Sends a GMCP command to the server. The "Module" can consist of sub-modules, such as "Module.SubModule.Message". The Data should be whatever format is required for the message.
The Data is automatically converted into the proper JSON data format needed by GMCP. If Data is a string list, it will be sent as a JSON array. If Data is a database variable/table, it will be sent as a JSON table object.
You would typically create a GMCP Trigger to retrieve the data sent back from the server in response to your message.
SENDGMCP examples
#SENDGMCP Char.Items.Inv Causes IRE games to respond with a GMCP data packet giving the players inventory list = "elemancy" = "firelash"
#SENDGMCP Char.Skills.Get @dbvar Causes IRE games to respond with a GMCP data packet giving the details of the "firelash" skill. Notice how a database variable is created to be passed as the Data for SENDGMCP
#SENDGMCP Char.Skills.Get {group=elemancy|name=firelash} Causes IRE games to respond with a GMCP data packet giving the details of the "firelash" skill. Notice how an inline database variable is created and sent as the Data argument.