Zugg |
Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:24 pm
Most needed CMUD features? |
What is the main reason you are waiting to upgrade CMUD? |
Mapper bug fixes |
27% |
[ 32 ] |
Chat system (zChat) |
5% |
[ 6 ] |
Scriptable zApp forms (custom frontends) |
6% |
[ 8 ] |
SSH (secure telnet protocol) |
6% |
[ 8 ] |
Multiplaying bug fixes |
9% |
[ 11 ] |
General stability |
30% |
[ 36 ] |
Other (post more details) |
11% |
[ 13 ] |
I never plan to use CMUD no matter what (why?) |
2% |
[ 3 ] |
Total Votes : 117 |
MattLofton GURU
Joined: 23 Dec 2000 Posts: 4834 Location: USA
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 10:10 pm |
Quote: |
Will CMUD's users really just go OMG BUGS and drop the software entirely rather than asking like they always used to?
Not likely, but at the same time most of us use or have used ZMud before and of that group most are probably still using at least ZMud. There's a lot of comparison between the two and thus a large fuzzy field that makes "operator error" and "Zugg, found another bug" virtually indistinguishable. There's not much we can do about this until both CMud and it's users' data has reached a comparable level of stability (I am assuming we're still very much experiencing carryover bugs from upgrades from/through the buggier beta versions) |
_________________ EDIT: I didn't like my old signature |
Seb Wizard
Joined: 14 Aug 2004 Posts: 1269
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:22 am |
Looking at the votes and comments, it looks (to me) like most zMUD users (admittedly a very small sample at the moment) already think there enough new features to warrant upgrading to CMUD, but are holding back because of various bugs... (or missing trigger testing tab)
Ceres Wanderer
Joined: 25 May 2006 Posts: 88
Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:02 am |
Zugg wrote: |
Ceres: Fang covered most of the issues with your post, but I have a couple more:
Quote: |
Lack of usable syntax checker |
I have no idea what you are talking about here. Press Control-K or select Check Syntax from the menu in the settings editor. It checks the syntax and puts the cursor where the error is. That's the same thing zMUD did. In fact, the zMUD cursor position was often wrong. In any case, the current syntax checker is definitely "usable". And the compatibility report is a great way to check the syntax of your entire package and point out potential problems...something that zMUD didn't have at all. |
This is blatantly untrue for complex scripts, as an example I will remove the final bracket from a script and indicate in green where the cursor is placed after doing a syntax check:
//This alias is dependant upon a value being assigned to the RawRoomContents //variable in the initiating trigger - the initiating trigger also sends the first //time check to the Commands window
//Clearing variables
#VARIABLE RoomContentsList {}
#VARIABLE ContentsNumberReplace {}
#VARIABLE ParsedPluralRoomContents {}
#VARIABLE PlayersInRoom {0}
//Initiating local variables
#LOCAL $RoomContentsList $ContentsNumberReplace $TempRoomContents $ParsedPluralRoomContents
//Checking for possible 'spoof' triggering from chat channels
#IF (%pos( "wisps", $RawRoomContents)) {:1:#SAY %ansi( bold, red)Talker mistrigger!;
#VARIABLE RawRoomContents {}} {#NOOP}
//Changing the RawRoomContents variable into a string list by adding the word CONTROL (in lowercase) to the beginning and end of the initial value to aid further manipulation
$RawRoomContents={%push( "control", $RawRoomContents)}
$RawRoomContents={%additem( "control", $RawRoomContents)}
//Stripping any number of possible 'stances' which NPCs could be in from the RawRoomContents variable. Currently there are 117 possible stances and there can be multiple occurrences within one line of captured text - the EndingsOfRoomLiving variable is a string list containing these possible 'stances'
#FORALL $EndingsOfRoomLiving {$RawRoomContents={%replace( %lower( $RawRoomContents), %lower( %i), "")}}
//Initial manipulation of captured text into a usable format by converting words such as 'A' or 'AN' into 'The', removing unnecessary text such as '(hiding)', completing the conversion into a functional string list by separating entities based upon connecting words such as 'and' and 'who', repairing the string list with regard to anomalous descriptive text such as 'black and white' which would have earlier had the ' and ' converted into a '|'
$ParsedRoomContents={%replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace($RawRoomContents, ", ", "|"), " and ", "|"), " (hiding)", ""), " who ", "|"), "k|h", "k and h"), "y|w", "y and w"), "|a ", "|the "), "|an ", "|the "), " is ", ""), " are ", ""), " ", " lounging "), "k|w", "k and w")}
//Reassigning the local variable to a regular variable for troubleshooting purposes
#VARIABLE RawRoomContents {$RawRoomContents}
//Removing entities from the string list if they are group members or other 'living' entities which I do not want to interact with (attack) such as NPC helpers (fruit bats, clouds, lights etc. This list is created by separate triggers.
