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Zugg Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:58 pm
CMUD mapper errors? Post here

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:06 pm   
chewbacon: Yes, the error when clicking the map button on the toolbar is currently a major bug in CMUD. Many people have reported it in this and other forum topics, and I've been able to reproduce it as well. It will be fixed in the next version of CMUD.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 6:10 pm   Error on mapper start
When I opened CMUD after upgrading to 1.33, I received an error, but opted to continue the application.
Everything seems to work, except the map- I get a blank box where I can't load anything or really do anything except close it.
If I close the mapper and then close and re-run CMUD, there is no error as the mapper isn't being loaded. As soon as I hit the map button to open it, I get the error.

Here's the bug report I wrote in the first instance - before I tracked it to be mapper specific

date/time : 2007-06-23, 23:51:30, 562ms
computer name : TOSHIBA-C88A9B6
user name : <admin>
operating system : Windows XP Service Pack 2 build 2600
system language : English
system up time : 2 minutes 19 seconds
program up time : 13 seconds
processors : 2x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T5500 @ 1.66GHz
physical memory : 1610/2046 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 83.24 GB
display mode : 1440x900, 32 bit
process id : $dc0
allocated memory : 31.82 MB
executable : cMUD.exe
exec. date/time : 2007-05-07 11:15
version :
madExcept version : 3.0b
contact name :
contact email :
callstack crc : $a455337e, $c7c89a04, $c7c89a04
exception number : 1
exception class : EAccessViolation
exception message : Access violation at address 00C50BA3 in module 'cMUD.exe'. Write of address 00000A9C.

Main ($dc4):
00c50ba3 +0eb cMUD.exe PARENT 10282 +17 TParentForm.WMShowMap
00505eb3 +1df cMUD.exe Controls 4645 +53 TControl.WndProc
00509be2 +18e cMUD.exe Controls 6342 +33 TWinControl.WndProc
00526ca4 +478 cMUD.exe Forms 3098 +103 TCustomForm.WndProc
00bf2a80 +020 cMUD.exe DXSounds 2013 +9 TCustomDXSound.FormWndProc
00bf01dc +00c cMUD.exe DXClass 572 +1 TControlSubClass.WndProc
005097b4 +034 cMUD.exe Controls 6237 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
0047fe18 +014 cMUD.exe Classes 10966 +8 StdWndProc
77d4e900 +016 USER32.dll CallWindowProcA
006c2b03 +0a7 cMUD.exe aqDockingUtils 1728 +7 CallDefWndProc
006c2bf1 +0dd cMUD.exe aqDockingUtils 1776 +41 TaqWindowEventFilter.WndProc
0047fe18 +014 cMUD.exe Classes 10966 +8 StdWndProc
77d496c2 +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageA
0052ed4c +0ac cMUD.exe Forms 6873 +13 TApplication.ProcessMessage
0052ed93 +00f cMUD.exe Forms 6892 +1 TApplication.HandleMessage
0052f02e +0a6 cMUD.exe Forms 6976 +16 TApplication.Run
00d89470 +088 cMUD.exe CMUD 329 +18 initialization
7c91312f +069 ntdll.dll RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString
7c812b94 +0b6 kernel32.dll GetVersionExA

error details:
Startup- Initializing my Discworld MUD setup

EDIT: Seems like this one has already been traced. Thanks!
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:32 am   .mdb an unrecognized file type?
I just started using CMUD, and built a hug world map.

I then activated my copy of ZMapper, and made a few minor changes.

I saved the file from ZMapper, and ever since then I am getting an error neither application can recognize the file type.

I can't get Access to open it either. The file itself is still about 29kb, which I think is a good sign.

Is my map lost forever? Not quite sure what to do.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:22 am   
I've had numerous slowdown issues where it takes longer to switch rooms with certain slow mode configurations. The topics are already in existence, just thought I'd mention them on this thread.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:56 pm   Inconsistent Mapper behavior when there is more than one period (.) in room name
I reported this once but my post somehow was deleted...

In Lusternia, if a room being created is part of a road, the name will be in the form "This is the room name. (road).", but what will be put in the newly created room's name is "This is the room name (road)". CMUD routinely removes the period at the end of a room name, which works fine. But it appears to remove all periods in the name string, not just the one at the end of the name.

When I am later in tracking mode (sorry if I'm using the wrong terminology...the mode you enter by pressing the button on the Mapper with the footsteps), the location marker will not advance to one of these particular rooms, because it is looking for "This is the room name. (road)" and is finding "This is the room name (road)", so there is not a match.

I've had to manually reinsert the period after "name"/before " (road)", then tracking mode works fine.

