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Command Reference

Syntax: #DEBUGFILE raw-file readable-file
Related: #SENDSB

Begins logging all incoming and outgoing data. The raw-file will contain a replica of all incoming text, including control codes. This file is often useful for reproducing the exact circumstances that caused an error in CMUD. These files can be replayed just as if they came from the MUD by entering #READ testraw.txt raw where testraw.txt is the name of your file. This use is only for advanced users and isn't documented further.

The readable-file will contain a human-readable record of incoming and outgoing packets. Control codes will be represented by strings such as <SB> and <ESC>. This file is useful for creating your own telnet triggers (added in 2.0). A similar effect can be achieved using the script debugger by enabling the "i" messages, raw input and output.

The #DEBUGFILE command on its own will stop CMUD writing these files.

Note: Prior to v2.11, this was called the #DEBUG command. In v2.11, this command was renamed to #DEBUGFILE and a new #DEBUG command was added.


#DEBUGFILE testraw.txt test.txt
Logs all incoming and outgoing data. testraw.txt will be the exact incoming text - test.txt will be readable.

Turns off the debug logging.
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