Syntax: %alarm(pattern/id[, setTime])
Set or returns the time in milliseconds left until an exitisting alarm trigger fires.
#ALARM "example" {+3} {#ECHO Fired.}
#ALARM {+2} {#SHOW ID:%alarm(example) Pattern:%alarm("+3")}
Creates 2 alarms, the second one fires after 2 seconds and displays the time remaning for the first. You computer speed will affect how close to 1000 both numbers are.
#ALARM "adjust" {*4} {#ECHO Fired.}
#ALARM {+2} {#NOOP %alarm(adjust,1000)}
Creates 2 alarms, the second one fires after 2 seconds and changes the time remaning for the first to 1 second. This changes only affects the alarm until it fires, then the pattern is back in full affect. To permanently change an alarms pattern use the #ALARM command. |