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Joined: 17 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:34 pm   

Question about Exits
I have a question. I went ahead and just switched back to 1.34 because the bugs I kept getting I had no way to figure out what was causing them. Anyway before I did, I noticed something else that happened on the MUD I play which is an IRE MUD.

I saw this in one of the room descriptions as I was walking.

You see exits leadingxits n, ne, e, se, s, sw leading north, northeast, east (open door), southeast (open door), south (closed door), southwest (closed door), and west.

Sorry I am having to remember this by memory since I deleted everything and installed new. However that's exactly what it looked like. What would make that happen? The "xits n, ne, e" and so on part was all gray while the normal exits showing are brown. Is that something the mapper does? I have nothing in my settings that capture exits like that. Does the MUD send the exits like that? Sorry if this question is stupid.


Ah ha! I found the actual file that I copied from the screen.

You see exits leadingxits n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w north, northeast, east (open door), southeast (open door), south (closed door), southwest (open door), and west.

Thats the actual line that was displayed. I almost had it right except there was no second "leading" :-)
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Joined: 11 Jul 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:25 pm   
The mapper does convert, or require you to convert exit lines from the mud into a comma delimited string with exits being two or less characters each.

I'm not saying you did this, I'm saying it looks like.
So it looks like somewhere you have in your scripts a trigger that is converting your exit string from the mud into one of these.

The first place I would look is for a #tag exit trigger or a script that you have that is making this conversion before sending the #tag exit command.
Some other of your scripts could be effecting this OR your settings could have gotten corrupted.

If you made your mapping scripts and you have no idea what I am talking about or you did not make something like this then it would be a pretty good guess that it came somehow from the mapper itself. However I doubt that is the case as I have never seen this.
Arminas, The Invisible horseman
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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:22 pm   
It was likely some sort of subtext sent by the mud. It would only take a single character missing from some of the subtext options to change them sufficiently that they would display, and wierdly at that. Without #DEBUG files for the event there is no way to tell what happened.
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Joined: 17 Apr 2005
Posts: 496

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 3:29 pm   
Yes, for an IRE game, this was ATCP (Achaea Telnet Client Protocol) that was sent by the game. It's a huge new feature in CMud 2 that you can work with (or even receive) things like this, because it means your mapper can be more accurate (no more trying to tell it which line is actually the exits line, since it's given to you directly).

The ATCP thread has some information about how you can properly enable and use this kind of stuff. Alternatively, you could go into the emulation settings and make sure ATCP emulation is unchecked, that should ensure that you don't get any random text without a specific trigger. (Check your packages, also, if you're using any downloaded ones, some of these may include ATCP triggers.)
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Joined: 17 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 3:30 pm   
Arminas wrote:
The mapper does convert, or require you to convert exit lines from the mud into a comma delimited string with exits being two or less characters each.

I'm not saying you did this, I'm saying it looks like.
So it looks like somewhere you have in your scripts a trigger that is converting your exit string from the mud into one of these.

The first place I would look is for a #tag exit trigger or a script that you have that is making this conversion before sending the #tag exit command.
Some other of your scripts could be effecting this OR your settings could have gotten corrupted.

If you made your mapping scripts and you have no idea what I am talking about or you did not make something like this then it would be a pretty good guess that it came somehow from the mapper itself. However I doubt that is the case as I have never seen this.

Right, except I have no such triggers anywhere and never use the mapper. Doesn't really matter though. I don't plan on using the beta again until a couple more updates.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 3:33 pm   
gamma_ray wrote:
Yes, for an IRE game, this was ATCP (Achaea Telnet Client Protocol) that was sent by the game. It's a huge new feature in CMud 2 that you can work with (or even receive) things like this, because it means your mapper can be more accurate (no more trying to tell it which line is actually the exits line, since it's given to you directly).

The ATCP thread has some information about how you can properly enable and use this kind of stuff. Alternatively, you could go into the emulation settings and make sure ATCP emulation is unchecked, that should ensure that you don't get any random text without a specific trigger. (Check your packages, also, if you're using any downloaded ones, some of these may include ATCP triggers.)

Now this makes sense, and I was thinking that might be what it was. Can you use those type of triggers without the mapper? I would maybe like to create some to capture the room name I enter and the exits. That would make it really easy. I'm not sure how that works though.
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Joined: 17 Apr 2005
Posts: 496

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 3:57 pm   
You don't need the mapper, you will need to be using CMud 2 to use this type of trigger, though.

Here's what I'd do... First, disable ATCP support in the emulation settings, this seems counterintuitive but I find it's easier to just support it on your own via triggers, rather than using the built in support. Then:

<trigger type="Telnet" param="200" priority="78510" case="true" regex="true" id="4">
  <pattern>^Auth\.Request CH\n(.*)</pattern>
  <value>$seed = %1
$temp = 17
#loop 0,%eval(%len($seed)-1) {
  #if (%mod(%i,2) == 0) {
    $temp = %eval($temp + (%ascii($seed) - 96) * %bitor(%i,13))
  } {
    $temp = %eval($temp - (%ascii($seed) - 96) * %bitor(%i,11))
  $seed = %right($seed,1)
#sendsb 200 {auth $temp CMud 2.01}</value>
<trigger type="Telnet" param="200" priority="78530" case="true" regex="true" id="5">
  <pattern>^Auth\.Request ON$</pattern>
  <value>#sendsb 200 {hello CMud 2.01%lf~auth 1%lf~char_name 1%lf~char_vitals 1%lf~room_brief 1%lf~room_exits 1}</value>

That's the basic setup, it enables ATCP. Then to capture data:

<trigger type="Telnet" param="200" priority="78400" case="true" regex="true" id="2">
  <pattern>^Room\.Brief ([A-Z][A-Za-z '-]+)( \(road\))?$</pattern>
  <value>$temp = %subregex (%1, "^Flying above ", "")
$temp = %subregex ($temp, "^In the trees above ", "")
roomname = %concat($temp,".")</value>
<trigger type="Telnet" param="200" priority="78590" case="true" regex="true" id="9">
  <pattern>^Room\.Exits (.*)$</pattern>
  <value>roomexits = %1</value>

Note that you need to have at least the first block of triggers set up and then connect or reconnect to the game for it to work, since they'll be matching and sending replies to data sent during login. You can also use similar stuff to pull your health/maxhealth, mana/maxmana, etc. See the ATCP thread for more information.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 6:23 pm   
Where is the ATCP thread? I don't see it. Hopefully not in the general forum right, since it is only specific to CMUD 2.0+?
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Joined: 19 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 6:37 pm   
It's located here: Adding ATCP support to CMUD 2

Yes. It's in the general forum. :P

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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 7:34 pm   
Keep in mind that v2.02 will be fixing the ATCP authentication issues, so you won't need the first set of triggers shown above.

Edited: Sorry, the ATCP fixed didn't make it into the 2.02 version. They should be in the 2.03 version next week. Sorry for any inconvenience.
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