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  HTML in Labels
HTML in Labels [[zLabel.HTML]] 
NOTE: This Design document is subject to change at any time.
Only a limited set of HTML can be used in Labels. Mostly this is used to change the font style or colors of the label. Remember than when using HTML tags in a label, you might need to place it within a CDATA section to prevent the XML parser from getting confused by the tag when reading your ZML file into zApp.

Here are the tags allowed for Labels:

makes the text bold
makes the text italic
underlines the text
causes the text to be displayed as strikeout.
<A href="URL">test</A>
sets a hyperlink anchor to the give URL.
<FONT face='fontname' size='fontsize' color='textcolor' bgcolor='backgroundcolor'>
sets the font name, size and color. The colors can either be color names or #RRGGBB values.
<P align="alignvalue" bgcolor="colorvalue" bgcolorto="colorvalue">
creates a new paragraph with the given alignment and colors. The colors can be used to set a gradient from one color to another. The possible alignvalues are left, right and center.
inserts a horizontal rule
<BODY bgcolor="colorvalue" bgcolorto="colorvalue" dir="v|h" background="imagefile specifier">
sets the body of the text in the label. The colors can be used to create either a vertical or horizontal gradient based upon the "dir" attribute. The background attribute can be used to specify an image to use to tile the background of the text. The background image specifier must be a URL value, such as "file://c:\test.bmp" for a local file.
<IND x="indent">
indent the specified number of pixels
<IMG src="specifier:name" align="specifier" width="width" height="height" alt="specifier:name">
can be used to display an image.
display text as a subscript
display text as a superscript
display text as blinking
create an unordered bullet list
create a item in a list
display the text with a shadow
makes the text hidden
highlights the given text

The symbols & lt; & gt; &amp; & quot; &nbsp; &trade; &euro; &sect; &copy; &para; are all supported.

In addition, since the Label is a data-aware control, when a data source is assigned to the DataSource property you can insert the value of a particular field into the label using the syntax: <#FieldName>
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