bozimmerman Beginner
Joined: 17 Nov 2004 Posts: 12
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:46 pm
Few CMUD/ZMUD Bugs. |
First off, let me apologize for not posting this to the proper place. I *know* there is a proper place, but memory and 10 minutes of poking around fails me.
Three bugs I'd like to report.
CMUD Only:
MXP Gauges are spamming the top of the screen, where in previous CMUDs (and in ZMUD), the correct "1 named guage per screen" behavior prevailed. Example tag:
<GAUGE hp Max=maxhp color=green Caption="Hit Points">
This gauge would appear 2-3 times on the top of the screen per login. Connect to coffeemud.net, port 23 (with MXP turned on), and log in, and you will see it, as the gauges are created at login.
1. MSP Sound file downloads don't appear to be working correctly. With appropriate options checked in the preferences, the following tag will not cause the client to download and play the sound file as it is supposed to:
!!SOUND(scry.wav V=50 P=50 U=http://coffeemud.net:27744/sounds/)
2. MXP images with certain URL formats do not download and display.
An example of a WORKING URL is as follows:
<IMAGE 'race_human.jpg' URL="http://coffeemud.net:27744/images/mxp/" H=10 W=10>
An example of a NON-WORKING URL is the following:
<IMAGE 'PlayerPortrait?PLAYER=Zac&FILENAME=img.jpg' URL="http://coffeemud.net:27744/images/mxp/" ALIGN=RIGHT H=70 W=70>
Notice the URL parameters -- that's almost certainly the culprit. It assemples a URL as follows: http://coffeemud.net:27744/images/mxp/PlayerPortrait?PLAYER=Zac&FILENAME=img.jpg, which works fine in browsers.
I appreciate yalls attention.
- Bo Zimmerman |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:17 pm |
I just created a new character on CoffeeMud and I only saw one copy of the HP gauge on my screen. There were 4 gauges created: Hit Points, Mana, Movement, and Enemy Damage. So I'm not seeing a problem here (at least in 2.26, which might have some bugs fixed from 2.25). If you continue to have this problem, you might want to go into your settings and in the System/MXP folder you will see the 4 gauges that have been set up. You can try deleting them and then restart CMUD to see if they get created properly again.
1) On the sound file stuff, in your MSP preferences, make sure the "Enable Sound downloading" option is enabled. I did this (and then clicked on the MSP Sounds tab to make sure the scry.wav sound was enabled) and then it downloaded and played just fine here. No known bugs in the MSP of either zMUD or CMUD.
2) On the MXP images, the first argument of the IMAGE tag is the local filename. So you can't have URL parameters in the local filename. The URL parameters need to go into the URL. I believe that CMUD just concats the filename to the URL to form the full URL, so you might try:
<IMAGE 'img.jpg' URL="http://coffeemud.net:27744/images/mxp/PlayerPortrait?PLAYER=Zac&FILENAME=" ALIGN=RIGHT H=70 W=70>
and see if that works better |
seamer Magician
Joined: 26 Feb 2001 Posts: 358 Location: Australia
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 12:13 am |
I have both sounds and msp sounds enabled in cmud but I'm not hearing anything (using 2.25).
I went into the MSP sounds tab and noticed all the .wav files were listed in a pictorial font in the big white box beneath the pulldown menu. The sounds won't play even when the play button is clicked. However, the URL and sound filename are displayed correctly.
Am wondering if this is an abstract Vista issue. If I open my sound control panel and open the mixer, Vista doesn't even show a window for cmud sounds like it would for any other app with sound access. |
_________________ Active contributer to coffeemud.net, the advanced java-based mud system. |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:41 am |
Are the sound files in the MSP sounds tab colored in red? If so, that means they are disabled and have not been downloaded. You need to click the "Enable this sound" field for each sound and then make sure the "Enable sound downloading" option is on to allow CMUD to download them.
I'm using Vista here too and didn't have any problem. Not sure about what you said about "open the mixer". CMUD doesn't store any files in the Vista system or anything, so I wouldn't expect CMUD to show up in any Vista sound dialog. CMUD just uses DirectSound to play the sounds directly. As I said, I was able to download and play the scry.wav file here just fine (it sounded like a crying baby).