I played Lusternia in the past and this problem did not exist...I don't know if Lusternia MUD has changed it's room-that-is-part-of-a-road naming convention, or if the Mapper stripping ALL periods out of a room name was somehow introduced in the interim. I am using CMUDPro 2.18
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 11:37 pm   
open cmud mapper, in map creation mode, create a new room
set current room as position
from commandline #call %roomlink(,north,-3)
instead of creating a link back to the same room on the north side, i get 2 one on the north and one on the south,
open properties window and i have 3 links to the new room, one the north and 2 to south
"To the engineer, all matter in the universe can be placed into one of two categories: (1) things that need to be fixed, and (2) things that will need to be fixed after you've had a few minutes to play with them" - Scott Adams, The Dilbert Principle
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:53 am   
Zugg wrote:
OK, I found it. This is going to be a real pain. It's a problem I thought I had fixed long ago.

The problem is that Windows only expects a single menu to be active within an application at one time. When the mapper window is docked to the main CMUD window, there are now two at the top of the main CMUD window, and one in the mapper window. Even though you can select menu items in the mapper properly, none of the menu shortcut keys work (including Delete key).

I'm going to take a break and give this some thought. I hate to kludge stuff like this, but I'm probably going to have to do something nasty to try and trick Windows into looking at the correct menu bar.

Turn the mapper into a package or module.
Then the main window can include its settings and shortcuts into the whole.

You just need to make sure the mapper and cmud have no redundant shortcuts.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:28 am   
Ocassionally i execute my rewalk alias (code below) and cmud throws an error which it will happily allow me to "continue application" from.
Not 100% reproducable, and the result is normally my being sent to the room that the por alias lands me in.

You're going to hate the code on this one, but i'm pretty sure it's map/portal specific, as the alias definitely WORKS, it just throws an error very occasionally.

Code For "Rewalk":
#local $RoomKey
$RoomKey = %roomkey( )
#te 1
port amulet
#exec %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %walk( $RoomKey), ".", "run "), "(", ";"), ")", ";run "), "run ;", ""), "maze;", "maze ")
#te $RoomKey

and now the nasty bit

Code For "port":
#if (%pos( "NoPortal", %roomFlags( ))) {
  #if (%pos( "NoPortal(ERROR)", %roomFlags( ))) {
    #say @ansiPrefix("Portal")@ansiHighlight("Room Is Flagged As ", 11)@ansiHighlight(%trim(%roomflags()),15)@ansiHighlight(" Aborting Speedwalk", 11)
    #abort 1
  } {
    #if (%regex( %roomFlags( ), ".*?NoPortal\((.*?)\).*?", $PortalCommand))
      noport 1 0
      #exec $PortalCommand
      restoreport 1
#if (%roomFlags( )=="ImmortalHomes") {s}
#if (%iskey(@Portals,$Keyword)) {
  #if (((0!=%db( @PortalData."Hold Item")) AND (%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 1)!=%db( @PortalData, "Held Item"))) OR (%db( @PortalData, "Dual Wield") AND (%db( @PortalData, "Portal Wish")==0))) {
    get %char(34)%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 1)%char(34) %item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 2).%char(34)%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 3)%char(34)
  #if (%db( @PortalData, "Dual Wield") AND (%db( @PortalData, "Portal Wish")==0)) {
    rem second
  #if ((%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 1)!=%db( @PortalData, "Held Item")) OR (%db(@PortalData, "Hold Item") == 0)) {
    wear %char(34)%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 1)%char(34)
  #if ((0!=%db( @PortalData, "Hold Item")) AND (%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 1)!=%db( @PortalData, "Held Item"))) {
    wear %char(34)%db( @PortalData, "Held Item")%char(34)
  #if (%db( @PortalData, "Dual Wield") AND (%db( @PortalData, "Portal Wish")==0)) {
    dual %char(34)%db( @PortalData, "Secondary Weapon")%char(34)
  #if (((0!=%db( @PortalData, "Hold Item")) AND (%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 1)!=%db( @PortalData, "Held Item"))) OR (%db( @PortalData, "Dual Wield") AND (%db( @PortalData, "Portal Wish")==0))) {
    put %char(34)%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 1)%char(34) %item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 2).%char(34)%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 3)%char(34)
  #raiseevent onPortal {$Keyword} {%roomkey()} {%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 7)}
  #te %item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 7)
} {
  #if (%len( $Keyword)) {
    #if (%char( 34)"None"%char( 34)!=%db( @PortalData, "Default Bag")) {
      get $Keyword %if( %pos( ., %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag")), %left( %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag"), %pos( ., %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag"))-1), 1).%char( 34)%if( %pos( ., %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag")), %right( %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag"), %pos( ., %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag"))), %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag"))%char( 34)
    #if (%db( @PortalData, "Dual Wield") AND (%db( @PortalData, "Portal Wish")==0)) {
      rem second
    wear $Keyword
    #if (0!=%db( @PortalData, "Hold Item")) {
      wear %char(34)%db( @PortalData, "Held Item")%char(34)
    #if (%db( @PortalData, "Dual Wield") AND (%db( @PortalData, "Portal Wish")==0)) {
      dual %db( @PortalData, "Secondary Weapon")
    #if (%char( 34)"None"%char( 34)!=%db( @PortalData, "Default Bag")) {
      put $Keyword %if( %pos( ., %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag")), %left( %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag"), %pos( ., %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag"))-1), 1).%char( 34)%if( %pos( ., %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag")), %right( %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag"), %pos( ., %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag"))), %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag"))%char( 34)
    #if (%isnumber( $RoomKey)) {
      #raiseevent onPortal {$Keyword} {%roomkey()} {$RoomKey}
      #te $RoomKey
    } {
      #raiseevent onPortal {$Keyword} {%roomkey()} {Unknown}
  } {
    #addkey PortalData PortalList ""
    #loopdb @Portals {
      #addkey PortalData PortalList {%additem(%key"-"%zoneName( %roomZone( %item( %val, 7)))":port "%key, @PortalData.PortalList)}
    #pick {p:KeyWord|o:1|%sort(@PortalData.PortalList)}

