw;nw;w;w;w;w;w;w;s;nw;n;e;e;se;sw;se;s;sw;se;e;e;e;se;s;se;s;s;sw;nw;w;sw;s;w}
#ALIAS herb {search here for herbs;#wa 6000;search here for herbs;#wa 6000;search here for herbs}
#ALIAS bt {buy ticket;board}
#ALIAS morgan {#5 smoke pipe;pget;put shield in pipe;#5 smoke pipe;put arafax in pipe;#5 smoke pipe;pstore}
#ALIAS bloodlust {#if (@bloodlust = 0 & @blbut = 0) {#bu bloodlust} {#if (@bloodlust = 1 & @blbut = 1) {#bu bloodlust} {#if (@team = 0) {~bloodlust} {#if (@bloodlust = 0) {#sa Yer on a team;#bu bloodlust} {~bloodlust}}}}}
#ALIAS homenow {n;n;d;d;s;sw;w}
#ALIAS checkautoblow {#if (@afablow = 0 & @amidle = 0) {#var afablow {1};#PR autoblow "Do you want to auto blow the horn?";#if (@autoblow != "no") {#var horn 0;blow horn}}}
#ALIAS block {g -b;m -b;n -b}
#ALIAS mburg {k private;k second private;k third private;k fourth private;k cadet;k second cadet;k third cadet;k fourth cadet;k sergeant;k second sergeant;k third sergeant;k fourth sergeant}
#ALIAS damngate {#te world andagain}
#ALIAS cephadd {#loop %1 {#VARIABLE healie {%additem( "jet black leaf", @healie)}}}
#ALIAS mm {#if (@potion > 0) {get potions from backpack;quaff blue potion} {aaa}} "herbmonitor"
#ALIAS gg {#if (@gpotion > 0) {quaff green potion;#ad gpotion -1} {healme}} "Monitoring"
#ALIAS shield {get shield from pouch;put shield in pipe;#5 smoke pipe} "Monitoring"
#ALIAS ffat {#IF (%numitems( @fatigue)>0) {get %word( %item( @fatigue, 1), 1, "|") from pouch} {#speak {no fatigue herbs}}} "Playerfight"
#ALIAS getblue {#if (@potion > 0) {get blue potion from backpack;quaff blue potion;#ad potion -1} {fixmana}} "Playerfight"
#ALIAS healme {#IF (%numitems( @healie)>0) {get %word( %item( @healie, 1), 1, "|") from pouch;put %word( %item( @healie, 1), 1, "|") in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#variable healie {%delitem( %word( %item( @healie, 1), 1, "|"), @healie)}} {aidme}} "Playerfight"
#ALIAS greenadd {#loop %1 {#VARIABLE healie {%additem( "greenish-brown leaf", @healie)}}} "Playerfight"
#ALIAS fixmana {#IF (%numitems( @manaheal)>0) {get %word( %item( @manaheal, 1), 1, "|") from second pouch;put %word( %item( @manaheal, 1), 1, "|") in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#variable healie {%delitem( %word( %item( @manaheal, 1), 1, "|"), @manaheal)}}} "Playerfight"
#ALIAS aidme {#if (@aidage == ok) {#20 aid me}}
#ALIAS vs {vslash;storm;sc;gs}
#ALIAS kblood {vhiss ^+RI L^+rove ^+RT^+rhe ^+RT^+raste ^+RO^+rf ^+RB^+rlood} "bloodtrigs"
#ALIAS hf {#if (@hellfire == "Ready!") {hellfire;#var hellfire {In use!};gg} {gg}} "Monitoring"
#VAR kills {332217}
#VAR arafax {0} {0} "Playerfight"
#VAR shield {} {} "Playerfight"
#VAR mugwort {0} {0} "Playerfight"
#VAR blokmagic {0} {0} "Playerfight"
#VAR medallion {0} {0} "Playerfight"
#VAR pennyroyal {0} {0} "Playerfight"
#VAR defense {0} {0} "Playerfight"
#VAR pasque {0} {0} "Playerfight"
#VAR fatigue {} {} "Playerfight"
#VAR language {} {} "Playerfight"
#VAR tuboeles {0} {0} "Playerfight"
#VAR intelligence {0} {0} "Playerfight"
#VAR battlequick {0} {0} "Playerfight"
#VAR dexterity {0} {0} "Playerfight"
#VAR quick {0} {0} "Playerfight"
#VAR opalis {0} {0} "Playerfight"
#VAR strength {} {} "Playerfight"
#VAR agility {} {} "Playerfight"
#VAR gepiltus {0} {0} "Playerfight"
#VAR warcry {vigor} {vigor} "Playerfight"
#VAR poisonheal {} {} "Playerfight"
#VAR constitution {0} {0} "Playerfight"
#VAR vallicae {} {} "Playerfight"
#VAR incmagic {} {} "Playerfight"
#VAR aquasel {0} {0} "Playerfight"
#VAR healie {} {} "Playerfight"
#VAR manaheal {} {} "Playerfight"
#VAR aidage {ok} {ok}
#VAR ename {citizen} {_nodef} "Playerfight"
#VAR combat {0} {0} "Playerfight"
#VAR lvl {Sage} {_nodef} "Playerfight"
#VAR exp {3,790,000} {_nodef} "Playerfight"
#VAR qexp {11,200,000} {_nodef} "Playerfight"
#VAR hp {11600} {_nodef} "Playerfight"
#VAR hpmax {11600} {_nodef} "Playerfight"
#VAR mana {2200} {_nodef} "Playerfight"
#VAR manamax {2200} {_nodef} "Playerfight"
#VAR iron {18} {_nodef} "Playerfight"
#VAR copper {Many} {_nodef} "Playerfight"
#VAR silver {50} {_nodef} "Playerfight"
#VAR gold {0} {_nodef} "Playerfight"
#VAR attack1 {Ready} {Ready} "Playerfight"
#VAR attack2 {Nope} {Ready} "Playerfight"
#VAR today {0} {0} "Playerfight"
#VAR gpotion {0} {0} "Playerfight"
#VAR potion {0} {0} "Playerfight"
#VAR amidle {0} {_nodef} "Playerfight"
#VAR idleme {1} {_nodef} "Playerfight"
#VAR auto {off} {_nodef} "Playerfight"
#VAR hunted {peniswrinkle} {peniswrinkle}
#VAR butboat {0}
#VAR tracking {fruit}
#VAR trubut {0}
#VAR team {2}
#VAR teamlist {Kurik|The large black-furred hound|Gleek}
#VAR helltimes {0} {0} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR hellfire {Recovering...} {Ready!} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR mist {Not now} {_nodef} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR lvl {Elder} {_nodef} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR exp {41,400,000} {_nodef} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR qexp {13,700,000} {_nodef} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR hp {15372} {_nodef} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR hpmax {16800} {_nodef} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR mana {1275} {_nodef} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR manamax {2840} {_nodef} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR iron {0} {_nodef} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR copper {0} {_nodef} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR silver {A huge heap} {_nodef} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR gold {In Pack} {_nodef} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR helltimes {20} {0}
#VAR combat {1} {goblin} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR ename {guard} {_nodef} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR amidle {1} {_nodef} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR auto {on} {_nodef} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR use {Ready!} {Ready!} "Monitoring"
