Zetecis2low Novice
Joined: 06 Nov 2000 Posts: 35 Location: USA
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2001 7:49 am
Catching The Fleeing People?? |
I am looking for an alias or trigger (pref trigger) that when a person flees from me in combat i pursue them automatically. I have noticed when i flee people get in the room im in pretty fast and i found out they done this with a trigger. If anyone knows could you please tell me how to do it by sending the exact code in for the trigger name and the command line and a explanation of how to get it working properly.. Thanks in advance.
[Black Robes] |
lamerov Beginner
Joined: 06 Mar 2001 Posts: 23 Location: Bulgaria
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2001 9:37 am |
What text do you get from the mud when someone flees? I'll make some assumptions here, but it's the best I can do without more information.
First we make it so that when you enter combat with someone, he/she/it'll be set as a target.
#alias kill {#var target %1; ~kill %1}
Then we need a trigger to see if our target has fled.
#trigger {^@target flees (%w).} {%1}
What this does is look for patterns like (let's say target is bob)
Bob flees north. -> north
Bob flees gate. -> gate
Bob flees up. -> up
Then finally, it would be good if we set target back to nothing.
#trigger {^{@target} is DEAD. R.I.P.} {#var target ""}
Of course you'll have to tune these to fit your mud.
hth |
Zetecis2low Novice
Joined: 06 Nov 2000 Posts: 35 Location: USA
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2001 9:03 pm |
when setting up the trigger who do i put in the place of bob?
[Black Robes] |
lamerov Beginner
Joined: 06 Mar 2001 Posts: 23 Location: Bulgaria
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 6:06 pm |
> when setting up the trigger who do i put in the place of bob?
I'm not sure what you mean. Bob was just an example. The trigger you need is written a bit upper in my reply. |
Zetecis2low Novice
Joined: 06 Nov 2000 Posts: 35 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2001 7:02 am |
when setting up the triggers do i have to manually put all m enemies name in there or when i attack that person will it automatically know to chase them when they flee..
[Black Robes] |
Zetecis2low Novice
Joined: 06 Nov 2000 Posts: 35 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2001 7:05 am |
also triggers have the pattern and the command witch part of the code u sent is the pattern and witch is command..
[Black Robes] |
lamerov Beginner
Joined: 06 Mar 2001 Posts: 23 Location: Bulgaria
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2001 10:37 am |
Here is my first reply rephrased:
IF when you want to kill someone you use the kill name
AND IF when someone flees you see the message Name flees direction.
AND IF when someone dies you see the message Name is DEAD. R.I.P.
THEN you need to type these in your command line to auto follow anyone you attacked, who is fleeing:
#alias kill {#var target %1; ~kill %1}
#trigger {^@target flees (%w).} {%1}
#trigger {^@target is DEAD. R.I.P.} {#var target ""}
How does it work?
First, when you type kill name, to the variable target is assigned the value name and then the command kill name is sent to the mud.
A trigger then monitors for lines which look like Target flees direction. where target is the value in the variable target which we set with the kill alias. If found the direction is sent to the mud.
Then, if the target dies the third trigger resets target to nothing ("") so that you don't follow him around anymore (until you try to kill him again).
Bob the Giant is pretty annoying and you set up an ambush for him. As soon as bob exits town you attack him typing kill bob. The alias kill executes and sets target to be bob and then sends to the mud kill bob. You get him in pretty bad shape and Bob decides to flee. You see the message Bob flees north.. The first trigger fires and sends north to the mud. You then have the choice to try to kill bob again or something. If you want to automatically try to kill the target as it flees replace the second trigger with this one. The part in red is what was added.
#trigger {^@target flees (%w).} {%1; kill @target}
Eventually, Bob dies and you see Bob is DEAD. R.I.P. so the second trigger fires and sets target to nothing... until next time. :)
> also triggers have the pattern and the command witch part of the code u sent is the pattern and witch is command..
Yes, triggers are defined this way:
#trigger {pattern} {commands} other stuff which are in the help file and I can't remember right now
Hope this clears it up. |
Baitor Newbie
Joined: 19 Aug 2001 Posts: 5
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2001 2:05 am |
wow! that was a great description of how it works. :)
I am new at putting this into zmud. where do i put this into zmud? do i click on triggers and put it into pattern? I dunno..I tried some stuff but it doesn't work.
