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Joined: 16 Aug 2007
Posts: 28

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 2:51 pm   

I have searched many other post and didn't find any help that is why I'm posting yet another mapping question. Sorry Folks.

I'm very new to using zmud and how to do stuff. When I map and move from room to room, I'm getting stacked rooms. The map is creating another room where it shouldn't. Needless to say I cannot map like that. Also the place I'm trying to map goes in one big loop and it's not a perfect loop, I was told that it will not connect perfectly that I will have to draw a line longer to connect some rooms. (That's if I was hand mapping)

How can I map without the rooms stacking each other?

Thank you
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Joined: 16 Aug 2007
Posts: 28

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:16 pm   
Sorry using zmud 7.21 full room descriptions are showing as I enter room. Example, exit are NW, NE, S, N, W now if I follow to the NW and continue on the NW path, then go West once then back Eastm then SE they don't match up, it is creating the rooms adjacent to each other instead of walking back on top (following back).

Here is the description of one room name:

This is the southeastern corner of a moderately-sized courtyard. A large
archway through the castle wall to the southeast serves as the main
entrance to the courtyard. A small building stands to the south with a
small wooden door set within it. Worn pathways lead through the courtyard.
There are four obvious exits: north, southeast, west and northwest.
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Joined: 23 Nov 2004
Posts: 364

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:22 pm   
You need to make use of the #nomap command because it seems like you might be capturing other useless information such as channels/says/mob attacks in your room description on the mapper. The new desc and the old desc are not matching up so a new room is being created. Also in regards to the loop, go to room properties, exits, and you can click the # button and enter the mapper roomnum manually the rooms connect to along with the directions.
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Fang Xianfu

Joined: 26 Jan 2004
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Location: United Kingdom

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 5:33 pm   
How do you mean stacking? You mean something like this?

Where the room with the blue dot and the room that's "underneath" it are two different rooms, but when you map them, the mapper merges the two rooms into one? The solution is simple. If you're starting from the room "underneath" the one with the dot and mapping clockwise, once you get to the south room, drag it out of the way. Then, when you move nw the mapper will create a new room instead of merging with the existing room. Then you're free to move the rooms round until the links don't look all bendy, like I had to in this example.

If you mean that sometimes, because of the mazy nature of the area, you have what the mapper thinks is two rooms but are actually one (lets say that the mapper made a mistake when it created the room with the blue dot and it's supposed to be the same as the room "underneath" it). Just drag the two rooms on top of each other, and press Ctrl+G. This merges the rooms into one.

Oh, and about the thing where new rooms are created when walking back - this sometimes happens to me too. Either merge the new rooms, or turn off edit mode when you're backtracking. But when this happens, it's usually a sign that the mapper isn't configured properly. You might want to try improving it (which is a whole nother matter)
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