#VAR today {854} {_nodef} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR slash {Ready} {_nodef} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR attack1 {nope} {_nodef} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR use {nope} {_nodef} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR blbut {0} {_nodef} "bloodtrigs"
#VAR afablow {0} {0} "Monitoring"
#VAR horn {0} {0}
#VAR autoblow {no} {no} "Monitoring"
#VAR blood {strong}
#VAR bloodlvl {1}
#TRIGGER {leaves crawling through the bushes.} {enter opening}
#TRIGGER {Port reached} {disembark}
#TRIGGER {Ok.} {vs;#var combat {1}}
#TRIGGER {screams as the floor splits..} {lift board}
#TRIGGER {you killed} {#var combat {0};get coins from corpse;get coins from backpack;put coins in backpack;cut heart from corpse;fill cup with blood;drink cup;dc;#ad kills 1;#ad today 1;kill @ename}
#TRIGGER {You examine the walls closely, and discover a pushable stone!} {push stone;n;worship at altar;get rapier from altar;pull lever;s;nw}
#TRIGGER {A dark object jumps into the room, bending the already bent bars more.} {k it}
#TRIGGER {hand touches something cold which you quickly pick up.} {sw;w;s;search stone;#wa 15000;push stone;w;search northern wall;#wa 16000;command open;k it;k it}
#ALARM "Alarm0" {-5:00} {v}
#TRIGGER {(*) @hunted rides a (*) stallion (*).} {#if (%3 != quit) {%3} {finger @hunted}}
#TRIGGER {@hunted leaves (*).} {#if (%1 != quit) {%1} {finger @hunted}}
#TRIGGER {@hunted panics and flees (*).} {#if (%1 != quit) {%1} {finger @hunted}}
#TRIGGER {you killed the emperor wight} {get crown}
#TRIGGER {The shambling hulk died.} {search piles}
#TRIGGER {emperor wight died.} {get crown from corpse;get crown}
#TRIGGER {You fall into the darkness!} {redsword}
#TRIGGER {You find a hellhound guard hiding in one of the more narrow cracks.} {k guard;#T- redtrack}
#TRIGGER {~[Gossip~]} {#cap Gossip}
#TRIGGER {~[Message~]} {#cap Message}
#TRIGGER {~[Newbie~]} {#cap Newbie}
#TRIGGER {You blow the horn, emanating a resounding brassy sound.} {#var horn {1}}
#TRIGGER {You beat the (*) of the (*) with your (*).} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {You nudge the (*) of the (*) with your (*).} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {You poke the (*) of the (*) with your (*).} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {dives at your head and latchs onto your neck} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {You pummel the (*) of the (*) with your (*).} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {You graze the (*) of the (*) with your (*).} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {The (*) nicks your (*) with %w (*).} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {The bat dives for your head and you duck out of the way.} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {You nick the (*) of the (*) with your (*).} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {The (*) pokes your (*) with %w (*).} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {You crush the (*) of the (*) with your (*).} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {The (*) nudges your (*) with %w (*).} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {The guard says: Hello. Where are you going ?} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {You bludgeon the (*) of the (*) with your (*)} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {You just barely slice the (*) with your (*).} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {The guard whistles a tune.} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {The guard grins.} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {What ~?} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {Assist whom? You are not in a team.} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {There is no corpse here.} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {You prick the (*) of the (*) with your (*).} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {You jab the (*) of the (*) with your (*).} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {You cut the (*) of the (*) with your (*).} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {The mage freezes you with a gaze. You are unable to move as you watch a claw materialize out of thin air} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {^and plunge into your chest.} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {^plunge into your chest.} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {The lizard mage says: You will suffer for your mistakes mortal one.} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {You stab the (*) of the (*) with your (*), (*).} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {You chop the (*) of the (*) with your (*), (*).} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {You are preparing to attack your opponent already!} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {The guard checks his equipment.} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {The guard says: You shouldn't have done that!} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {@hunted arrives} {vs @hunted;vs @hunted}
#TRIGGER {(*) joined your team.} {#ad team 1;#addi teamlist {%1};#if (@bloodlust = 1 & @blbut = 1) {bloodlust}}
#TRIGGER {You join %1's team.} {#ad team 1;#addi teamlist %1}
#TRIGGER {(*) left your team.} {#ad team -1;#delitem teamlist %1}
#TRIGGER {You force %w to leave your team.} {#ad team -1;#delitem team %1}
#TRIGGER {You replied to %w:} {#cap Tell}
#TRIGGER {You were linkdead less than} {wear backpack}
#TRIGGER {You are already playing !} {yes;l}
#TRIGGER {Yes, yes.} {vs} "bloodtrigs"
#TRIGGER {(*) nudges the (*) of the (*) with (*).} {#if %ismember( %1, @teamlist)) {#gag}}
#TRIGGER {The (*) nudges the (*) of (*) with (*).} {#if (%ismember( %3, @teamlist)) {#gag}}
#TRIGGER {(*) pricks the (*) of the (*) with (*).} {#if %ismember( %1, @teamlist)) {#gag}}
