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Command Reference
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#GAG [[cmud_#GA]] 

Syntax: #GA pattern|number

If the pattern is omitted, this command deleted the last line received from the MUD. If pattern is included, any line from the MUD matching the pattern is deleted from the input screen. This allows you to remove text that you don't want to see. The last syntax is equivalent to #TRIGGER pattern {#GAG}.

The numeric argument to the GAG command specifies the number of lines to GAG. If the number is omitted, a single line is gagged. If the number is negative, the indicated number of lines prior to the current trigger line are gagged.

GAG examples

removes the last line received from your screen.

#GA Zugg
removes any lines received from the MUD containing the string Zugg

#GA gossips
removes any lines received from the MUD containing the string gossip.

#TRIGGER {chat} {#GAG 2}
removes any line containing the string "chat" along with the next line.

#TRIGGER {chat} {#GAG -1}
removes the line prior to any line containing the string "chat"
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