#FORALL $InvisibleLiving {#DELITEM $ParsedRoomContents {%lower( %i)}}
//Reassigning the local variable to a regular variable for troubleshooting purposes
#Variable ParsedRoomContents {$ParsedRoomContents}
//The following code begins the singular manipulation code stream.
//Manipulation of ParsedRoomContents string list to convert pluralised entities into their singular format e.g. wolves to wolf, cats to cat, mercenaries to mercenary, etc. This code also repairs anomalous entities such as named NPCs
$SingularRoomContents={%replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( $ParsedRoomContents, "s|", "|"), "rie|", "ry|"), "lve|", "lf|"), "sse|", "ss|"), "die|", "dy|"), "dren|", "d|"), "es|", "ess|"), "ni|", "nis|"), "go|", "gos|"), "las|", "lass|"), "dut|", "duts|")}
//Reassigning the local variable to a regular variable for troubleshooting purposes
#VARIABLE SingularRoomContents {$SingularRoomContents}
//Removing the CONTROL (in lowercase) words from the SingularRoomcontents string list
#DELITEM SingularRoomContents "control"
//For each entity (item) within the SingularRoomContents string list the following manipulations are completed:
//1. The entity is assigned into the TempRoomContents variable (a temporary holding variable to simplify the code)
//2. The first word of the TempRoomContents variable is analysed to assess if it is an entity within the supporting variable ContentsCounter, if it is then the item number within the ContentsCounter string list is assigned into the ContentsNumberReplace variable (this is used later within the code block)
//3. The first word of the TempRoomContents variable is analysed to assess if it is an entity within the supporting variable ContentsCounter and if it is then a loop is initiated to add the corresponding number of instances of the entity into the final RoomContentsList variable. If it is not then a single instance is added to RoomContentsList variable.
#FORALL @SingularRoomContents {#VARIABLE TempRoomContents {%i};$TempRoomContents={@TempRoomContents};
#IF (%word( @TempRoomContents, 1, " ")!="the" and %ismember( %word( @TempRoomContents, 1, " "), $ContentsCounter)) {$ContentsNumberReplace={%additem( %word( @TempRoomContents, 1, " "), $ContentsNumberReplace)}} {};
#IF (%ismember( %word( @TempRoomContents, 1, " "), $ContentsCounter)) {#LOOP %ismember( %word( @TempRoomContents, 1, " "), $ContentsCounter) {#VARIABLE RoomContentsList {%additem( @TempRoomContents, @RoomContentsList)}}} {#ADDITEM RoomContentsList {@TempRoomContents}}}
//Adding the word CONTROL (in lowercase) to the beginning of the RoomContentsList string list
#VARIABLE RoomContentsList {%push( "control", @RoomContentsList)}
//Reassigning the local variable to a regular variable for troubleshooting purposes
#VARIABLE ContentsNumberReplace {$ContentsNumberReplace}
//The penultimate manipulation of the singular RoomContentsList to replace detected word numbers with the word 'the'. This is necessary so that the finalised string list can be used in associated code to assess NPCs dying or leaving the room and also in code acting as a fail safe for possible spoofing of such messages by bot detecting Creators.
#FORALL @ContentsNumberReplace {RoomContentsList={%replace( @RoomContentsList, {|%i}, "|the")}}
//Removal of the CONTROL entity - this finalises the singular manipulation code.
#DELITEM RoomContentsList control
//Reassigning the local variable to a regular variable for troubleshooting purposes
//#VARIABLE TempRoomContents {$TempRoomContents}
//The following code begins the pluralised code stream which is used primarily for combat action detection and entities leaving the room.
