Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2002 10:01 pm
Contest! Win a rare zMUD T-shirt! |
In order to promote the new zMapper product, we are offering a special contest for the month of December:
Order a copy of zMapper during December and send us a story about "Where would I wear my zMUD T-Shift". We will pick the best story and send the winner a rare zMUD T-Shirt. Up until now, only Gurus and special friends of Zugg have been able to get a T-Shirt.
Details: After you order zMapper, send an email with a) your zMapper reg code, b) your story, c) a statement as to whether you give permission for your story to be published on this web site (or not). Send the email to support@zuggsoft.com and put "Zmapper Contest Entry" in your Subject line.
This contest is retroactive to the beginning of December, so if you have already bought zMapper this month, just send the email as noted above.
In addition to awarding a T-shirt to the best story entry, we will also publish the best stories on this web site (for those who give their permission). It should be fun to read all of the creative entries!
zMapper is a relatively new Zugg Software product that allows you to create interactive maps. The maps are compatible with zMUD and zExplorer, so it's a great way to enhance your zMUD maps with icons, graphics, backgrounds, custom exits, etc. Even if you don't use the zMUD mapper, you can use zMapper to create maps of your other favorite games, or of real-life locations. For more information on zMapper, including screenshots, go to http://www.zuggsoft.com/zmapper/zmapperinfo.htm.
zMapper is still in BETA, but as with zMUD, I expect many years of new versions and features (and bug fixes :).
If you already have zMapper, you might think about buying a copy for a friend for the holidays!
To buy zMapper, you can click the Buy Now button on the trial screen, or go to the zMapper order page to order via our web site.
The contest will end on Jan 1st, 2003 (so you can use your Christmas money!). Chiara and I look forward to reading all of your creative stories!