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Syntax Checking
  Compatibility Report
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Compatibility Report [[cmud_compat]] 
The Compatibility Report is displayed when you import a zMUD *.MUD settings file, or when you select the Compatibility Report option from the Tools menu in the Package Editor.

The Compatibility Report scans all scripts in your package to look for potential problems. It checks to make sure that each script compiles without error, and flags various other common mistakes that are made in scripting. Most of the Changes from zMUD are flagged by the compatibility report.

The Compatibility Report window will list each alias, trigger, button, etc that has a problem, along with a description of the problem. If the script did not compile, the syntax error will be shown.

You can click on the underlined setting name to jump to that setting in the Package Editor. Once in the Package Editor you can press Ctrl-K or select Check Syntax to move the cursor to the position of the syntax error.

In the Compatibility Report window you can also save the report to a text file.

Note: The Compatibility Report isn't perfect. It might sometimes indicate an issue that isn't really a problem. Scripts might still work even if there are compatibility warnings. However, if a script doesn't compile, that script should be fixed to remove the syntax error. Scripts that do not compile will not work as expected in CMUD.
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