Make sure you installed CMUD on Vista using the default settings where the Datafiles are placed in the My Documents/My Games/CMUD directory.
When I was testing, I made sure the scry.wav was enabled in the MSP sound list and turned on the "Enable sound downloading" and then typed:
#SHOW "!!SOUND(scry.wav V=50 P=50 U=http://coffeemud.net:27744/sounds/)"
on the command line to simulate receiving the MSP command from the MUD. It properly downloaded and played the sound here. |
seamer Magician
Joined: 26 Feb 2001 Posts: 358 Location: Australia
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:33 am |
Yeah, I had to click 'download this wav' to actually play it. The pictorial font still appears. For the life of me I can't remember what its called, but you are right when the wav changes from red to black.
My settings appear to be correctly configured, going to check once more though. |
_________________ Active contributer to coffeemud.net, the advanced java-based mud system. |
bozimmerman Beginner
Joined: 17 Nov 2004 Posts: 12
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:21 pm |
Thanks Mr. Zugg,
I'll definitely look into changing that mxp image tag format for player images. For the rest, I did have the appropriate options selected. I'm starting to wonder if I don't have a munged install, especially considering the strange GAUGE behavior.
- Bo |
bozimmerman Beginner
Joined: 17 Nov 2004 Posts: 12
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:47 pm |
Just an update.
Reinstalling CMUD fixed the GAUGE problem -- must have been a corrupted install. :/ Can't try the sounds at the moment.
However, the player images appear to still be unhappy. The following should work, right?
<IMAGE 'Zacimg.jpg' URL="http://localhost:27744/images/mxp/PlayerPortrait?PLAYER=Zac&FILENAME=" ALIGN=RIGHT H=70 W=70>
- Bo |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 7:07 pm |
I think that should work, but I don't have any way to test it directly. Does the IMAGE command that you mention work for anyone on CoffeeMud even for a different user? If so, then I can try it.
Looking at the CMUD code, the actual URL sent to the web server is "Image.URL + Image.Name" so CMUD is just concatting the image name directly to the URL argument (in theory).
Edited: Oh, I see you have "localhost" in your URL, so it obviously isn't something I'll be able to test from here. But maybe if you look at the log file for your local HTTP server you'll be able to see exactly what URL CMUD is requesting. |
bozimmerman Beginner
Joined: 17 Nov 2004 Posts: 12
Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:34 am ? |
Hi Zugg.. better late than never right?
I found the answer. CMUD appears to be stripping the ? from the URL. Here is what I got from my http access logs:
From browser web access page: (correct url)
GET /images/mxp/PlayerPortrait?PLAYER=Zac&FILENAME=Zac1228883785687zac.gif HTTP/1.1
Request from CMUD:
GET /images/mxp/PlayerPortraitPLAYER=Zac&FILENAME=Zac1228883785687zac.gif HTTP/1.1 |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:59 pm |
I'll add that to the bug list. Were you ever able to place this on a server somewhere so that I can test it directly?

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:36 pm |
Hmm, you are correct. For some reason it is stripping any * and ? characters from the URL. I think this is left over from the MSP code for downloading sounds where it was allowing wildcard characters. Should be fixed in the 3.04 beta version. Thanks for reporting it.
seamer Magician
Joined: 26 Feb 2001 Posts: 358 Location: Australia
Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:12 pm |
<IMAGE 'Zacimg.jpg' URL="http://coffeemud.net:27744/images/mxp/PlayerPortrait?PLAYER=Zac&FILENAME=" ALIGN=RIGHT H=70 W=70> may be the external URL you're looking for
_________________ Active contributer to coffeemud.net, the advanced java-based mud system. |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:00 pm |
Yep, works fine in 3.04 now.
seamer Magician
Joined: 26 Feb 2001 Posts: 358 Location: Australia
Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:06 pm |
Would it be possible to reinvestigate the MSP issue mentioned way earlier in this thread? Since I switched up from cmud 2.26 to beta 3.03a I'm having the same problems, namely the !!SOUND trigger not forcing sounds to download and needing to manually download before they play correctly.