#TRIGGER {(*) pokes the} {#if %ismember( %1, @teamlist)) {#gag}}
#TRIGGER {> (*) nicks the (*) of the (*) with (*).} {#if (%ismember( %1, @teamlist)) {#gag}}
#TRIGGER {The (*) nicks the (*) of (*) with (*).} {#if (%ismember( %3, @teamlist)) {#gag}}
#TRIGGER {(*) grazes the (*) of the (*) with his (*).} {#if %ismember( %1, @teamlist) {#gag}}
#TRIGGER {The (*) pokes the (*) of (*) with (*).} {#if (%ismember( %3, @teamlist)) {#gag}}
#TRIGGER {(*) nicks the (*) of the (*) with (*).} {#if (%ismember( %1, @teamlist)) {#gag}}
#TRIGGER {You drop redsword.} {get redsword;w redsword}
#TRIGGER {> (*) grazes the (*) of the (*) with his (*).} {#if %ismember( %1, @teamlist)) {#gag}}
#TRIGGER {(*) killed} {#if %ismember( %1, @teamlist)) {k @ename}}
#TRIGGER {> (*) killed} {#if %ismember( %1, @teamlist)) {k @ename}}
#TRIGGER {(*) attacks you!} {vs;#if (@amidle == 1) {s;w;sw;w;s;sw;s;sw;se;e;s;se;s;sw;sw;se;se;sw;sw;nw;se;se;s;s;s;s;w;s;s;s;stop fight;~mist home;s;w;sw;se;sw;se;s;e;w;s;n;stop fight;~mist home}}
#TRIGGER {%1 attacks (*).} {#if %ismember( %1, @teamlist) {assist}}
#TRIGGER {You get a bubbling green potion.} {#ad gpotion 1}
#TRIGGER {You drop a bubbling green potion.} {#ad gpotion -1}
#TRIGGER {You get a dark green potion.} {#ad gpotion 1}
#TRIGGER {Your legs run away with you!} {sc}
#TRIGGER {You prepare to storm} {#var attack2 {Nope}}
#TRIGGER {You feel your strength return} {#var attack2 {Ready};vs}
#TRIGGER {You bought a bubbling blue potion.} {#ad potion 1} "herbmonitor"
#TRIGGER {You bought a bubbling green potion.} {#ad gpotion 1} "herbmonitor"
#TRIGGER {You drink the potion down and your mind feels refreshed.} {#ad potion -1} "herbmonitor"
#TRIGGER {You get %1 bubbling blue potions} {#if (%1 = "one") {#ad potion 1};#if (%1 = "two") {#ad potion 2};#if (%1 = "three") {#ad potion 3}} "herbmonitor"
#TRIGGER {You get %1 bubbling green potions} {#if (%1 = "one") {#ad gpotion 1};#if (%1 = "two") {#ad gpotion 2};#if (%1 = "three") {#ad gpotion 3}} "herbmonitor"
#TRIGGER {As your powerful swing gains momentum your grip on the clubbed war staff} {get staff;w staff} "Monitoring"
#TRIGGER {Hit Points : %1 / %2 Mana : %3 / %4} {#var hp {%1};#var hpmax {%2};#var mana {%3};#var manamax {%4};#if (%3 > 1000) {#var aidage ok};#if (%1 < 15500) {hf};#IF (%3 < 1500 & @autoblow = "no") {getblue};#if (@horn = 1 & @mana = @manamax & @combat = 1) {#if (@autoblow != "no") {#var horn {0};blow horn} {checkautoblow}}} "Monitoring"
#TRIGGER {Coins : (*) Iron, (*) Copper, (*) Silver ~& (*) Gold} {#var iron {%1};#var copper {%2};#var silver {%3};#var gold {%4};#if (%1 = 0 & %2 = 0 & %3 = 0 & %4 = 0) {#var gold {In Pack}}} "Monitoring"
#TRIGGER {You feel the talisman around your neck warm slightly.} {sc} "Monitoring"
#TRIGGER {Combat EXP : %1 Quest EXP : %2} {#var exp {%1};#var qexp {%2}} "Monitoring"
#TRIGGER {Level : %1} {#var lvl {%1}} "Monitoring"
#TRIGGER {^in front of you.} {forward;track} "redtrack"
#TRIGGER {^in front of you, but a little more to the left.} {left-forward;track} "redtrack"
#TRIGGER {^in front of you, but a little more to the right.} {right-forward;track} "redtrack"
#TRIGGER {^behind you, a little to the right.} {right-backward;track} "redtrack"
#REGEX {cracks extend through the rock around you.} {track} "redtrack"
#TRIGGER {^to your right.} {right;track} "redtrack"
#TRIGGER {You bend down and study the floor carefully. After close inspection you conclude that no one has passed this} {track} "redtrack"
#TRIGGER {^but you can't tell where they went.} {search crack;#t- catstracking} "redtrack"
#TRIGGER {You are completely surrounded by rock. The only way to go that you can see is back.} {l;d} "redtrack"
#TRIGGER {^to your left.} {left;track} "redtrack"
#TRIGGER {^behind you, a little to the left.} {left-backward;track} "redtrack"
#TRIGGER {^behind you.} {backward;track} "redtrack"
#TRIGGER {You find an arafax!} {#ad arafax 1;put herb in second pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find an angels shield!} {#VAR shield {%additem( "black moss", @shield)};put black moss in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a vulnerary capilitus!} {#VAR strength {%additem( "red leaf", @strength)};put red leaf in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a venruin!} {#VAR bravery {%additem( "green moss", @bravery)};put green moss in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a hyssopus officinalis!} {#VARIABLE strength {%additem( "sessile leaf", @strength)};put sessile leaf in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find an opalis stem!} {#VAR incmagic {%additem( "thin red stem", @incmagic)};put thin red stem in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a henbane!} {#var agility {%additem( "oblong leaves", @agility)};put oblong leaves in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You wear the blue quartz medallion around your neck.} {#var medallion {1}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a pennyroyal!} {#VAR tracking {%additem( "dark brown globulated rootstock", @tracking)};put dark brown globulated rootstock in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you bought a strongweed} {#VAR shield {%additem( weed, @shield)};put weed in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a sibliria marutia!} {#ad defense 1;pstore} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a mugwort!} {#ad mugwort 1;pstore} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a pasque flower!} {#ad pasque 1;pstore} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a venus shoe!} {#VAR bravery {%additem( "fleshy brown rootstock", @bravery)};put fleshy brown rootstock in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find an apturnum!} {#VAR language {%additem( "bright red leaves", @language)};put bright red leaves in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a tuboeles root!} {#ad tuboeles 1;pstore} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a devils turnip!