slicertool Magician

Joined: 09 Oct 2003 Posts: 459 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 1:51 pm
elevators in zmapper |
I play on a starwars based mud for the main part and there are 'turbolifts' (aka: elevators) everywhere. My example in question is the berchest hotel:
the elevator room itself actually moves to whichever floor button you press.
press 0
press 1
press 2
press 3
all take you to seperate floors, even though it is the same room.
I figured out how to get the exits to line up for floors that touch, but I can't figure out how to get zmapper to play kindly with the floors that don't touch other than manually editting the table to line up.
Any easy suggestions? |
mr_kent Enchanter
Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 698
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 2:04 pm |
Create the elevator room on each floor map and either trigger on mud output for the button press, or create an alias that sends the 'press #' along with #TELEPORT.
slicertool Magician

Joined: 09 Oct 2003 Posts: 459 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 2:39 pm |
I'd even be happy with the ability to change the room vnum's in the room link table in zmapper room properties window... if zugg was willing to add that possibility *wink, wink*
I did the creation of the elevator room on each floor, but I was wanting something in the actual exit links table where press 1 on any floor would move the current room to the level 1 elevator room... but it doesn't seem to want to link levels like 1 and 3, 0 and 2, or 0 and 3, because they are too far away. |
Rainchild Wizard

Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 1551 Location: Australia
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 11:26 pm |
Have a look at the %roomportal( ) function -- it should let you create non-standard exits for each room to the vnum of the other room kinda thing.

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 2:45 am |
Link the rooms on one level and then move them to the level you want. zMUD doesn't care how far away the levels are.
Not sure what you mean about changing the rooms vnum. You can already do that. It's on one of the tabs of the room properties window.
The %roomportal is *not* the way to go. Stuff created by %roomportal are *global* portals that would operate in any room. He only wants the numbers to work when actually in the elevator from what I can see. |
Rainchild Wizard

Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 1551 Location: Australia
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 5:04 am |
Weird, the helpfile said "Syntax: %roomportal([vNum], s, [i], [z])
Return or set a non-standard exit (portal). Creates or redefines a non-standard exit with exit string of s." <snip>
Didn't say anything about global portals -- maybe the helpfile is wrong? :) |