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Joined: 05 Aug 2003
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Location: Austria

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:55 pm   

Gain / Loss - Prompt
Greetings !

In my promt there are hitpoints spellpoints etc....
Unfortunately my promt is rather long:
[Eraldo 23:42:41 397/399 68/93 20/123 9999 5498574 be -(im Kampf)0-Erdaura I0]

So i'll take a different promt to simplify matters:
[50/100 40/80 500]

I used a Trigger looking like this:
#TRIGGER {^~[&%d{Char.HP}/&%d{Char.HPmax} &%d{Char.SP}/&%d{Char.SPmax} &%d{}~]} {#sub ">"}

Now I decided that it would be cool to see in the prompt if there where any gains or losses...
Example: Lets asume I had 40 hitpoints, 30 spellpoints and 400 mana...

now the promt
[60/100 30/80 300]
was sent by the mud....
thats a gain of 20 hp and a loss of 100 mana (sp staying the same)
so here the prompt should show
> [+20hp -100mp]
instead of
for no gain / loss

I know that i could get this result by using a promt trigger like this:
#TRIGGER {^~[(%d)/(%d) (%d)/(%d) (%d)]} {
#IF (%1 != @hp) {#MATH hpgain %1-@hp;#IF (@hpgain > 0) {#VAR hpgain +[@hpgain]} {}} {#VAR hpgain 0}
#IF (%3 != @sp) {#MATH spgain %3-@sp;#IF (@spgain > 0) {#VAR spgain +[@spgain]} {}} {#VAR spgain 0}
#IF (%5 != @mp) {#MATH mpgain %5-@mp;#IF (@mpgain > 0) {#VAR mpgain +[@mpgain]} {}} {#VAR mpgain 0}
#IF (@hpgain or @spgain or @mpgain) {#SUB %ansi(white)~[%ansi(red)@hpgain %ansi(blue)@spgain %ansi(magenta)@mpgain%ansi(white)~]}

(Code not be working ...I wrote that from my head right now but I hope its clear what I mean)
The problem is that the promt substituting seems to allready take some time (i see the prompt when walking fast)
so I have a bad feeling about having so much functions in such an important trigger... which has to fire so often...

Furthermore I know that my coding is not very neat nor that effective...
If one of you nice people out there could show me a more professional way getting where I want,
I would be veeery thankful !!!
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Joined: 18 Oct 2000
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Location: Atlanta, USA

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:45 pm   
Try this...

#TRIGGER {^(~[(%d)/(%d) (%d)/(%d) (%d)])} {
#IF (%2 != $hp) {$hpgain=(%2-$hp);#IF ($hpgain > 0) {$hpgain="+"+$hpgain} }
#IF (%4 != $mp) {$mpgain=(%4-$mp);#IF ($mpgain > 0) {$mpgain="+"+$mpgain} }
#IF (%6 != $sp) {$spgain=(%6-$sp);#IF ($spgain > 0) {$spgain="+"+$spgain} }

$prompt=%ansi(white)~[%ansi(red)$hpgain+ " " +%ansi(magenta)$mpgain+ " "+ %ansi(blue)$spgain %ansi(white)~]

#IF ($hpgain or $spgain or $mpgain) {#SUB $prompt}

mp = %4

I changed most of your variable references to local variables for speed and cleanup some of text processing.

If you prompt values don't change the regular prompt is displayed.
Asati di tempari!
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Joined: 05 Aug 2003
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Location: Austria

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:58 am   
Wow,.. now that reply came faster than I thought !

However ... I have to admit that I am not familiar with the '$' Prefix for Variables ?!

I tried to find some information in the documentation... but nothing...
May I ask for a link where I can read about that ?
Maybe if I understand the trigger better i can get it to work... so far I could not.

Further I'd like to know if it is wiser to use mxp coloring(<color red></color>) oder ansi(%ansi)
...thinking of speed
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Fang Xianfu

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:05 am   
It's a CMUD feature, not a zMUD one. In CMUD, $ prefixes local variables like @ prefixes normal ones.

You should be able to accomplish the same thing that Tech is doing in zMUD by removing the first three lines of the script ($name=@name) and then changing all the other local variable references to normal ones.
Rorso's syntax colouriser.

- Happy bunny is happy! (1/25)
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Joined: 18 Oct 2000
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Location: Atlanta, USA

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:23 am   
Doh!! Mr. Green I'm soo CMUD focused now I didn't even notice I did this for the zMUD forums.

I think it's time you upgraded. :)
Asati di tempari!
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Joined: 05 Aug 2003
Posts: 17
Location: Austria

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 2:10 am   

I fear that I would spend hours and hours updating my triggers to cmud quality (local vars etc)
But I _am_ thinking about that change ^^

Thanks for the replies!
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