} {#VAR agility {%additem( turnip, @agility)};put turnip in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find an african lilac!} {#VAR tracking {%additem( fruit, @tracking)};put fruit in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a vallicae!} {#ad battlequick 1;put herb in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a comfrey!} {#variable agility {%additem( roots, @agility)};put roots in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a gepiltus twig!} {#ad gepiltus 1;put twig in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you bought a cabeesh twig!} {#VAR strength {%additem( "black twig", @strength)};put black twig in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you get a black twig from your pouch} {chew on twig;#VAR strength {%delitem ("black twig", @strength)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You get a sessile leaf from your pouch} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#VARIABLE strength {%delitem("sessile leaf", @strength)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You get a vulnerary capilitus from the} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#VARIABLE strength {%delitem("red leaf", @strength)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a valiun flower!} {#var strength {%additem( "multicoloured flower", @strength)};put multicoloured flower in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You get a henbane from the} {apply henbane;#variable agility {%delitem (oblong leaves,@agility)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a kernitus!} {#VAR fatigue {%additem( "yellow leaf", @fatigue)};put yellow leaf in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a carex arenaria!} {#var fatigue {%additem( "spindle-like rootstock", @fatigue)};put spindle-like rootstock in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find an acrin!} {#VAR poisonheal {%additem( "green moss", @poisonheal)};put green moss in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a fleur-de-lis!} {#VAR poisonheal {%additem( "cylindrical root", @poisonheal)};put cylindrical root in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you get a fleur-de-lis from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#variable poisonheal {%delitem (cylindrical root,@poisonheal)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a camomile!} {#ad blokmagic 1;put white flower in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a koilus leaf!} {#variable agility {%additem( "slender leaf", @agility)};put slender leaf in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you get a koilus leaf from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#variable agility {%delitem (roots,@agility)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You get a venruin from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#VARIABLE bravery {%delitem("green moss",@bravery)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You get a venus shoe from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#VARIABLE bravery {%delitem("fleshy brown rootstock",@bravery)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a tinglae leaf!} {#VAR fatigue {%additem( "sharp leaves", @fatigue)};put sharp leaves in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a yellow fatigue curing herb} {#VAR fatigue {%additem( "yellow fatigue curing herb", @fatigue)};put yellow fatigue curing herb in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find an evandrium flower} {#VAR fatigue {%additem( "small purple flowers", @fatigue)};put small purple flowers in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you get a carex arenaria from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#var fatigue {%delitem(spindle-like rootstock,@fatigue)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you get a kernitus from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#var fatigue {%delitem(yellow leaf,@fatigue)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you get a tinglae leaf from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#var fatigue {%delitem(sharp leaves,@fatigue)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you get a yellow fatigue curing herb from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#var fatigue {%delitem(yellow fatigue curing herb,@fatigue)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you get an evandrium from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#var fatigue {%delitem("small purple flowers",@fatigue)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a fraxinella root!} {#VAR poisonheal {%additem( root, @poisonheal)};put root in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a birthwort!} {#VAR poisonheal {%additem( "yellow-green flowers", @poisonheal)};put yellow-green flowers in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a nightbloom pollen!} {#ad dexterity 1;pstore} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find an articus!} {#VAR incmagic {%additem( "small root nodules", @incmagic)};put small root nodules in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you get an opalis stem from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#variable incmagic {%delitem(thin red stem,@incmagic)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you get an articus from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#variable incmagic {%delitem(small root nodules,@incmagic)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a wizard's mantle!} {#ad polearm 1;pstore} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a semviram root!} {#VAR language {%additem( "spindly root", @language)};put spindly root in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find an aquasel!} {#ad aquasel 1;pstore} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You get an african lilac from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#VARIABLE tracking {%delitem ("fruit",@tracking)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You get a pennyroyal from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#VARIABLE tracking {%delitem ("dark brown globulated rootstock",@tracking)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a geum rivale!