The pattern on my mud when someone flees is:
A lion leaves north.
A lion has fled!
How do i put in that code that you mentioned?
OK...I've been testing different things and nothing has been working. I clicked on aliases, and in the patter box I have kill, and in the value box i have kill {#var target %1; kill %1}
and when i clicked on triggers i have one that says @target leaves (%w) in the pattern area and in the value area it says %1; kill @target
another trigger says @target is DEAD!! in the pattern box and #var target "" in the value box.
then when i am testing it on a lion I type:
kill lion
when the lion flees the mud shows:
a lion leaves west.
a lion has fled.
and i don't follow it.
this is quite frustrating. can anyone help me out with this? i would really appreciate it. :)
sorry for the add ons...
ok now i have it so when they flee, the direction they go is sent to the mud, as well as the word "kill" but the target that i was attacking is not listed after the word kill. is there something wrong with the alias? |
TonDiening GURU

Joined: 26 Jul 2001 Posts: 1958 Location: Canada
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2001 6:07 pm |
These you can enter into your command prompt with no problems:
#alias kill {#var target %1; ~kill %1}
#trigger {^@target flees (%w).} {%1}
#trigger {^@target is DEAD. R.I.P.} {#var target ""}
If you are using the settings editor then you are looking at (notice
how the {} disappear around the parts).
Edit Alias
Name: kill
Value: #var target %1; ~kill %1
Edit Trigger
Pattern: ^@target flees (%w).
Value: %1
Edit Trigger
Pattern: ^@target is DEAD. R.I.P.
Value: #var target ""
Uses 6.16 |
Baitor Newbie
Joined: 19 Aug 2001 Posts: 5
Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2001 5:33 am |
thank you for your reply...I am still having some trouble.
I typed what you told me into the editor. however, when i am testing it on mobs, it doesn't work. when I take out the ^ symbol it follows all mobs when they leave the room not just the one i am fighting. I wanted to be able to follow the mob i am fighting as well as automatically kill it when i enter the room.
I also added ;kill @target after the %1 in the trigger, but when i follow the mob, the only command sent to the mud is "kill" not "kill (target name)".
Summary: having trouble following the right mob and then killing it.
I think i got it now....I tried it on a normal person and it worked! i guess it didn't work b/c i was trying it on mobs. THank you for all your help!! |
Troubadour GURU
Joined: 14 Oct 2000 Posts: 556 Location: USA
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2001 2:18 am |
The pattern on my mud when someone flees is:
A lion leaves north.
A lion has fled!
How do i put in that code that you mentioned?
OK...I've been testing different things and nothing has been working. I clicked on aliases, and in the patter box I have kill, and in the value box i have kill {#var target %1; kill %1}
and when i clicked on triggers i have one that says @target leaves (%w) in the pattern area and in the value area it says %1; kill @target
another trigger says @target is DEAD!! in the pattern box and #var target "" in the value box.
then when i am testing it on a lion I type:
kill lion
when the lion flees the mud shows:
a lion leaves west.
a lion has fled.
First off, in your kill alias, be sure to preceed the MUD command kill with a tilde to differentiate it from your alias's name.
#AL kill {#VAR target %1; ~kill %1}
Next to follow when your target flees instead of when a similiar one merely leaves, trigger off the flight message.
#TR {{@target} leaves (%w).} {#VAR targetWent %1}
#TR {{@target} has fled.} {@targetWent; ~kill @target}
This should do it 99% of the time.
Troubadour  |
darkdragon Newbie
Joined: 13 Oct 2001 Posts: 5 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2001 2:58 am |
#alias kill {#var target %1; ~kill %1}
The trig work out just fine....but is there anyway that the you can get the exact target's name when u just type like (wa) short for watchman.....i tried typing the whole name in and it works......but that is just like too slow.....I want something that could just go by (wa) and catch the whole name to (watchman).....is there a way someone can help? |
Troubadour GURU
Joined: 14 Oct 2000 Posts: 556 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2001 4:32 am |
#alias kill {#var target %1; ~kill %1}
The trig work out just fine....but is there anyway that the you can get the exact target's name when u just type like (wa) short for watchman.....i tried typing the whole name in and it works......but that is just like too slow.....I want something that could just go by (wa) and catch the whole name to (watchman).....is there a way someone can help?
