Rappy Wanderer
Joined: 15 Jul 2005 Posts: 96
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 1:52 pm
Mapping issues with CMUD |
Very surprised to see people here in 2023.
I'm running into some issues with cMUD mapping that I do not remember hitting in zMUD.
I am able to map just fine (a few issues) but when I double-click a room to speedwalk to it, it fails. It seems part of this is due to the room name showing where my prompt is and not on a new line.
When I walk/map normally, my MUD outputs like this.
Exits: north, south
However, when speedwalking, it shows like this (and I barely move more than one room on SLOW). If I switch to SAFE, I will get to my destination, but the map will not follow. I stay in my original location and have to do #FIND once I stop moving. With FAST, I teleport to the final room immediately (on the map) then eventually get there via walking. Neither option is welcome. I would prefer SAFE to work as I remember zMUD working in that I move every room on the map as the speedwalk happens.
<prompt> Roomname
Exits: north, south
I've tried changing the config to match roomname at the end of the line rather than the start, but that doesn't seem to alleviate this issue.
As far as my mapping issues... how do you handle rooms with no desc or no exits? Configuring the mapper identifies these lines and it doesn't like mapping a room without either. I've had some success with "Force entry into this room" and manually creating the room, but this is not 100% effective and I'd like a more 'auto' option.
Any help would be welcome. |
_________________ Windows 11 Pro,
cMUD 3.34 |
shalimar GURU

Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4717 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:30 am |
Try making a trigger that will send an #OK to confirm for the mapper that it has successfully moved.
#TR {^Exit{s|}:} {#OK} |
_________________ Discord: Shalimarwildcat |
Rappy Wanderer
Joined: 15 Jul 2005 Posts: 96
Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:04 pm |
This seems to be working for the most part, but only when SLOW is set.
Why would not an #OK be default? I did not have to use extra triggers in zMUD when configuring the map. Also, how would this work with rooms with no exits? (Using passdoor to enter a locked room, for instance.) Closed/locked doors do not show as an exit until opened. |
_________________ Windows 11 Pro,
cMUD 3.34 |
zilch Newbie
Joined: 07 Feb 2020 Posts: 8
Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 9:46 pm |
I had some trouble with the mapping at first also. Mostly the same thing you're describing. I had to switch to "use first line of room description" so it didn't get confused with 3 rooms in a row with same name. That and I had to turn the muds compass off.
Something like that exit trigger is actually created when you start pathing. I have had a path fail and the trigger get stuck listed under the map object. Anyhow, rooms with no exits should still show something like "Exits: None" just like an instant death room or DT. |
Rappy Wanderer
Joined: 15 Jul 2005 Posts: 96
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 2:24 pm |
zilch wrote: |
Anyhow, rooms with no exits should still show something like "Exits: None" just like an instant death room or DT. |
Not on the MUD I'm playing. A room with no known exits (all doors closed) does not have an exit line. |
_________________ Windows 11 Pro,
cMUD 3.34 |
zilch Newbie
Joined: 07 Feb 2020 Posts: 8
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 3:00 pm |
Does it support MSDP? Ours sends exit data over msdp chanel also..just a thought
Rappy Wanderer
Joined: 15 Jul 2005 Posts: 96
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 11:53 pm |
I believe I found the problem.
I use #SUB to swap out my prompt to show changes from the last prompt. For instance:
<1,115hp 1,065[50]mp 628[5]mv 1,904g 987s>
to show that I gained 50 mana since last update.
This was conflicting with the auto-configurator's prompt catcher. I had to change it to a regex that allowed for the extra [\d+] that could show up.
Then I hit my next issue. Settings aren't being saved.
I configured this all, saved it, and it worked great. I quit and returned hours later, signed back in, and the settings were reverted. The configuration settings show the former detected prompt.
Also, my buttons will not keep the priority I set them at which makes %btncol() useless. Despite the help file, you cannot use the ID value (that's not changing) to set/return the button color.
My button is such:
<button autosize="false" width="100" height="23" toolbar="2" color="red" priority="3006" id="366">
<caption>Detect Evil</caption>
<value>c 'detect evil'</value>
I continually change the 3006 to 3001, but it continues to change every time I load the session up. My scripts are set to use 3001, the number it should be. Using %btncol(366) does not work as the help file suggests.
What gives? I went back and checked the session files. All 3 sessions that I have saved all use the same pkg and xly file and are not running at the same time. Only one is open at a given time and saved prior to quitting.
What would cause the priorities to change? Some loads it will be 3002, others 3006, now it's 3020. |
_________________ Windows 11 Pro,
cMUD 3.34 |
zilch Newbie
Joined: 07 Feb 2020 Posts: 8
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 3:55 am |
I use auto-detect prompt and it seems to work.
<1075/1055hp 1350/1350m 665/665mv (HY) - 897 - 6,535,101tnl>
Auto prompt detect
Complex prompt
Allow string> prompt
< is my prompt char
Perl Reg Exp
Wait for SAFE
Wait for SLOW
As for the buttons, there are two ID's, one is auto generated and that is what you see in the xml. There is also a box to specify id in the editor, this is the one used as a pointer.
Only time my priorities have changed is if I assigned something else that priority. Maybe part of your script is changing it unintentionally, I have done this one myself!
If you keep having problems with settings reverting, export your package to xml, delete all your settings and import them again.
Hope it helps! |
Rappy Wanderer
Joined: 15 Jul 2005 Posts: 96
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 4:13 pm |
zilch wrote: |
There is also a box to specify id in the editor, this is the one used as a pointer. |
So, the only way to reference a button with %btncol() is the priority number, which can change for [currently] unknown reasons, and the id field (which gives it the name field in the XML)?
I don't like using the ID field because then it shows
target: Target: @target
<id>: <caption>
in the button list. Is there a way to hide the ID: prefix in the list? It just seems like unnecessary clutter. |
_________________ Windows 11 Pro,
cMUD 3.34 |
zilch Newbie
Joined: 07 Feb 2020 Posts: 8
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 5:50 pm |
I understand but that IS the ID for the button/script/etc, the ID referred to in the xml is used for CMUD's internal data table if I am not mistaken. This is probably created dynamically, either at creation or when the package is loaded. At least that is what I would do if I was creating the function.
I dont know any way to hide it, but if you use a decent naming convention its very easy to read.
As for btncol() I am sure if you set the proper id and pass it to the function it will work.
Below is a cut of the xml for one of my gauges off my affects bar. As you can see the name="btn_affect_antimagic_shell" is actually the ID that points to the button. IF you don't set an ID this will simply display the caption of your button if any, but you have no way of referencing it. This is probably why Zugg did what he did with the ID number in the xml file so the data table can track settings even if you don't specify anything as an id.
Code: |
<button name="btn_affect_antimagic_shell" type="Gauge" autosize="false" width="144" height="15" toolbar="3" margin="-19" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="lime" gaugelowcol="maroon" gaugebackcol="None" priority="173" id="787">
<caption>Antimagic shell (@affects.antimagic_shell)</caption>
shalimar GURU

Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4717 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 10:23 pm |
You could add
#TAG prompt
to your prompt trigger to help it understand.
#TAG is good for other parts of the description as well, take a look at: #HELP #TAG
without seeing an example room to go off, all I can do really is guess. |
_________________ Discord: Shalimarwildcat |