I may still have the emails we used to test this in 2008, if that would help |
_________________ Active contributer to coffeemud.net, the advanced java-based mud system. |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:13 am |
I think I tested it above and the MSP sound worked fine for me here. But yeah, send me the emails if you still have them, or post here. Unfortunately, I doubt I'll be able to do anything for the 3.04 release which is scheduled tomorrow unless it's easy for me to reproduce here.
seamer Magician
Joined: 26 Feb 2001 Posts: 358 Location: Australia
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:17 am |
One of the original suggestions was to open up the debug editor and send in the output;
1. Made sure burp.wav did not exist in cmud's game directory folders anywhere.
2. Issued command 'burp'.
3. Burp sound did not play.
4. Prefs->MSP->highlight burp.wav->clicked download
5. Once progress bar finished, returned to client and issued command 'burp'.
6. Burp sound played.
In Prefs:
Sounds: Sounds enabled
MSP Options:
Enable MSP enabled
Echo MSP Triggers enabled
Allow Inline MSP enabled
Enable Sound downloading enabled
Show download progress window enabled
Play sound after downloaded enabled
Code: |
c Virax |[1] Virax Comline : start :
a Virax |<331Hp 1418m 744mv>burp
h Virax |<ESC>[0S<<ESC>[1;36m331Hp <ESC>[1;36m1418m <ESC>[1;36m744mv<ESC>[0;37m><ESC>[2Sburp<ESC>[0m
i Virax >burp<CR><LF>
d Virax |[1] Virax Comline : stopped
i Virax <<LF><CR>
Burp. !!SOUND(burp.wav V=50 P=36 U=http://coffeemud.net:27744/sounds/) <LF><CR>
a Virax |!!SOUND(burp.wav V=50 P=36 U=http://coffeemud.net:27744/sounds/)
h Virax |<ESC>[0S!!SOUND(burp.wav V=50 P=36 U=http://coffeemud.net:27744/sounds/)<ESC>[0m
a Virax |Burp.
h Virax |<ESC>[0SBurp. <ESC>[0m
i Virax <<LF><CR>
<<ESC>[1;36m331Hp <ESC>[1;36m1418m <ESC>[1;36m744mv<ESC>[0;37m><ESC>[0;0m
a Virax |
a Virax ]<331Hp 1418m 744mv>
h Virax ]<ESC>[0S<<ESC>[1;36m331Hp <ESC>[1;36m1418m <ESC>[1;36m744mv<ESC>[0;37m><ESC>[0m
c Virax |[1] Virax Comline : start :
a Virax |<331Hp 1418m 744mv>burp
h Virax |<ESC>[0S<<ESC>[1;36m331Hp <ESC>[1;36m1418m <ESC>[1;36m744mv<ESC>[0;37m><ESC>[2Sburp<ESC>[0m
i Virax >burp<CR><LF>
d Virax |[1] Virax Comline : stopped
i Virax <<LF><CR>
Burp. !!SOUND(burp.wav V=50 P=34 U=http://coffeemud.net:27744/sounds/) <LF><CR>
a Virax |!!SOUND(burp.wav V=50 P=34 U=http://coffeemud.net:27744/sounds/)
h Virax |<ESC>[0S!!SOUND(burp.wav V=50 P=34 U=http://coffeemud.net:27744/sounds/)<ESC>[0m
a Virax |Burp.
h Virax |<ESC>[0SBurp. <ESC>[0m
i Virax <<LF><CR>
<<ESC>[1;36m331Hp <ESC>[1;36m1418m <ESC>[1;36m744mv<ESC>[0;37m><ESC>[0;0m
a Virax |
a Virax ]<331Hp 1418m 744mv>
h Virax ]<ESC>[0S<<ESC>[1;36m331Hp <ESC>[1;36m1418m <ESC>[1;36m744mv<ESC>[0;37m><ESC>[0m
i Virax <<LF><CR>
If I disable 'Allow inline MSP' and attempt to trigger a sound already downloaded, the sound will not play. If I re-enable it, the sound will play. The failed burp is the burp on the line Burp. !!SOUND, not !!SOUND/newline/Burp.