//Replaces previously detected word format numbers with 'one of the'
#FORALL @ContentsNumberReplace {ParsedPluralRoomContents={%replace( $ParsedRoomContents, {|%i}, "|one of the")}}
//Adds a single instance of each pre detected singular entity to the pluralised string list
#FORALL @RoomContentsList {#ADDITEM ParsedPluralRoomContents {%i}} | <-- This is where the cursor was placed
//Removal of the CONTROL entity
#DELITEM ParsedPluralRoomContents control
//Final assignation of the pluralised string list to a variable for use in other code blocks
#VARIABLE PluralRoomContents {@ParsedPluralRoomContents}
//Was used to troubleshoot during code block creation (can be removed)
#IF (%ismember( 1, @RoomContentsList)) {:1:#SAY Debug on ~@RoomContentsList activated, RoomContentsList is @RoomContentsList;
#DELITEM RoomContentsList 1}
//Detect if any non-group member players are in the room - this is used as a failsafe in an associated code block
#FORALL {@RoomContentsList} {#IF (%ismember( %word( %i, 1, " "), %lower( @OnlinePlayers))!=0) {#ADD PlayersInRoom 1}}
//Sends the concluding time check to the Command window
:Commands:#SAY %time( hh:mm:ss:zzz) %ansi( bold, red)Contents processed
//If automation is enabled this code initiates an associated alias - so as to add a randomisation and be less detectable a variance on initiation is also in place by use of an #ALARM command (this is untested in CMUD)
#IF (%db( @Booleans, Monitor)) {#ALARM +%case( %random( 1, 10), 0.400, 0.500, 0.450, 0.550, 0.650, 0.750, 0.850, 0.950, 1.150, 6.450) {AttackLogic}} <-- This bracket (in red) was removed
Furthermore, even though the error message generated by the syntax check was consistantly displayed as 'syntax error at row 100 col 148' the location the cursor was placed at changes depending on the size of the Package Editor window. In your opinion this is 'usable'? To me the results are meaningless!
Zugg wrote: |
Quote: |
Package editor not as functional as zMud's Settings Editor |
Many people would debate that. Some people find the CMUD editor *more* functional than the zMUD editor. The point is that the package editor is *different* and might take some time to learn how to use effectively. But saying "not as functional" isn't true since there are many functions in the CMUD editor that the zMUD editor does not have. |
This is subjective so let me explain why I loathe CMUD's package editor and argue that it is less functional than zMud's package editor. When writing complex scripts I may have the script set and modify multiple variables, aliases, triggers, alarms, etc. In zMud's settings editor I could use the detail view and see at a glance the results of this code however in CMUD I need to click on each individual object.
I am definitely not the only one that misses this functionality as is indicated on this thread where Guinn suggests a near perfect solution that could be implemented. The workaround you suggest on the same thread is simply not as funtional in my opinion.
Care to list the 'many functions in the CMUD editor that the zMUD editor does not have' ?
Zugg wrote: |
Quote: |
Time limited license |
Not sure what you mean by this, unless you mean the 2-year of free upgrades. But that is *not* a "time limited license". A "time limited license" implies that your license will somehow stop working over time, and that isn't true at all. Your CMUD license will work forever. You just might need to pay if you want to run v10.0 in 2 years, but that doesn't mean your current version will stop working. So that's a very misleading statement to make. |
Your statement 'Not sure what you mean by this' doesn't hold much water as you then go on to give a more considered definition, however I will concede that my terminology was misleading and poorly chosen, thank you for redefining my terminology in a more appropriate manner.
Unfortunately, I am not the only one guilty of misleading terminology in this thread. For example if someone was particularly pedantic they may interpret, from the wording of your original post in this thread, that CMUD is indeed an upgrade to zMud when I am sure you meant to ask why people hadn't migrated to CMUD.
Zugg wrote: |
I think you also underestimate the value of speed for most novice users. You don't need to rewrite your scripts to use local variables to get speed. With compiled scripts, even just normal scripts are generally faster. And from the email I have gotten, speed is a big issue for many casual MUD players. It's one of the reasons they are running a high-end client in the first place.
You also didn't mention the fact that by getting rid of many zMUD "wierdnesses" that scripting for novice players is actually easier to learn in CMUD. So those novice users who haven't done much scripting in zMUD will have an easier time doing stuff in CMUD because there is less wierd syntax to deal with.
You also underestimate the appeal of the new (working) docking system vs the docking bugs in zMUD. The visual appearance, flyout windows, themes, are more important to casual users than to power users in many cases.
In general, I think you put too much of your own opinion into those numbers, rather than asking people or trying to find out what more people think. These forums are just one source of feedback. I also get lots of emails, and lots of Send Feedback from with CMUD these days.