} {#var smarter {%additem( "woody rootstock", @smarter)};put woody rootstock in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a dew drop!} {#var smarter {%additem( "small yellow flowers", @smarter)};put small yellow flowers in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find an arum maculatum!} {#var smarter {%additem( "rootstock", @smarter)};put rootstock in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find an artis canithritae!} {#var smarter {%additem( "small brown root", @smarter)};put small brown root in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you get an arum maculatum from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#var smarter {%delitem ("rootstock",@smarter)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you get an dew drop from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#var smarter {%delitem ("small yellow flowers",@smarter)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you get an artis canithritae from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#var smarter {%delitem ("small brown root",@smarter)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you get an geum rivale from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#var smarter {%delitem ("woody rootstock",@smarter)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {Buy your tickets now} {#if (@butboat) {bt;#bu boat}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you bought an acacia blossom} {#VAR healie {%additem( "small yellow blossom", @healie)};put small yellow blossom in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you bought an acacia root} {#VAR healie {%additem( "deep yellow root", @healie)};put deep yellow root in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you buy a woodruff} {#VAR manaheal {%additem( "thin creeping rootstock", @manaheal)};put thin creeping rootstock in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a blung} {#VAR healie {%additem( "small red flower", @healie)};put small red flower in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a cephlex!} {#VAR healie {%additem( "jet black leaf", @healie)};put jet black leaf in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a dogs ear!} {#VARIABLE manaheal {%additem( "light brown flowers", @manaheal)};put light brown flowers in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a droxilinn} {#VARIABLE healie {%additem( "small violet flower petal", @healie)};put small violet flower petal in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a geritus} {#VARIABLE healie {%additem( "green leaves", @healie)};put green leaves in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a greenish-brown leaf!} {#VARIABLE healie {%additem( "greenish-brown leaf", @healie)};put greenish-brown leaf in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a laeh!} {#VARIABLE healie {%additem( "greenish-brown leaf", @healie)};put greenish-brown leaf in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a laei} {#VARIABLE manaheal {%additem( root, @manaheal)};put root in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a lalaith} {#VARIABLE healie {%additem( "thick moist leaf", @healie)};put thick moist leaf in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a mandrake} {#VARIABLE healie {%additem( root, @healie)};put root in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You find a meadowsweet!} {#VAR manaheal {%additem( "yellowish white leaf", @manaheal)};put yellowish white leaf in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a palancii leaf!} {#VARIABLE manaheal {%additem( "thin green leaf", @manaheal)};#put thin green leaf in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {you find a sigmali leaf} {#VARIABLE healie {%additem( "small leaf", @healie)};put small leaf in pouch} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You get a blung from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#variable healie {%delitem(small red flower,@healie)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You get a droxilinn from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#variable healie {%delitem(small violet flower petal,@healie)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You get a geritus from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#variable healie {%delitem(green leaves,@healie)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You get a laeh from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#variable healie {%delitem(greenish-brown leaf,@healie)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You get a mandrake from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#variable healie {%delitem(root,@healie)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You get a sigmali leaf from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#variable healie {%delitem(small leaf,@healie)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You get an acacia blossom from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#variable healie {%delitem(small yellow blossom,@healie)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You get an acacia root from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#variable healie {%delitem(deep yellow root,@healie)}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {You get a camomile from} {put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#ad blokmagic -1} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {Your mental strength is not up to the task.} {#var aidage {Nope};#gag} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {Whom are you trying to bludgeon?} {#var combat {0}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {Whom are you trying to storm?} {#var combat {0}} "Playerfight"
