Lua can directly create and interact with zScript buttons. Select a method in the list on the left for more information.
In addition to the common properties, a Button object has the following properties:- offcaption
- the caption displayed when the button is off. Same as the caption property.
- oncaption
- the caption displayed when a push button is on, or the caption of the first button state
- offcommand
- the commands executed when a push button is turned off, or the command of the first button state
- oncommand
- the commands executed when a push button is turned on
- panelnum
- the button panel number (1..4) containing the button
- boolval
- the expression assigned to the button
- toggle
- the name of the variable assigned to the button
- butw
- the width of the button in pixels
- buth
- the height of the button in pixels
- butl
- the left position of the button in pixels
- butt
- the top position of the button in pixels
- autosize
- determines whether the default size is used (true/false)
- autopos
- determines whether the default position is used (true/false)
- offcol
- the BGR color of the button when off
- oncol
- the BGR color of a toggle button when on, or the color of the first button state
- transparent
- whether the button is transparent or not (true/false)
- explore
- whether the button uses the explorer toolbar style (true/false)
- doinset
- whether the button is displayed inset (true/false)
- bitname
- the name of the bitmap image
- margin
- the spacing between the image and the caption
- tooltip
- the mouse-over tooltip message
- iconleft
- whether the image is shown to the left of the caption (true/false). If false, the image is on top of the caption
- alignright
- aligns the button to the right edge of the button bar (true/false)
- dostack
- stack with the previous button (true/false)
- gaugelowcol
- the BGR color of the gauge when low
- gaugebackcol
- the BGR color of the gauge background
- gaugemax
- the expression for the maximum value of the gauge
- gaugelow
- the expression for the low value of the gauge
- textcol
- the BGR color of the button text
- istoggle
- whether the button is a toggle (true/false)
- seper
- whether the button is a separator (spelling left over from zMUD)
- multistate
- whether the button is a multistate button
- ismenu
- whether the button is a menu
- isgauge
- whether the button is a gauge
- showbar
- whether the button is shown on the button bar