Pyrocut Newbie
Joined: 01 Mar 2004 Posts: 2 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 11:22 pm
Achaean triggers |
Hello all, I am trying to finish up my system but I need some help with a few parts. I need to create an auto-sipper and a anti-illusion system, I understand the basic concept of the anti-illusion systems and the auto-sipper, I just need the trigger lines to make it work I know that: "%1h, %2m (*)" is not a trigger line that works... if you could send me one that has two different variables or send me a auto-sipper system that works would be much appriecated. Also, about the anti-illusion system, I would like some Ideas about this, Anyone who contributes will get a copy of my system, which includes a auto-moss eater, healing cue, auto-parry system, and much more.... if you dont wish to post stuff of this value on this forum my e-mail address is: "Pyrocut@hotmail.com" thank you very much for your help...
~Pyrocut |
blade Novice
Joined: 22 Jul 2002 Posts: 32 Location: USA
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 8:08 pm |
pretty sure I have posted on this one before, but here it is again :
^(%d){h}, (%d){m} %w-$
#if @healbalance=1 {
#if @HpVar<3600 {
sip health
#if @healbalance=1 {
#if @MpVar<2800 {
sip mana
you will have to put different values in for when you want to drink health and mana,
and you will have to make an additional trigger as follows:
^You may drink another health or mana elixir.
#co bold,red
you are still going to need to keep alias's/macro's for manual drinking as a fail safe
hope this helps,as far as an illusion system, I know that zMud's within line and reparse functions as well as various others would help in combatting them, as far as examples of how, have no idea,since my character never ffa's or pvp, as far as the your system, that is okay.
though if you are confident in your various systems and they are work most of the time, maybe you should just post them to this section
also this section is for posting finished scripts, and not necessarily for posting for help, that is what the general discussion is for |
Pyrocut Newbie
Joined: 01 Mar 2004 Posts: 2 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 12:23 am |
Thank you, Blade. I got my auto-sipper done before I read this, I had:
Trigger: (%d)h, (%d)m (*)
Value:#VA health %1
#VA mana %2
#IF {healbalance = 1} '#IF {@health<[300 below max]}{drink health;healbalance=0}'
#IF {healbalance = 1} '#IF {@mana<[300 below max]}{drink mana;healbalance=0}'
Trigger: You may drink another ... (blah, blah, blah)
Value:#VA healbalance 1
I am stuck on the anti-illusion part, I was thinging of like if you see the affliction message then it would turn off your heal triggers unless a variable was set to 0, and the variable would be set to 0 if you see the trigger line for them hitting you or evileyeing your or something to that extent... but I'm not sure, what do you thing? |
blade Novice
Joined: 22 Jul 2002 Posts: 32 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 8:58 am |
well i do not PvP or FFA so I have very little actual knowledge to give you any kind of informed answer on that. I do know there are ways to verify whether something was an illusion or not. Paralyzation for instance can be verified by sending the command to stand. If you are really paralyzed you will get you are paralyzed and can not do that. If you are not then you will get-You are not fallen or kneeling. Same can be done for being webbed. Best I can do for you, hope that helps
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