Code: |
c Virax |[1] Virax Comline : start :
a Virax |<331Hp 1418m 744mv>burp
h Virax |<ESC>[0S<<ESC>[1;36m331Hp <ESC>[1;36m1418m <ESC>[1;36m744mv<ESC>[0;37m><ESC>[2Sburp<ESC>[0m
i Virax >burp<CR><LF>
d Virax |[1] Virax Comline : stopped
i Virax <<LF><CR>
Burp. !!SOUND(burp.wav V=50 P=20 U=http://coffeemud.net:27744/sounds/) <LF><CR>
a Virax |!!SOUND(burp.wav V=50 P=20 U=http://coffeemud.net:27744/sounds/)
h Virax |<ESC>[0S!!SOUND(burp.wav V=50 P=20 U=http://coffeemud.net:27744/sounds/)<ESC>[0m
a Virax |Burp.
h Virax |<ESC>[0SBurp. <ESC>[0m
i Virax <<LF><CR>
<<ESC>[1;36m331Hp <ESC>[1;36m1418m <ESC>[1;36m744mv<ESC>[0;37m><ESC>[0;0m
a Virax |
a Virax ]<331Hp 1418m 744mv>
h Virax ]<ESC>[0S<<ESC>[1;36m331Hp <ESC>[1;36m1418m <ESC>[1;36m744mv<ESC>[0;37m><ESC>[0m
c Virax |[1] Virax Comline : start :
a Virax |<331Hp 1418m 744mv>burp
h Virax |<ESC>[0S<<ESC>[1;36m331Hp <ESC>[1;36m1418m <ESC>[1;36m744mv<ESC>[0;37m><ESC>[2Sburp<ESC>[0m
i Virax >burp<CR><LF>
d Virax |[1] Virax Comline : stopped
i Virax <<LF><CR>
Burp. !!SOUND(burp.wav V=50 P=49 U=http://coffeemud.net:27744/sounds/) <LF><CR>
a Virax |
a Virax |Burp. !!SOUND(burp.wav V=50 P=49 U=http://coffeemud.net:27744/sounds/)
h Virax |<ESC>[0SBurp. !!SOUND(burp.wav V=50 P=49 U=http://coffeemud.net:27744/sounds/) <ESC>[0m
i Virax <<LF><CR>
<<ESC>[1;36m331Hp <ESC>[1;36m1418m <ESC>[1;36m744mv<ESC>[0;37m><ESC>[0;0m
a Virax |
a Virax ]<331Hp 1418m 744mv>
h Virax ]<ESC>[0S<<ESC>[1;36m331Hp <ESC>[1;36m1418m <ESC>[1;36m744mv<ESC>[0;37m><ESC>[0m
_________________ Active contributer to coffeemud.net, the advanced java-based mud system. |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:17 pm |
OK, this is actually a normal part of the MSP specification and is NOT a bug in CMUD.
Normally, MSP commands are supposed to be the ONLY thing on the line. zMUD and CMUD support an extension to MSP that allows "InLine" MSP sound commands, but for security reasons, new sounds are never downloaded via inline MSP...they have to already exist on the local hard disk.
The problem is that with InLine MSP enabled, anyone in the game can send you a chat message with an MSP command in it. For example, I can say:
tell Zugg "Check this out !!SOUND(burp.wav)"
This was never intended in the original MSP specification, which is why zMUD/CMUD allow you to turn off Inline MSP. But some people like the ability to do inline sounds like this. However, if CMUD allows you to specify the U=http... argument, then this causes CMUD to download a file to your hard disk, and I decided it was too much of a security risk to allow inline MSP commands to cause unintended file downloads. Imagine what someone could do to you in a game by causing a large file download (or more than one) in the middle of a battle just by sending you an inline MSP command via chat.
So this will not change. If you want to use inline MSP, then the sounds must already exist on the local hard disk. The Coffee MUD MSP implementation really needs to be changed so that the !!SOUND commands are on their own line just as the original MSP specification intended.
Oh, and also, it would be nice if you could also tell Coffee MUD to fix their Telnet implementation. They are sending LF CR at the end of each line, instead of the CR LF that is required by the Telnet protocol specification. I hate MUDs that can't even implement the basic Telnet protocol properly. I don't know what code base started the trend of using LF CR instead of CR LF, but it seems like I'm seeing that mistake in more and more MUDs these days. Someone needs to fix the base code to get rid of this problem. |