#TRIGGER {Your chains are not steady enough for another swing.} {#var attack1 {Nope}}
#TRIGGER {Your chains are steady enough to perform another bludgeon.} {#var attack1 {Ready};vs}
#TRIGGER {You swing your chains around, preparing to bludgeon} {#var attack1 {Nope}}
#TRIGGER {paint chips away and falls off} {paint me}
#TRIGGER {Please enter your name: } {#CH} "Autolog" {nocr|prompt|case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER {Welcome, Siscoi. Please enter your password: } {#PW;#T- autolog} "Autolog" {nocr|prompt|case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER {The pulse in your veins is strong, you will not need to} {#var blood {strong}}
#TRIGGER {your hand curls into a vicious claw} {#var attack1 {nope}}
#TRIGGER {You cannot slash your} {#var attack1 {Ready};#var combat {0}}
#TRIGGER {Your thirst is slaked for the time being.} {#var blood {Almost full};#var bloodlvl 7} "bloodtrigs"
#TRIGGER {Your thirst is still strong, but not demandingly so.} {#var blood {Somewhat full};#var bloodlvl 6} "bloodtrigs"
#TRIGGER {Your body still thirsts for more blood.} {#var blood {Slightly Degraded};#var bloodlvl 5} "bloodtrigs"
#TRIGGER {Your body is weak from hunger.} {#var blood {Pretty Low!};#var bloodlvl 4} "bloodtrigs"
#TRIGGER {Your body yearns for more blood.} {#var blood {LOW!};#var bloodlvl 3} "bloodtrigs"
#TRIGGER {You must have more blood if you are to survive. } {#var blood {!STARVING!};#var bloodlvl 2} "bloodtrigs"
#TRIGGER {You must feed soon or you shall perish!} {#var blood {!IM GUNNA FRENZY!};#var bloodlvl 1} "bloodtrigs"
#TRIGGER {Your grip on conciousness is fading, without blood you} {#var blood {lowish}} "bloodtrigs"
#TRIGGER {back as pure bloodlust fills your eyes!} {#var bloodlust {1}} "bloodtrigs"
#TRIGGER {release the bloodlust that had consumed you} {#var bloodlust {0}} "bloodtrigs"
#TRIGGER {You feel your fangs elongate as you look at the (*) with fire in your eyes.} {#if (1 = 0) {#bu bloodlust;#if ( = 0) {#bu bloodlust}}} "bloodtrigs"
#TRIGGER {The dark powers fail to let you control them} {hellfire} "bloodtrigs"
#TRIGGER {You feel able to enter into hellfire once again.} {#var hellfire {Ready!}} "Monitoring"
#TRIGGER {Using your bloodmagic, your blood alights in mystical hellfire!} {#var hellfire {In use!};#var helltimes {0}} "Monitoring"
#TRIGGER {The hellfire burns through your veins healing your wounds.} {#ad helltimes 1} "Monitoring"
#TRIGGER {The hellfire flares once more then dies out.} {#var hellfire {Recovering...}} "Monitoring"
#TRIGGER {You feel your blood cooling off as your courage returns to normal.} {dcourage} "bloodtrigs"
#TRIGGER {You are still too weak from your last hellfire.} {#var hellfire {Not yet!}} "bloodtrigs"
#TRIGGER {Your flesh has lost all colour, your veins are thin and} {#var blood {thin}} "bloodtrigs"
#TRIGGER {Your blood alights in mystical hellfire!} {#var hellfire {In Use!}} "bloodtrigs"
#TRIGGER {You get a bard's horn.} {#var horn {1}} "autoblow"
#TRIGGER {~[-Dracul-~]} {#cap Draculyr}
#TRIGGER {~[Team~]} {#cap Team}
#TRIGGER {A messenger runs up to you} {#Cap Wsend}
#TRIGGER {It reads:} {#Cap Wsend}
#TRIGGER {Wsend} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {The large black-furred hound jumps at the} {#gag 2}
#TRIGGER {You feel as though you could mist again} {#var mist {Ready}}
#TRIGGER {Your leader is now: %1.} {#addi teamlist {%1}}
#TRIGGER {~[-Ecsed-~]} {#cap Ecsed}
#TRIGGER {You concentrate on the guard as the flow of time itself bends to your will} {sc}
#TRIGGER {~[-Veldareth-~]} {#cap Veld}
#TRIGGER {no such living} {#if (@amidle == 1) {#wait 20000;e;#wa;k guard}} "System|_MapperRoom"
#KEY KEY5 {look} "System|Keypad"
#KEY KEY7 {nw} "System|KeypadDiag" {chain}
#KEY KEY2 {s} "System|Keypad" {chain}
#KEY KEY3 {se} "System|KeypadDiag" {chain}
#KEY KEY4 {w} "System|Keypad" {chain}
#KEY KEY6 {e} "System|Keypad" {chain}
#KEY KEY8 {n} "System|Keypad" {chain}
#KEY KEY1 {sw} "System|KeypadDiag" {chain}
#KEY KEY9 {ne} "System|KeypadDiag" {chain}
#KEY SUB {u} "System|Keypad" {chain}
#KEY ADD {d} "System|Keypad" {chain}
#KEY KEY0 {he}
#BUTTON 1 {Boat} {} {} {} {} {butboat} {PING} {Size} {60} {25} {Pos} {2} {579} {31} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Right} {} {boat} {2}
#BUTTON 2 {Sneak OFF} {} {Sneak ON} {} {} {autosneak} {CHAR} {} {} {} {Pos} {1} {1195} {63} {79} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Right} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 3 {No Shield} {#if (%numitems( @shield)>0) {get %word( %item( @shield, 1), 1, "|") from pouch;put %word( %item( @shield, 1), 1, "|") in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#var shield %delitem( %word( %item( @shield, 1), 1, "|"), @shield)}} {} {} {%numitems(@shield)} {} {SHIELD} {Size} {192} {27} {Pos} {0} {386} {9} {} {Gauge||12|20|5|0} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Inset|Right} {%if(@shield, %numitems(@shield), no angel shield or strongweed)} {Shield-angel} {2}
#BUTTON 4 {No Strength} {#if (%numitems( @strength)>0) {get %word( %item( @strength, 1), 1, "|") from second pouch}} {} {} {} {} {SOUND} {} {} {} {Pos} {572} {1} {79} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Right} {%if(@strength,%numitems(@strength), no Cabeesh Twig or hyssop or valiun or vulnerary capillitus)} {strength}
#BUTTON 5 {No Magic Shield} {take white flower from second pouch;put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#ad @blokmagic -1} {} {} {} {} {SHIELD} {} {} {} {Pos} {399} {0} {47} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Right} {%if(@blokmagic, @blokmagic, no camomile)} {Magic Shield}
#BUTTON 6 {No Language} {#IF (%numitems( @language)>0) {get %word( %item( @language, 1), 1, "|") from second pouch;put %word( %item( @language, 1), 1, "|") in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#variable language {%delitem( %word( %item( @language, 1), 1, "|"), @language)}}} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Pos} {140} {0} {95} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Right} {%if(@language,%numitem(@language), no apturnum or semviram root)} {language}