One thing you might try is to use a social in your kill alias and write a trigger to grab the full name.
#ALIAS kill {snarl %1; ~kill %1}
#TRIGGER {You snarl at (*).} {#VAR target "%1"}
You will have to choose a social with a consistent response that uses the name of the target.
Troubadour  |
darkdragon Newbie
Joined: 13 Oct 2001 Posts: 5 Location: USA
Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2001 4:30 am |
One thing you might try is to use a social in your kill alias and write a trigger to grab the full name.
#ALIAS kill {snarl %1; ~kill %1}
#TRIGGER {You snarl at (*).} {#VAR target "%1"}
You will have to choose a social with a consistent response that uses the name of the target.
ok I try that but here's the catch.....u go to the mob and kill it and it flee.....you go after it, but it doesnt understand the target anymore.....can u help me with like capturing some words or a specific name so it would be much more easier.....i know this is a very big challenge.....hehehe |
Kjata GURU

Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 4379 Location: USA
Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2001 12:36 pm |
What do you mean it doesn't understand the target anymore?
Kjata |
soulgiver Beginner
Joined: 27 Oct 2001 Posts: 16 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2001 3:25 am |
I got it!
instead of the #trigger {^@target flees (%w).} {%1}
type in this...
#trigger {^@target flees (%w).} {%1;~kill @target)
the ; is a command separator so it will do this
lion leaves west
kill lion
Ryan Young |
snoogans Novice
Joined: 28 Oct 2001 Posts: 43 Location: USA
Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2001 8:27 am |
according to what i read when someone flees from him his mud gives says it flee's and it leaves(flies if they are flying possibly)...so i would suggest triggering off of the target leaving instead of the target fleeing...that way when they flee and you fo0llow them and you go in there and they manage to leave again before you can attack them you still follow them. Hope this helps.
jhado123 Newbie
Joined: 14 Mar 2003 Posts: 8
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 2:18 am |
In my own experience, I created an ALIAS that makes 6 triggers, one for each direction your target may flee. Its called "chase"
You would essentialy type "chase Jhado" and it would create 6 triggers, all to follow Jhado if he left in said direction. You could alternatively add a "scan" or something in there to tell which direction the person is from you. I also made an alias to disable the chase class-but that is not included here.
#trigger {^%1 leaves south.} {s;kill %1} chase;#trigger {^%1 leaves north.} {n;kill %1} chase;#trigger {^%1 leaves east.} {e;kill %1} chase;#trigger {^%1 leaves west.} {w;kill %1} chase;#trigger {^%1 leaves up.} {u;kill %1} chase;#trigger {^%1 leaves down.} {d;kill %1} chase |
Emit Magician
Joined: 24 Feb 2001 Posts: 342 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 6:42 am |
Wow, incredible continuity for such a large time gap. Seeing this post i fell into a flight of fancy. I imagined a man happily typing away a post to this forum, and then suddenly suffering a bizarre form of acute narcolepsy induced by a barrage of flashing popups, which throws the hapless victim into an eighteen month slumber, at the end of which he awakens, with beard a la Rip Van Wrinkle, and innocently continues his post unaware of his misfortune.
That digression aside, I thought it worthwhile to mention a one trigger version of this alias which creates six triggers:
#TRIGGER "chase" {^@chasevict leaves ({north|east|south|west|up|down}).} {%1;kill @chasevict}
moon.icebound.net:9000 |
jhado123 Newbie
Joined: 14 Mar 2003 Posts: 8
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2003 8:28 pm |
I will say thats easier-for one target... You would have to duplicate it a bunch of times to have more than one though
Emit Magician
Joined: 24 Feb 2001 Posts: 342 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2003 9:30 pm |
for more than one target, @chasevict can be a string list.
#var chasevict {lion|tiger|bear|dorothy}
#additem chasevict TinMan
(You'd have to capture which one matched though, and attack it with %1 moving in direction %2)
moon.icebound.net:9000 |
LightBulb MASTER
Joined: 28 Nov 2000 Posts: 4817 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2003 11:01 pm |
More than one? How many people can you chase in different directions?
Advanced Member |