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Joined: 13 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 4:02 pm   

Trigger not compiling
Hey guys, I need some help. The following trigger is firing, but not compiling. What I'm trying to do is use the #if operator to jerk my fishing line when my @totalbait variable is an even number, and for the trigger to tease my fishing line when the variable is an odd number. Here's what I've got:

#if (@totalbait = *2|*4|*6|*8|*0) {
#class teasing 0
#wa @jerktime
#class jerking 1
#wa 5000
#class jerking 0} {
#class teasing 1
#wa @teasetime
tease line
#wait 5000
#class teasing 0}

Any ideas why it wouldn't be compiling?
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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:02 pm   
It is likely confused as to what your trying to do in the expression potion of the #IF. The correct way to do this is actually:
#IF (@totalbait/2=0) {

I would also suggest getting rid of the #WAITs since they have many undesirable effects, even though CMud has improved them into a usable state. Using #ALARMs instead will make the script much more stable.
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Fang Xianfu

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:10 pm   
If you click on the Compiled Code tab in the package editor, it'll show you the compiled code for a setting, or the reason why it's not compiling. Also, if you press Ctrl+K while your mouse is inside the Script box of a script with an error, a popup with the error and its location will appear and the cursor will move to the right place.

So, the error, I'm told is "illegal character in expression: * at row 1 col 19" which confirms my suspicions. You're not allowed to use * in an expression like you have at the top. You need to fix your expression, but I'm not sure what you mean it to say. Do you mean if @totalbait is any one of 2, 4, 6, or 8? Or if it's any one of the strings "*2", "*4", "*6", "*8"? Or if it's the string "*2|*4|*6|*8"? To get this to compile, you need to put quotes "" round the value like I have there. You should be doing this for other expressions anyway - (@test=fish) is bad practice. (@test="fish") is better. But even if this had compiled, CMUD would have tried to do the latter and I don't think that's what you want, since you said at the start you wanted to check if it's an even number. There are mathematical ways to find out if a number is even, but I'll just use your way. I think what you probably meant was this:

#if (@totalbait =~ "*{2|4|6|8|0}") {}

=~ is the pattern matching operator - the pattern matches any number of characters (even none) followed by an even number.

EDIT: Argh, ninja'd by Viji :( #wait is still broken in CMUD 1.34, but 2.0 will improve it. It's going to be a while until a public (rather than beta) version of 2.0 is out, though, so it might be worth changing them like he said.

But about your solution...

#if (@totalbait/2=0) {#say even} {#say odd}

It's an even number, but the #if says it isn't. It detects any number that isn't 2 as odd, apart from 1, which it claims is even.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:29 pm   
Ooops. Got the wrong slash in there. It should be a backslash for modulus or the %mod function.
#IF (@totalbait\2=0) {
#IF (%mod(@totalbait,2)=0) {
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Fang Xianfu

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:34 pm   
Can you believe, I'd forgotten all about \ being modulus. That's very confusing, you're right :P
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