I know that you said it was just "conjecture" at the very end. I think it would have been better to mention that at the very beginning of your post and to add that those are just your own personal opinions and do not represent any sort of survey or polling. Otherwise it's easy for a new reader to see your tables and think those numbers are based upon something real.
In any case, I'd like to see posts in this thread that are individual opinions, rather than guesses about other people and a bunch of made up "statistics". |
All fair points though I could argue against one or two of them
I will edit my previous post to clearly indicate it is conjecture and correct the misleading terminology. |
Fang Xianfu GURU

Joined: 26 Jan 2004 Posts: 5155 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:35 am |
As an addition to the debrant I seem to have triggered ( ), you can't really say that someone saying they're not sure what you mean is a flawed argument. It's a statement of lack of understanding and a request for redefinition, it's not a point in itself. He acknowledged that he might've been wrong, but assumed that you meant the two-year upgrades and carried on with that assumption in mind.
As to the syntax checker bug, I haven't seen a thread on it (EDIT: I just remembered one from quite a few version ago that was related, actually. Not sure if it was this issue exactly). How can you expect it to be fixed? I did notice this myself just now while responding to another thread, but I haven't collected any info on it for a bug report. |
robert Wanderer
Joined: 25 Feb 2004 Posts: 98
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:36 am |
I am personally waiting for the mapper to be recoded before I get CMud. I use the Zmud mapper heavy with Zmapper function calls to do some auto editing of the map in my scripts. I don’t want to convert over to CMud and then later have to convert my mapper code when that is updated. Also, mapper improvements are what I am most interested in. One feature I have been waiting for is the ability to delete rooms in a script. I also had some issues with trying to auto create a new zone and move rooms into the zone, but it has been a while since I have worked on that.
Alcander Wanderer
Joined: 04 Aug 2001 Posts: 79 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:24 pm |
I myself am at best a novice user. I have to say the most important factor for me is the stability of Cmud. I have tried several times to finally commit to a full migrate over to Cmud, either by importing my .mud file or by completely re-writing my scripts from a fresh install. Both ways have resulted in frustration due to crashes. Some of which I have reported and others that I have no idea how to even explain. I use the Zmud/Cmud to play on the mud. I don't use Zmud/Cmud just to code up scripts with new features. So if I were to choose, I take the one that won't crash in the middle of a major fight or some quests that will end up causing me major heartache when I log back on.
Bottom line is that Zugg has made mudding enjoyable for me for years. I will continue to support him by buying a Cmud license (which I already have), but hopes that stability will be put ahead of features because what good are features without a stable client to use them on. |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:32 pm |
robert: the zMapper COM scripting should already be working in CMUD. If you are having a problem with it, create a new topic post and describe your script and the problem. The COM interface will remain the same when the mapper is rewritten, so you shouldn't need to recode anything. The main changes to the mapper will be switching from Microsoft ADO/MDAC to SQLite database formats, and this change should be pretty transparent to your scripts and to the user interface. The "mapper bug fixes" mentioned in the poll relate mostly to the docking issues with the current mapper and not really the mapper "rewrite" which will happen much later this year.
Ceres: Turn off Word-Wrapping in the editor and then the Check Syntax should be "useable" and position the cursor correctly. I never said it was perfect, I just said it was useable. The problem is that the 3rd party edit control being used by CMUD doesn't position at Row/Line correctly when word-wrapping is enabled, which is why I'm looking for a better editor component. |
Yamabushi Apprentice
Joined: 29 Jul 2003 Posts: 101 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:13 pm |
I'd say the mapper and chat functions are equally important.
*dreams of autoconnecting stubs again* |
_________________ Yama |
Obyron Novice
Joined: 29 Jan 2006 Posts: 40 Location: Aardwolf
Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 2:58 pm |
You said you were wanting the opinions of folks who haven't bought CMUD yet, and that's me. I'm waiting for the mapper to get updated completely before I buy CMUD. I use it pretty heavily, and don't want to deal with not having it. Rather than update all the scripts to work with CMUD, and then update them again when the new functionality is in, I'd rather just do it once.
Also, I'm waiting for the database changes to give CMUD integrated SQL support. I've got some DB projects I'd like to do, but the database system in ZMud is awful, and fighting to make COM work through ADODB isn't going to cut it for me.
Finally, I'm not impressed with the general reports of the client crashing and being buggy. I realize it's a new product, but I'm not going to pay to be a beta tester.
