Syntax: %url(url)
Creates and returns a URL object that can be used to perform HTTP GET/POST operations. Allows you to retrieve data from remote web sources.
NOTE: This function is only available in CMUDPro (and TeSSH)
The following properties and methods are available on the object returned from the %url function:
- Host : Sets or retrieves the Hostname field for the current URL.
- Port : Sets or retrieves the Port field for the current URL
- Protocol : Sets or retrieves the Protocol field for the current URL. Typically the Protocol field is "http".
- Path : Sets or retrieves the Path field for the current URL.
- Filename : Sets or retrieves the Filename field for the current URL.
- Anchor : Sets or retrieves the Anchor field for the current URL.
- Username : Sets or retrieves the Username field for the current URL, used for some web page authentication.
- Password : Sets or retrieves the Password field for the current URL used for some web page authentication.
- URL : Sets or retrieves the full URL (URI) string
- ParamStr : Sets or retrieves the full query string of the current URL.
- Params : A database variable that can be used to set or retrieve query string parameters by key or index value
- PostParamStr : Sets the full POST parameters string value
- PostParams : A database variable that can be used to set or retrieve POST parameters by key or index value
- ContentType : Returns the type of result in MIME format, such as "text/html".
- ContentLength : Returns the length of content from a Get or Header method.
- ContentData : Returns the date of the content
- ContentExpires : Returns the expiration date of the content
- ContentModified : Returns the date the content was last modified
- ContentLanguage : Returns the language of the content
- Location : Returns the Location header of a HTTP redirection request.
- ResponseCode : Returns the numeric HTTP Response code
- ResponseText : Returns the full response status text
- ProxyHost : the IP address or host name of a web proxy server.
- ProxyPort : the port number of a web proxy server
- ProxyUsername : when using a web proxy server that requires login, this is the login username.
- ProxyPassword : when using a web proxy server that requires login, this is the login password.
- Get : Performs an HTTP GET request on the URL and returns the full string result
- Post : Performs an HTTP POST request, sending the PostParams and returns the full string result
- Header : Performs an HTTP HEAD request and returns the full string result
- Browse : Opens the URL in an external web browser
- Download(Filename, method) : Downloads the URL to the specified local file. If "method" is present and true (1) then a POST is used instead of a GET to download the remote file.
u = %url("www.google.com")
#SHOW @u.Get
Displays the HTML returned from the google.com home page.
u = %url("www.server.com")
u.PostParams("name") = zugg
u.PostParams("key") = value
s = @u.Post
Performs an HTTP POST with the PostParams string of "name=zugg&key=value" and stores the result in the @s variable.
u = %url("http://www.whatever.com/script.php?arg=value")
#SHOW @u.Params("arg")
displays "value" |