#BUTTON 7 {No Bravery} {#IF (%numitems( @bravery)>0) {get %word( %item( @bravery, 1), 1, "|") from second pouch} {#speak {no bravery herbs}}} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Pos} {56} {0} {95} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Right} {%if(@bravery,%numitems{@bravery}, no venruin or venus shoe)} {bravery}
#BUTTON 8 {no wep skills} {get arafax from second pouch;put arafax in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#ad @arafax -1} {} {} {} {} {SWORD} {} {} {} {Pos} {488} {1} {79} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Stack|Right} {%if(@arafax, @arafax, no arafax)} {WepSkills-arafax}
#BUTTON 9 {no agility} {#if (%numitems( @agility) > 0) {get %word( %item( @agility, 1), 1, "|") from second pouch}} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Pos} {224} {1} {95} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Right} {%if(@agility,%numitems(@agility), no henbane or turnip or koilus or comfrey)} {Agility}
#BUTTON 10 {no-vision} {get flower head from second pouch;put flower head in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#ad @mugwort -1} {} {} {} {} {LOOK} {} {} {} {Pos} {84} {0} {95} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Right} {%if(@mugwort,@mugwort, no mugworts or artimisia vulgaris)} {Vision-mugwort}
#BUTTON 11 {no defense} {get crimson flowers from second pouch;put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#ad @defense -1} {} {} {} {} {SETLOC} {} {} {} {Pos} {516} {1} {79} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Right} {%if(@defense,@defense, no sibliria marutias)} {sibliria marutias defense}
#BUTTON 12 {no awareness} {get pasque flower from second pouch;put pasque flower in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#ad @pasque -1} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Pos} {168} {1} {95} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Right} {%if(@pasque,@pasque, no pasque)} {pasque}
#BUTTON 13 {no axe skills} {get thick root from second pouch;put herb in pipe;pstore;#6 smoke pipe;#ad @tuboeles -1} {} {} {} {} {MERC} {} {} {} {Pos} {628} {0} {79} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Stack|Right} {%if(@tuboeles, @tuboeles, no tuboeles root)} {axe skills}
#BUTTON 14 {no magic} {#IF (%numitems( @incmagic)>0) {get %word( %item( @incmagic, 1), 1, "|") from second pouch}} {} {} {} {} {DRAGON} {} {} {} {Pos} {370} {1} {47} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Right} {%if(@incmagic,@incmagic, no opalis stems)} {opalis magic}
#BUTTON 15 {no battle quick} {take yellow petals from second pouch;put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#ad @battlequick -1} {} {} {} {} {MERC} {} {} {} {Pos} {544} {1} {79} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Right} {%if(@battlequick,@battlequick, no vallicae)} {battlequickness}
#BUTTON 16 {no constitution} {take dry twig from second pouch;put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#ad gepiltus -1} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Pos} {196} {0} {95} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Right} {%if(@gepiltus,@gepiltus, no gepiltus)} {gepiltus}
#BUTTON 17 {no poison heal} {#if (%numitems( @poisonheal)>0) {get %word( %item( @poisonheal, 1), 1, "|") from second pouch}} {} {} {} {} {CIRCR} {} {} {} {Pos} {428} {1} {47} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Right} {%if(@poisonheal,%numitems(@poisonheal), no acrin or fleur de lis or birthwort or fraxinella)} {Poison heal}
#BUTTON 18 {no tracking} {#IF (%numitems( @tracking)>0) {get %word( %item( @tracking, 1), 1, "|") from second pouch}} {} {} {} {} {TRACK} {} {} {} {Pos} {337} {1} {60} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Right} {%if(%numitems(@tracking)>0,%numitems(@tracking),no african lilac or penny royal)} {tracking}
#BUTTON 19 {no dexterity} {get red pollen from second pouch;eat pollen;#ad @dexterity -1} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Pos} {28} {0} {95} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Right} {%if(@dexterity,@dexterity, no nightbloom pollen)} {nightbloom pollen dexterity}
#BUTTON 20 {no polearm} {get yellow petals from second pouch;put herb in pipe;#6 smoke pipe;#ad @polearm -1} {} {} {} {} {LINE} {} {} {} {Pos} {600} {0} {79} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Right} {%if(@polearm,@polearm, no wizards mantle)} {wizards mantle polearm}
#BUTTON 21 {no fatigue aid} {#IF (%numitems( @fatigue)>0) {get %word( %item( @fatigue, 1), 1, "|") from second pouch} {#speak {no fatigue herbs}}} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Pos} {3} {1017} {95} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Right} {%if(%numitems(@fatigue)>0, %numitems(@fatigue),no carex arenaria or kernitus or tinglae or evandrium or yellow fatigue curing herbs)} {} {2}
#BUTTON 22 {0 Healies} {healme} {} {} {%numitems(@healie)} {} {} {Size} {192} {27} {Pos} {0} {2} {9} {} {Gauge||12|20|4|0} {} "Playerfight" {Inset} {healie things} {} {2}
#BUTTON 23 {0 Mana Heals} {getblue} {} {} {%numitems(@manaheal)} {} {} {Size} {192} {27} {} {} {} {9} {} {Gauge||12|20|4|0} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Inset} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 24 {BL OFF} {#if (@bloodlust = 0) {bloodlust}} {BL ON} {#if (@bloodlust = 1) {bloodlust}} {} {blbut} {} {Size} {80} {25} {Pos} {2} {640} {12} {12} {} {} "Playerfight" {} {bloodlust} {bloodlust} {2}
#BUTTON 25 {Tru} {} {WatchTru} {} {} {trubut} {} {Size} {56} {25} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {} {} {Tru} {2}
#BUTTON 26 {STOP} {#speech_stop} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {52} {25} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 27 {IDLE ME!} {} {IM IDLE!} {} {} {amidle} {} {Size} {59} {25} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {} {} {idleme} {2}
