Trigger States Tab
This Settings Editor dialog page allows you to examine and edit the states of a Trigger.
You can right-click to insert and delete states, as well as toggle whether a state has been triggered. You select which state is active by double-clicking.
The first column indicates which state is active with an arrow, and which states have been triggerred with a green box.
The second column displays the state number.
Next is the pattern field, this field can be directly typed to.
Then comes the trigger type, letter codes can be used to set this field:
A Alarm
D Duration
E Expression
I Command Input
L Loop Pattern
P Pattern
R Regular Expression
S Skip Lines
W Wait
Any other character will loop through the entire list.
The fifth column shows the Param used with that type of trigger. For a detailed description of Param and Type usage see the
Trigger Types page. This field can be directly typed to.
[head]Finally is the script column. You can directly type scripts here, but it is recommended that you use the Value field on the Pattern tab.