Xerakon Apprentice
Joined: 10 May 2011 Posts: 111
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:55 am
Building A Variable List |
Hey guys,
I get a list of skills in the game, and what I'm trying to do is colorize it and build a list. We can 'research <skill>' in the game. The skills start at either 0% or 20%, and they advance in 15% increments per research command. The overall idea is to be able to sit in a room and have an automated research script where I can type like "researchall" and it captures the list, determines what can be researched, and runs down the list, researching everything to maximum and then moving on to the next available topic to be researched.
Any way that you can help me out? Thanks in advance! Below is the list as displayed in the game.
Code: |
------------------------------------Skills ------------------------------------
advanced electronics 100% aid 80% beg 20%
bribe 90% call 80% chemistry 100%
climb 20% conceal 100% construction 100%
crackdatapad 90% cyber 90% data 100%
decrypt_file 100% destruction 100% develop 93%
diagnose 100% dig 20% disable_security 90%
dock 100% doctor 90% duplicate 80%
edibles 100% education 100% electronics 100%
emergency_refuel 90% encrypt_file 100% enhancearmor 98%
enhancement 100% equipment 100% fakesignal 90%
first aid 90% fly 90% forensics 100%
gemcutting 90% gouge 100% grenades 90%
guidance 100% hack 90% healwound 90%
heavy spacecraft 100% hide 82% hypothesize 90%
inject 90% jail 90% jam 90%
kick 100% large spacecraft 100% lifthack 90%
locateship 100% lookup 90% machines 100%
makearmor 100% makebinders 90% makeblade 90%
makeblaster 90% makebowcaster 0% makecamera 90%
makecanteen 90% makecircuit 90% makeclothing 94%
makecomlink 92% makecontainer 82% makedatapad 90%
makeflashlight 90% makeforcepike 90% makegoggles 90%
makegrenade 90% makeholster 100% makejewelry 95%
makelandmine 90% makemedpac 90% makeshield 90%
matchvector 92% medical 100% medium spacecraft 100%
minerals 100% mount 90% narcotics 100%
navigation 100% networkhack 90% peek 100%
ponder 100% protect_account 92% remodulate 90%
repairarmor 90% repairdroid 90% repairhatch 90%
repairhull 90% repairweapon 90% rescue 90%
research 100% revive 90% roll 90%
sabotage 91% scan 100% search 84%
secure 47% security 90% setleader 90%
ship maintenance 93% ship systems 100% shipdodge 70%
short 90% showclan 100% showplanet 100%
slice 47% slip 20% small spacecraft 100%
smalltalk 90% snipe 90% space combat 1 100%
space combat 2 100% space combat 3 100% spacecraft 100%
spice refining 20% steal 20% study 100%
swipe 90% tail 90% tapdata 90%
teach 80% theorize 92% throw 80%
tractor beams 100% transportation 100% tuneship 90%
upgradedroid 90% upgradeship 90% weapon systems 100%
blasters 100% bowcasters 90% force pikes 90%
vibro-blades 80%
------------------------------------ Feats ------------------------------------
armor crafting [ ] communicator [ ] evading [X]
navigator [X] precision [X] quick learner [ ]
salesman [ ] scientific mind [ ]
To see a shorter practice list, type PRACTICE <class name>. |
Llohr Apprentice
Joined: 17 May 2005 Posts: 108
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:05 pm |
Well, I don't know what sorts of checks you want to use to determine which classes to practice, nor what limits there may be on practicing and such.
However, if you want to know how to collect the list displayed and record it in a usable format, I can help you with that.
I won't guarantee that this is the BEST way to do it, but I will guarantee that it's the first one that popped into my head :P
Code: |
<class name="Skills" id="7">
<trigger priority="20" id="2">
<pattern>~-~-~-~-Skills ~-~-~-~-</pattern>
#t+ Skill_Harvest</value>
<trigger name="Skill_Harvest" priority="30" enabled="false" id="3">
<value>#if (%1=~"Skills" OR %1=~"Weapons") {} {
#if (%1=~"Feats") {
#t- Skill_Harvest
} {
#addkey All_Skills {$Row_Number=%1}
<alias name="Skill_Sort" id="4">
<value>#loopdb @All_Skills {All_Skills.%key=%replace(%val,"%","|")}
#loopdb @All_Skills {
#forall %val {
#switch (%rightback(%i,2)=~" ") {
} (%rightback(%i,3)=~" ") {
} {
#addkey $New_List $New_Key $New_Val
</class> |
If you need information on how to utilize a database variable, or would like that in a format other than xml, let me know. You should be able to copy the code into notepad or some such and save it as a .xml file, then import it in your session.
As for what it does: It creates a single database variable called "All_Skills," wherein each key is the name of a skill, and the value of that key is the percent practiced.
Edit: If anybody wants to suggest improvements, please do; I'm always looking to learn new tricks.
Edit 2: Found a pair of typos that should(?) have caused that not to work. It worked, but I fixed them anyway. |
Last edited by Llohr on Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:35 pm; edited 1 time in total |
Llohr Apprentice
Joined: 17 May 2005 Posts: 108
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:13 pm |
Oh, yeah, I had it include weapon skills. I wasn't sure if you wanted to or not.
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