I say all of these things with the utmost respect for Zugg and his work, but it's how I feel. When the client is reliably stable, has the new database support that was talked of, and has had the mapper system updated I'll gladly shell out the cash for the super duper pro edition. |
Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 873 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:24 pm |
Ceres wrote: |
Furthermore, even though the error message generated by the syntax check was consistantly displayed as 'syntax error at row 100 col 148' the location the cursor was placed at changes depending on the size of the Package Editor window. In your opinion this is 'usable'? To me the results are meaningless!
If I put your script in a normal code editor and add carriage returns for the two places near the beginning I see comments that look like they are missing line breaks ("\" in the middle of the line) as a result of a copy/paste problem, I see that the missing character is line 99, column 148. Allowing for one more copy/paste or formatting error as a result of the HTML posting, line 100 might well be correct.
How is that meaningless?
My CMud 1.24 reports the error as being on line 100, col 0 which seems correct- there should have been a closing bracket on line 99 (but copy/paste may make my code different than yours, as I mentioned).
I can duplicate the cursor placement varying with window size. Have you made a bug report on that?
-Tarn |
Fang Xianfu GURU

Joined: 26 Jan 2004 Posts: 5155 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:17 pm |
Incidentally, where's the option to turn off word wrapping in the editor? I can't find it.
Arminas Wizard
Joined: 11 Jul 2002 Posts: 1265 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:47 pm |
Do you mean the package editor? If so I looked and could not find it either. So there probably isn't one.
For the regular editor in cmud click options and uncheck word wrap.
You could paste your stuff in there and correct it.
(Incidentally, I pasted Ceres' example in there with word wrapping turned off and it behaved flawlessly.) |
_________________ Arminas, The Invisible horseman
Windows 7 Pro 32 bit
AMD 64 X2 2.51 Dual Core, 2 GB of Ram |
Larkin Wizard

Joined: 25 Mar 2003 Posts: 1113 Location: USA
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:38 pm |
Using word wrapping in the CMUD editor to execute scripts with long lines is definitely a bad idea. It's been suggested that the word wrapping be for display purposes only and the executed script should come from an unwrapped memory copy of the text instead, but that's not happened yet. Also, Zugg has said that the CMUD text editor will eventually show you line and column as you move the cursor in the window, which will allow you to more easily pinpoint problems in scripts.
I execute my scripts, even the larger ones, by copying from a text editor and pasting them directly into the command line. Scripts on the command line are compiled as one large entity, executed all at once. Scripts sent from the CMUD editor are compiled and executed one line at a time, giving you slightly different results. |
Arminas Wizard
Joined: 11 Jul 2002 Posts: 1265 Location: USA
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 2:26 pm |
I did not mean to execute them from the editor. Only that if you needed to find exactly where an error was you could paste your script into the main cMud editor window with word wrapping turned off. Find exactly where the error is. Hopefully fix it. Then paste the correct script back into your settings.
_________________ Arminas, The Invisible horseman
Windows 7 Pro 32 bit
AMD 64 X2 2.51 Dual Core, 2 GB of Ram |
Larkin Wizard

Joined: 25 Mar 2003 Posts: 1113 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 7:12 pm |
I was just giving a general warning, and it sounded as if Ceres might have tried to execute a wordwrapped script. A sort of Public Service Announcement, if you will. 
ka Newbie
Joined: 22 Mar 2005 Posts: 8
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:53 pm chat or bust |
Having chat support is not a "feature" its a requirement, like being able to connect to the mud. Roll out some kind of integrated chat later, if you want. Having some kind of basic chat support is cricical in cmud. Few if any players in medievia don't have mudmaster/zchat on, and even less would try a client that doesn't have it. I like cmud, and am thrilled to see the new features that are coming, but your strangling cmud without chat support.
Rorso Wizard
Joined: 14 Oct 2000 Posts: 1368
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 8:15 pm Re: chat or bust |
ka wrote: |
Having chat support is not a "feature" its a requirement, like being able to connect to the mud. Roll out some kind of integrated chat later, if you want. Having some kind of basic chat support is cricical in cmud. Few if any players in medievia don't have mudmaster/zchat on, and even less would try a client that doesn't have it. I like cmud, and am thrilled to see the new features that are coming, but your strangling cmud without chat support. |
I am curious why not use the ingame chat support of Medievia? E.g tells and guild chats? |
Chadk Newbie
Joined: 10 Feb 2007 Posts: 2
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 8:42 pm |
What I'm waiting for is the built in text to speech support you talked about a year ago or compatibility with with zmud plugins to use mudreader. Actually I'm not waiting to buy it. I already did that. I'm waiting to actually get to use it.
