Manual Mapper Configuration
Manual Configuration
To completely change the configuration manually with no interference from the auto config wizard, select Configuration Settings from the Config menu. The mapper properties dialog will be displayed, and the section for the Room Name configuration will be shown.
Paragraphs and Lines
Paragraphs are numbered starting at zero for the last paragraph received, and increasing as you move back into the scroll buffer. So, the most recent paragraph is zero, the next most recent is one, and so on. Line numbers within the paragraph start at zero for the first line of the paragraph.
Room Name Configuration
If the MUD displays a room name, make sure the Room Name option is checked. If the MUD does not display a room name, such as for an LPmud in full mode, uncheck the Room Name option and go to Room Description.
If the MUD has a room name, you can specify the paragraph number and the line number within the paragraph.
If you are in wizard mode on your MUD and you want CMUD to look for the room number (called vnum) in the line containing the room name, click the Parse vNUM option.
You can tell the mapper whether to match room names at the beginning or end of a line. Matching names at the end of the line is usually the best option since many MUDs display the MUD prompt before a room name some of the time. However, if your MUD displays the room name as part of the exit information (such as on Medievia), you do not want to match room names at the end of a line since they will match in the exit info of the previous room.
Check Name ends with period only if all room names on the mud end with a period.
Check Room Name uses Proper case only if all room names on the mud use proper case.
Room Description Configuration
If the MUD displays a room description, make sure the Room Description option is checked. Again mark the paragraph containing the room description based upon the numbering scheme described in the previous section, and mark the starting line of the description information. If the room description covers more than one line, check the Multiline Description option.
Room Exit Configuration
The room exits is the most important section to configure properly. If the mapper is unable to detect room exits, then it won't be able to find the room name or description.
You should normally make sure the Room Exit option is checked. If your MUD does not display room exit information, you can turn this option off, but the mapper probably won't work. As described in the Room Name section, set the paragraph number and starting line number for the room exit information.
If Exit information spans multiple lines sometimes on your MUD, select the Multiline option. If the exit information is contained within the MUD prompt, select the Exit In Prompt option. If the exit information is displayed in the same line as the room name, select the Exit In Room Name option.
In the View/Direction settings, each direction can have multiple commands. For example, north is defined as "n|north" which means either "n" or "north" match this direction. Normally the mapper will look for any of the names listed in the View/Directions for detecting directions. However, if you select the Use Short Exit Name option, only the shortest name for the exit will be searched for. This helps the mapper ignore exits in the description (that usually use the long name) if the exit line always just contains the short version of the exit.
The Use entire exit paragraph option is for muds that put the exits in the description.
To help the mapper find exit information when you are in a room without exits, the mapper uses an exit keyword. This is a word or phrase that is always present in the exit line. By default, this keyword is "exit". On some MUDs you might want to make this "obvious exit" to make it more unique. To more unique this phrase is, the easier time the mapper will have at finding the exit information. The Exit Line Contains Key option tells the mapper whether to look for this keyword or not (you will usually want this on). If the exits occurs on the line immediately following the exit phrase, select the Exits After Keyword option. These two options can not be used at the same time.
MUD Prompt
The final configuration screen allows you to set some options about how your prompt should be detected. If your prompt was recognized during Automatic configuration you check Auto Prompt detect and uncheck all other options here. Checking No Prompt tells the mapper to not look for a prompt, this can cause the mapper to not capture every line it should. The Complex Prompt option indicates that the prompt may be different each time it is received, this should almost always be checked. You can specify whether lines containing a simple text string followed by a bracket (>, ], ) ) character is considered to be a prompt with the Allow string> prompts box. Use Number prompt if your prompt always starts with some number. The Prompt Char parameter is used by the mapper to detect a simple MUD prompt, any line that begins with this character is flagged as a MUD prompt.
In general, making your prompt more complicated will help the mapper work better. |