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Joined: 07 Dec 2002
Posts: 12
Location: USA

PostPosted: Wed Dec 25, 2002 11:20 pm   

Mapper Question
Sometimes there are directions in the room description of my mud and when this happens the mapper incorrectly identifies these as the exits. However the real exists are always the in the same format on the bottem of the room description. So, my question is, can I write a trigger that will force the mapper to always see the right directions. Here are a couple samples of room description with the exits displayed:

The Northwest Corner
You are standing beneath the northwestern corner of the city wall, on a turn
in wall road. You can head south, towards the west gate, or east, to the
north gate.

[Exits: east south]

49/49hp 161/161m 124/136mv 2217 lv open south
You can't do that.
That's not a container.

49/49hp 161/161m 124/136mv 2217 lv Wall Road
You are walking along wall road, which extends along the inside of the western
wall of Midgaard. To the south, you can see an intersection with a crowded
market street. The northwestern corner of the city wall lies ahead to the

A beastly fido is here.

[Exits: north south]
Anyhelp will be appriciated,
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Joined: 07 Dec 2002
Posts: 12
Location: USA

PostPosted: Wed Dec 25, 2002 11:33 pm   
Using the help file I wrote the trigger:

#TR {^~[(*)~]} {#TAG exit {%1}}

Is this the best way to resolve this issue?
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