#BUTTON 28 {Enter house} {unlock door;open door;enter house;close door;lock door} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {65} {25} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 29 {Leave House} {unlock door;open door;out;close door;lock door} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {68} {25} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 30 {no smartness} {#if (%numitems( @smarter)>0) {get %word( %item( @smarter, 1), 1, "|") from second pouch}} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Pos} {113} {0} {95} {} {} {} "Playerfight" {Explore|Right} {} {}
#DIR ns {n|north} n "System|Directions"
#DIR sn {s|south} s "System|Directions"
#DIR we {w|west} w "System|Directions"
#DIR ew {e|east} e "System|Directions"
#DIR ud {u|up} u "System|Directions"
#DIR du {d|down} d "System|Directions"
#DIR hl {nw|northwest} nw "System|DirectionsDiag"
#DIR jk {ne|northeast} ne "System|DirectionsDiag"
#DIR kj {sw|southwest} sw "System|DirectionsDiag"
#DIR lh {se|southeast} se "System|DirectionsDiag"
#STAT {-=Charles=- Blood: @blood Hellfire: @hellfire HP: @hp / @hpmax Kills today: @today Slash: @attack1 Storm: @attack2 Combat: @combat Hunting: @hunted MIST: @mist} |
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Joined: 18 Oct 2000 Posts: 2733 Location: Atlanta, USA
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 10:54 pm |
First off you make fairly liberal use of #WAIT which is notoriously unstable, but barring that there are some questions we'd like to ask first.
Does it crash even when you're offline or only when your mud?
What sample text do you have that will trigger some of triggers (in offline mode ) so that we can test what's going wrong. What do you play on?
Have you tried creating a completely new session with this script? |
_________________ Asati di tempari! |
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NitroDaPunk Newbie
Joined: 09 Oct 2007 Posts: 4 Location: Everett, wa
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:02 pm |
I hardly test offline at all, normally while i am connected.
I play on Ancient Empires, ae.satori-assoc.com:5011
I have tried a new session with the script, and it has the same errors. It seems to me its normally only when im using my idle kill mode, ie: auto killing from room to room.
If you say the #wait command is very unstable, since that is the command I use all the time in auto killing. Is there a better way then this in the room script that would be easy for me to try?
#tr {no such living} {#if (@amidle == 1) {#wait 20000;ne;k scarecrow}}
I would normally send a command such as kill goblin, and if there were no more, the mud would return 'There is no such living creature.' so I would have it check if i had my idle button down, and if i did it would wait and then kill in the next room. I was thinking it could be some issue with the trigger being in the room script and executing a kill command after it enters the next room? Is there a more stable way of coding that?
Thanks for your help! |
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Fang Xianfu GURU
Joined: 26 Jan 2004 Posts: 5155 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:51 pm |
Use #alarm instead, like
#alarm {+20} {ne;k scarecrow} |
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NitroDaPunk Newbie
Joined: 09 Oct 2007 Posts: 4 Location: Everett, wa
Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:02 am |
that seems like it would work, if not for triggering every 20 seconds thereafter. How can I have it remove itself after the first alarm?
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Guinn Wizard
Joined: 03 Mar 2001 Posts: 1127 Location: London
Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:04 am |
Best to name alarms too, that way you can cancel them or change the duration
#alarm killscript {+20} {ne;k scarecrow} |
_________________ CMUD Pro, Windows Vista x64
Core2 Q6600, 4GB RAM, GeForce 8800GT
Because you need it for text... ;) |
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Fang Xianfu GURU
Joined: 26 Jan 2004 Posts: 5155 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:08 am |
It already will remove itself, that's what the + means. Read the help file.
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NitroDaPunk Newbie
Joined: 09 Oct 2007 Posts: 4 Location: Everett, wa
Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:12 am |
oh, nice. ill give it a try as soon as i get home from work. Thanks.
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Guinn Wizard
Joined: 03 Mar 2001 Posts: 1127 Location: London
Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:00 am |
I've seen a number of times where alarms don't remove themselves, most often when I had short (+0.5) timers.
The difference between +20 and *20 wasn't my point anyway - if you name a trigger then you can untrigger it before it would have fired or adjust the duration while it's counting down far more easily than you can do if the alarm isn't named. |
_________________ CMUD Pro, Windows Vista x64
Core2 Q6600, 4GB RAM, GeForce 8800GT
Because you need it for text... ;) |
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Fang Xianfu GURU
Joined: 26 Jan 2004 Posts: 5155 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:37 am |
I don't think that was ever in question, Guinn - he asked that question before you posted suggesting he name them (which is a good idea in many situations, you're right).
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Guinn Wizard
Joined: 03 Mar 2001 Posts: 1127 Location: London
Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 3:13 pm |
Whoops, caught out by the previous reply being 2 minutes earlier. Though you were telling me to read the helpfile ![Embarassed](images/smiles/icon_redface.gif)
_________________ CMUD Pro, Windows Vista x64
Core2 Q6600, 4GB RAM, GeForce 8800GT
Because you need it for text... ;) |
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