Riesz Novice
Joined: 16 May 2006 Posts: 35 Location: Plymouth, England
Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 8:06 am
Functionality question - immediate expansion? |
Tried version 1.26 as my first version since about 1.13, impressive changes! Very few bug messages now. Converted my system across with no compatibiltiy errors, and most things work as intended. However, got a little question on functionality that I have lost and would like to know how to do now.
#fo @design{
clothingLine %i
;couple of other functions
#echo {@commLine}
The idea is to collate a large set of information from various variables regarding items of sewable clothing in the mud.
Simplified to show a point. I'm in the middle of a forall loop, and I'm running the clothingLine alias. This saves a value to the commLine variable, which I then want to echo along with other things (as I say, it's simplified).
This doesn't work correctly. My assumption is that it is not finished with the clothingLine alias before it continues, echoing the output before it is ready.
What I need is a command of sorts that says "execute this now, and don't proceed until it is done".
What I previously used in zMud was the <> operator for immediate expansion.
The expansion was very rarely what I used it for, and yes, removing the <> in 95% of cases mean my zMud scripts still work in CMud. However, the ability they exhibitied of "execute this now, and don't proceed until it is done" was my main use for it. I could have my understanding all wrong here, but this is how it seems to me to be. Thoughts?
On another note, are we going to have an actual sql-queryable database in the future? The zMud db before seemed okay, but I found it very clunky to use (can't quite remember why though, it's been a long time since I used it). |
_________________ Elaria, Lusternia. |
Fang Xianfu GURU

Joined: 26 Jan 2004 Posts: 5155 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:09 am |
CMUD doesn't continue with the script until the alias is finished. Similarly, it'll only execute one trigger at a time and won't process anything else until the trigger is done. Lack of <> isn't the problem here - it's probably some other syntax error in your clothingLine alias.
And yes, we are going to have SQL databases in the future. |
Riesz Novice
Joined: 16 May 2006 Posts: 35 Location: Plymouth, England
Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:58 pm |
clothingLine worked correctly in zMud and works in CMud if I run it seperately.
Here is a sample test:
clothingLine 1234;#echo {@commLine}
Changed to use a static number instead of %i, it works. An alias that does that test works. Inside as #FORALL loop, it works.
However, when using %i instead of the static number, it does not. This is the case in zMud and CMud. In zMud the addition of <> around the call to clothingLine corrected the problem. What is the potential problem with %i, or is it perhaps somewhere else? |
_________________ Elaria, Lusternia. |
Fang Xianfu GURU

Joined: 26 Jan 2004 Posts: 5155 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:46 pm |
Well, I used this test script:
#alias test {#say %-1}
#forall cars|bikes|trains|planes {test %i}
and it worked fine. The only thing that's changed about %i is what's done with it when it's sent to the clothingLine alias. The entire contents of %i (even if it's multiple words) will only be interpreted as one parameter of the alias. That's why I suggest that it's a problem with that alias. |
Riesz Novice
Joined: 16 May 2006 Posts: 35 Location: Plymouth, England
Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 4:29 pm |
Tracking through the problem in an attempt to explain better, it seems that my original example is not full enough to describe what is happening.
Adding a load of debug information to my scripts, this is how I understand the error to be at the moment.
Alias: aForall
#fo @varForall {
aLoop %i
Alias: aLoop
#loop 1,3 {
#echo {"%1 test:" %1}
#echo {"%i test:" %i}
Variable: aForall
In this situation, running aForall gives the following output.
%1 test: 271
%i test: 271
%1 test: 271
%i test: 271
%1 test: 271
%i test: 271
%1 test: 2620
%i test: 2620
%1 test: 2620
%i test: 2620
%1 test: 2620
%i test: 2620
and running aLoop (with 777 as the only parameter) gives...
%1 test: 777
%i test: 1
%1 test: 777
%i test: 2
%1 test: 777
%i test: 3
The latter is more like what it should be doing. In my clothingLine I was running a similar loop to aLoop, but was saving something involving clothingLine's %i to a variable. Ah, how useful debug information can be :)
From what I can see, in nested loops the second %i in aLoop seems to not be referring to aLoop's loop at all, but still contains the information from aForall's %i. You're quite correct that it's a problem involving that alias, but not in a fashion that I had thought!
In finding this, I remembered the removal of the %%i syntax from zMud, since I'd read the changelog. I'd never used it before, but it seems like it would have been necessary in this situation. Reading through it's fix, local variables, I am not sure how they could be used to fix this problem. Is there in fact a problem with nested loops instead? |
_________________ Elaria, Lusternia. |
Fang Xianfu GURU