Rorso Wizard
Joined: 14 Oct 2000 Posts: 1368
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:03 pm |
Chadk wrote: |
What I'm waiting for is the built in text to speech support you talked about a year ago or compatibility with with zmud plugins to use mudreader. Actually I'm not waiting to buy it. I already did that. I'm waiting to actually get to use it. |
Text To Speech support can be added through scripting. I just uploaded a script to the Package Library that can use(or should be able to :P) the Microsoft TTS engine. The name of the package is "TextToSpeech". |
Chadk Newbie
Joined: 10 Feb 2007 Posts: 2
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 12:03 am |
Rorso wrote: |
Text To Speech support can be added through scripting. I just uploaded a script to the Package Library that can use(or should be able to :P) the Microsoft TTS engine. The name of the package is "TextToSpeech". |
You are definitely my hero! |
Urit Novice
Joined: 23 Jun 2005 Posts: 32
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 4:08 am |
I'd rather have a rock solid client with a few less features than one that can do 50000 things and crashes all the time. General Stability it is.
edb6377 Magician

Joined: 29 Nov 2005 Posts: 482
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:27 pm |
Zugg in reading all of these messages and doing a bit of brainstorming on my own i have concluded that you are trying to figure out what "Pet Projects" to work on (that would cause people to not upgrade without).
The thing i think you are seeing here is the people who have posted for the most part would rather you work on fixing the existing bugs before adding any more chaos to the program. As has already been stated before, Its hard to even determine "Syntax" From "Zugg" error at times. Not that it wont usually be anyways just not to the degree it is.
Personally i have it working fairly well now, some of my scripts just are not converting atm or working as expected. Such is life :)
I work on this stuff as i have time.
I vote for General Usability :) (Fix the bugs and inconsistancies, User Friendliness etc.) |
_________________ Confucious say "Bugs in Programs need Hammer" |
Fang Xianfu GURU

Joined: 26 Jan 2004 Posts: 5155 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:35 pm |
General stability, followed by a working mapper. Shiny new stuff can wait, I want shiny old stuff first. I know bug fixes will happen over time no matter what, but I think there needs to be a real focus on them for at least a short while.
Quote: |
Its hard to even determine "Syntax" From "Zugg" error at times. |
I'm sure I've said this before, but the same was true about zMUD. There were plenty of things you had to do a certain way just because that was the way you had to do them.
If anything, because CMUD is stricter in some instances and only lets you do certain things a certain way, it makes it much easier to pinpoint problems. |
Guinn Wizard
Joined: 03 Mar 2001 Posts: 1127 Location: London
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 6:03 pm |
I'd love to see old zMUD 'weirdness' completely stamped out and zMUD compatibility be damned - so things like %leftback actually doing what %left should do. Bugs and stability definitely highest priority. I've pretty much stopped mudding lately though, am in the awkward place that zMUD seems old now but CMUD isn't stable enough, so I don't really use either. Still, I'm sure it'll improve in time. Then again, it's always the way, I'm sticking with Vista even though I think it's too buggy for a proper release so Vista and CMUD probably are in the same boat - they've made the past product look old but aren't yet as stable as what they replaced.
_________________ CMUD Pro, Windows Vista x64
Core2 Q6600, 4GB RAM, GeForce 8800GT
Because you need it for text... ;) |
cuprohastes Wanderer
Joined: 22 Oct 2006 Posts: 92
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:28 pm |
I'd love to see something done about the command line auto parsing. It doesn't seem to work with aliases.
For instance:
"I was watching "Jurassic park"
Will throw up an error and fail to send
So will
"I was watching a movie (Jurassic park)And
"It was #3
"I was watching "Jurassic park
Will send and result in
Cupro says, "I was watching "Jurassic Park"
As will
"I was watching "jurassic park".
Which gives
Cupro says, "I was watching "Jurassic Park"."
But using an aliast to e.g. send to a zombie or page or whisper... the " are stripped, so they get
CuproRemote says, "I was watching Jurassic Park"
Turning off auto parse means I can't use any aliases... |
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