basically, port looks at flags on the room and decides which portal to use given a keyword, and sets a location on the mapper.
In theory, the actions for port amulet without the logic should be:

#te 23213
#raiseevent onPortal "Amulet" #### ####

And The #te in the port alias usually works when this bug is thrown, but the one in the rewalk alias doesn't.
The Drake Forestseer
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Fang Xianfu

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:28 am   
shalimar wrote:
Turn the mapper into a package or module.

While obviously this doesn't matter until the mapper is redone, I think this is a very interesting idea. It gives somewhere for your room scripts to go (in the mapper module, perhaps in class with the name of the room's vnum) and possibly facilitates sharing maps and map configs (which aren't sharable at the moment over the package library). Very interesting indeed.
Rorso's syntax colouriser.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:01 am   
#MAKEWINDOW doesn't always draw the link when it would move you into a preexisting room.
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 11:11 am   
Hi there,

I have a little problem with a mapper - I've changed zmud to cmud. I moved my map to cmud and it works good without some places where mapper needs to execute very simple scripts. In these rooms I have in room script for example #trigger {pattern} {#teleport <room number>} In some of those (not all rooms with this script though) there appears Acces violation. I can continiue application but it's really annoying if for example someone is chasing me ;). Do U have any ideas why it isn't working properly??

I'll be gratefull for some help..

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Fang Xianfu

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 11:18 am   
You're using 2.37, I'd assume? Room scripts are pretty borked in the 2.x versions, it's one of the things that the 3.x versions (currently in beta) are changing. A public version will come :)
Rorso's syntax colouriser.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 11:27 am   
So U say that I just need to wait? Yes, U're right - I'm using 2.37 or should I get BETA version?
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:42 pm   
Only get the Beta version if you are willing and able to help track down bugs. The public version is expected soon.
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Fang Xianfu

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 10:21 pm   
You can get the beta version if you want, but they can contain very serious bugs and you should be ready to give a detailed report when you encounter them. Betas have in the past contained bugs that leave invalid data in packages, for example, that can then cause problems when something is changed in a future version. Using betas isn't for the faint of heart and those without backups.
Rorso's syntax colouriser.

- Happy bunny is happy! (1/25)
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PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 11:36 pm   
How about this error:
Whenever I connect to a session the mapper tries to load the map and gets almost done when it stops and has an error: Not a valid bookmark. Then if I close the map and try to open it again it says: Access violation at address 004BAC5D in module 'cMUD.exe'. Read of address 0000004D.

I am running CMUD version 2.37. It hasn't done this ever before and I took it home and tried to play and it had this error. I have absolutely NO idea what to do.
Please Help!!
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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 3:44 am   
You might try holding the shift key when opening your session, that will reload your layout file, and should let you view the map again.

As for fixing the bug, the mapping module has been going though a significant re-write in the beta side, it's quite possible this has already been fixed
"To the engineer, all matter in the universe can be placed into one of two categories: (1) things that need to be fixed, and (2) things that will need to be fixed after you've had a few minutes to play with them" - Scott Adams, The Dilbert Principle
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PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 1:58 pm   
You should really use a new thread to post new mapper problems rather than these ancient dead threads.
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Fang Xianfu

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PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2009 5:48 pm   
And in that vein, I think I'm now going to lock this one. Consider this a historic archive of pre-v3 mapper problems.
Rorso's syntax colouriser.

- Happy bunny is happy! (1/25)
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