Syntax: #ADDK recordvar key value Related: #DELKEY
Adds a key-value pair to a record variable. Record variables are a list of key properties, each with a value. Key must be unique. Any existing value for the given key is replaced with the new value.
You can also use the syntax: #ADDKEY recordvar {field=key|field=key...} to assign more than one key at a time. To set multiple fields to the same value, you can also use: #ADDKEY dbrec {field1|field2|...} Value
ADDKEY Example
#ADDKEY db Name Zugg Adds the key "Name" to the record variable @db, with the value of "Zugg"
#ADDKEY db {Name=Zugg|Level=20}
#SHOWDB @db will display:
Name: Zugg Level: 20
#ADDKEY db {Name|Level} "" will clear out the values of the Name and Level keys in the @db variable.