racolon Beginner
Joined: 27 Apr 2003 Posts: 25 Location: USA
Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 10:39 am
Killing Bot |
Sounds lazy, but sometimes at work when Im watching the screen of the mud(yes sometimes I play from work) and I have to stop working and move around, kinda pisses me off. Like I said sounds lazy but here I go.
I want to make a bot that moves me around certain areas, the mobs are bats, etc, exits are like north|west|south|east|southwest|southeast|northwest|northeast|up|down|in|out}
How can I create a bot that can be enabled in any area?
Any help might be appreciated.
BTW I dont want the bot to leave my char alone playing. :)
Ancient Empires
mud.ancientempires.net 5011 |
neep Beginner
Joined: 23 Apr 2003 Posts: 12 Location: USA
Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 6:54 pm |
It depends on how you want to move about. Do you want to hunt the next mob, or peek to see which direction the next mob is in, or go in a given preset path? I've made quite a few killing (or what I call lvling) scripts, usually you want to make a dif script for each area since different areas tend to have a diff set of circomstances. A general script would be something like this if you were useing hunt(in psuedo code)
Hunt mobname
You fail the hunt->hunt mobname
your query is here->kill mobname
you find your query->kill mobname
you kill mobname->hunt mobname
obviously you'd have to change the messages to whatever the message looks like on your mud. also if you want to dispel magic or something in between you'd have to add that in too, like I said usually different areas/mobs require different scripts. If you aren't too experience w/ making triggers post a log of what it looks like when you are killing stuff, along w/ how you want to move. Also what version of zmud are you using?
-Neep |
racolon Beginner
Joined: 27 Apr 2003 Posts: 25 Location: USA
Posted: Mon May 05, 2003 8:03 pm |
You drain the remaining blood from the Black Demon's limp body before letting
it fall to the ground, where it disintegrates into dust.
The Black Demon died.
You killed the Black Demon.
As you lower the huge demon sword, you feel weakened and yearn for the feeling
of power that the sword brought to you.
Get what?
> > You find no such living creature.
> You are still much too taxed from your last attack.
> You are already preparing to attack your opponent.
> > >
The Mage's Master Bedroom.
This would seem to be a bedroom by the setup here, except for the distinct lack
of a bed. Everything is expensive looking, specially the intricate crystal
chandalier which throws a vibrant multihued light across the whole room. The
only downside is the blood, gore and scorches evident from a recent vicious
The light wooden door to the east is open.
There is one obvious exit: south.
Example 2:
With blinding speed, you move close to the zombie scarecrow, burying your huge
demon sword deep into his abdomen. His eyes stare back into yours in horror and
amazement as he bleeds to death in your arms. You slowly pull your huge demon
sword from the wound as his body falls limp onto the ground.
The zombie scarecrow died.
You killed the zombie scarecrow
You are in a rapidly burning field. A great cloud of smoke surrounds you.
Through the smoke you can barely make out paths running across the field. This
appears to be the origin of the fire however, as it has nearly been completely
burned now. A deep hole leads down into a cave of sorts. You can hear screams
and moans echoing up out of the chasm. The remains of a wagon are here. They
have collapsed from the fire which burned away a large amount of the wood.
There are four obvious exits: east, south, west and down.
Four copper coins and a corpse of a zombie scarecrow.
thats basically the layout and how it looks. What I want is when I find no such living creature go to the next room and kill @target and so on.
Version of zMUD is 6.56a.
Ancient Empires
mud.ancientempires.net 5011 |
trackmike Newbie
Joined: 13 Sep 2001 Posts: 8 Location: USA
Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 4:34 am |
Also, read your mud rules to make sure you won't get smacked down by the imms for running this bot. :)
racolon Beginner
Joined: 27 Apr 2003 Posts: 25 Location: USA
Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 6:49 pm |
I wont bot without looking at my screen
So I dont think thats the same as letting your computer run by itself
which is illegal.
Thanks for the warning anyways
Randy |