Joined: 26 Jan 2004 Posts: 5155 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 6:20 pm |
Now that's a much more useful example. I think this is indeed a bug with the way nested loops are handled. If you were running a normal loop like this:
#forall %1 {#loop 1,3 {#say %i}}
then %i will still contain the value from the iteration of #forall. To correctly produce the iteration number from the #loop, you need to use %j instead of %i. Changing the %i in aLoop to %j will fix this script. But it shouldn't have to, because then the alias can't be used on its own. |
Riesz Novice
Joined: 16 May 2006 Posts: 35 Location: Plymouth, England
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 10:58 am |
Hmm... technically at all points my clothingLine (the equivalent of aLoop) is being called it is in another loop. %j fixes this problem in all instances. It was coded initially to be standalone however, so whilst this is indeed a welcome temporary fix, it doesn't fix the root problem. (However, I don't really call this function myself personally, so can probably forget about it.)
Should I repost this bug in the forums as a new topic for Zugg to catch, or is there another bug submission method these days? Appreciate the help too Fang, thanks. |
_________________ Elaria, Lusternia. |
Arminas Wizard
Joined: 11 Jul 2002 Posts: 1265 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 1:20 pm |
This particular problem should go into the Cmud Beta forum as a bug. There are three methods to report bugs these days but two of them rely on emails. I have noticed that if for whatever reason I report a bug ONLY via the cmud interface it is FAR more likely to be overlooked until later. YES, I include screen shots AND explanations of the crash what i was doing etc.
So, If I have a crash bug I use the crash report THEN I try to reproduce the problem and post the steps on the boards. Once other people have agreed that yes it is a bug and it can be reproduced it also makes things easier for Zugg to fix them.
The third method of reporting bugs being simply emailing Zugg. And I would say that just given the way email work. Spam and the like not to mention the lack of either direct info from the crash dump/screen shot/others reproducing the problem. It falls very short. |
_________________ Arminas, The Invisible horseman
Windows 7 Pro 32 bit
AMD 64 X2 2.51 Dual Core, 2 GB of Ram |
Larkin Wizard

Joined: 25 Mar 2003 Posts: 1113 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 1:33 pm |
I've asked for this behavior to be changed such that %i, %j, etc are treated as local variables. I was told, however, that my scripts would need to be re-written to accommodate loops in nested aliases, hopefully only as a temporary workaround. My workaround was basically to pass the entire list to the alias(es) and let them loop on things, but that's not possible in every situation.

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 4:49 pm |
Quote: |
I have noticed that if for whatever reason I report a bug ONLY via the cmud interface it is FAR more likely to be overlooked until later. |
This is somewhat true, but somewhat not. The issue when using the cMUD Send Feedback method is that I don't often respond to these reports when they get fixed. It's definitely the best way to send bug reports because then I get to see exactly which version of Windows you are using, and other system info like that, along with the screen shots. So Arminas is correct to recommend this as the best way to report things that you really know are bugs.
But if you aren't sure something is a bug, or if you think something should be implemented differently, then this *Discussion* forum is exactly the right place to post. Basically, if you want to *discuss* a bug, post it here. If you just want to report it, use the Send Feedback option.
Yes, it's somewhat true that forum discussions tend to get a higher priority of bug fixing. The bug database used by the Send Feedback is rather daunting and issues tend to build up there for a while before I get time to go through the database and prioritize them. Real good bug reports with good steps on reproducing them and screenshots are often mixed together with a lot of really bad reports with very little information, or reports that aren't really bugs. So it can take me a whole day just to go through the database to pick out the good reports from the bad.
Anyway, on this particular issue, yes it's on the bug list (with a pretty high priority) to fix the %i,%j,%k stuff so that it won't matter if an alias is executed directly or from within another loop. |
Riesz Novice
Joined: 16 May 2006 Posts: 35 Location: Plymouth, England
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 4:53 pm |
Thanks for the confirmation there Zugg, and thanks also to Arminas and Larkin for their additions. Shall be watching forthcoming versions with keen interest!
_________________ Elaria, Lusternia. |