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Joined: 23 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:48 pm   

Help with packages, multiplaying
I just purchased Cmud a few days ago but am finding it hard to figure out packages with regards to multiplaying, i've tried to set up small trigger sets for two characters who are online at same time, but it seems that once i close cmud and reopen, I lose one of the trigger sets, and the one that was saved, is copied over to the second package. I'm nore sure what i am doing wrong, I was never good at figuring it out on zmud, so if someone could refer me to some help, be it another form post, or go over how i should be doing it step by step, it would be much appreciated. I've looked over the help i could find for this, but there isnt much on the site with regards to multiplaying that i could find. Thank you
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Fang Xianfu

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:16 pm   
It depends what you want to do. If there aren't any settings you want to share between the characters, the easiest way is to create a totally new session for each of them. Just click New Session and fill in the title and address fields (make sure you use a unique title). Leave the file names blank and CMUD will create new files for you. And that's all you need to do.

If you have some triggers you want to share between characters and some you don't, then it gets a bit more complex. Read all of this before you try any of it, and if you don't understand any of the instructions, ask. Open one of the sessions and click the Settings button on the toolbar to open the Package Editor. Then choose New Package from the file menu of the package editor. A new tab will appear in the package editor to represent this new .pkg file you've just created. The new file will contain a global module with the same name as the package. Put anything you want shared between characters in this global module. Close the package editor and then chose File... Close Session. Rclick on the second session and choose Edit Session. On the Package Files tab, click the green plus icon and find the shared package file you created. It'll probably be in My Documents\My Games\CMUD\packages\whatever.pkg. Once you've found it, click Open and Save Changes and you're done.
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Joined: 23 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 2:37 pm   
For my multiplaying, i found the original packages i made for the two characters. Nothing is shared between either character package, but i'm still having problems. When i start my first session for Char number 1, it will load the session and load one package, this package is the one that is needed. However when i start the second session for Char number 2, i get the package for Char number 1, it doubles up that package and uses it for Char number 2. Then i load the correct package and i end up with three packages acting on Char number 2 and three for char number 1. When i try to remove the packages Cmud either freezes up and closes, or it crashes and closes.

One solution ive found so far to this was creating one package, and placing all my settings for one char in one folder, then the rest in another for char number 2. and then disabling and enabling the correct set for the char. This is what i'm currently doing, but i'd much rather figure this out then clumping everything together like this
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Fang Xianfu

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 3:02 pm   
You need to describe EXACTLY what you're pressing, whether it's a right-click menu, a menu command, a keyboard shortcut. Give us a step-by-step runthrough so we can try to reproduce the problems you're having. "Try to remove the packages" doesn't help us much :)

Do you have two separate sessions for each character using two separate package files? You should have two icons on the Sessions dialogue that pops up when CMUD starts, and if you rclick on the session and choose Edit Session, they should both have a unique name for their main filename on the Package Files tab. I don't understand how you've got three packages for each session - you must be doing something wrong.
Rorso's syntax colouriser.

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Joined: 23 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:18 pm   
Oh i know im doing something wrong, im terrible at making triggers and everything to begin with so with that out of the way. After reading your post to answer you, i only have the one mud icon, and i use that one icon to load both sessions, which now that i think about it, is probably my problem. And actually since starting to write this post, i fixed the problem of the third package, it seemed i had accidentally set it to load with that client in the edit session package window. With that problem solved, I still have the problem that now when i load my two sessions from the same, i have just the one package for Char 1, and the second window is using that package as it's settings also.
I think my problem is what you said, I don't have two session icons when cmud starts. So what i need to know is how do i add the second icon, and adjust the filenames to reflect a second char. If you could walk me through that i think that would solve my problem.

Step by step of what i'm doing
I load Cmud, i open my sessions page and double click on the mud i want to play and multi on. It loads the first session and its automatically called MUD - Char1. Once i'm connected i check to see what packages are currently loaded by clicking settings. So Far i've got my Char1 package. Next i open my sessions window and click on the same mud to open the second session for Char 2. Once connected, its named MUD - Char1 same as the first window opened. I then go to the settings and check my packages, I still only have 1 package, Char 1.

As for the problem i was having removing the third package, i would simply right click on it and hit close, or hit the x to remove it from the session, in which case the client freezes up or crashes.

Thanks for your time i really do appreciate it. I've never been really good with any clients or scripting, triggers etc so i'm looking forward to getting this fixed, this package system looks simpler to use then zmud, along with the package library
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Fang Xianfu

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:30 pm   
Here's what I said earlier about creating another session icon for your second character:

(in the sessions dialogue that pops up when CMUD starts) just click New Session and fill in the title and address fields (make sure you use a unique title). Leave the file names blank and CMUD will create new files for you.

This will give each session a separate package file for each character, allowing you to store their settings totally separately.

If you multiplay a lot you might also want to use Save Session As on the File menu of the main CMUD window once you've got your layout how you like. This'll create a third session icon that'll load both your other sessions but with its own layout file, so you don't have to rearrange the layout every time you load the two sessions at once. You can still use the separate icons if you just want to play one character at a time.

PS. The reason, if you're interested, that there's only one instance of the package even though you have two sessions is that by default all packages are Shared. This means that no matter how many sessions are loaded, only one instance of the package is loaded into memory. It's useful for packages that're used by more than one session at once because edits will be saved properly - if session A were to change the script of an alias or something in an unshared package while session B was open, it's entirely possible that session B (with the old alias) will save after session A and you'll lose the edits you made. Only loading the package once gets round that problem. The Shared flag is on the package properties page.

Unfortunately, just unchecking Shared probably won't help you much since both characters will still be using all the same scripts, and you said you don't have anything you want to share between characters.
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Joined: 23 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:42 pm   
Another problem im having is from time to time, ill load a session, but it wont load the window, or if it is i cant find it, the package gets loaded, like right now im loading the multi window, and i did as you said, and i got all that sorted, so its loading the correct package now, but it didnt load the window. This happens for other muds too, frustrating, any ideas on how to fix this?
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Fang Xianfu

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:19 pm   
First, check that you haven't done something wrong when playing with packages and that the session's package really does contain a window. You can do this after opening the session by clicking on Settings - the window object should have a blue window icon (looks like a window) and not a yellow module icon (looks like a yellow canister or gelatine pill on its side, with an optional blue arrow on it).

If that doesn't fix it, it could be a problem with your layout file or with the window being set to hidden (no check in the Window is Visible box in the package editor). If there's a check in that box, check the layout - you can load the session without loading the layout file by holding shift and rclicking and choosing Offline from the menu. Once you have a new layout created, use the #save command to save the new layout.

If none of this helps, I honestly have no idea. I haven't heard anything about a bug like that.
Rorso's syntax colouriser.

- Happy bunny is happy! (1/25)
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Joined: 23 Jul 2007
Posts: 5

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:57 pm   
alright ill give that a try, thanks for all your help and quick replys, probably saved my cmud experience so thanks
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