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Home -> Downloads -> CMUD Files -> CMUD v3 -> License Agreement
Beta test agreement
You must agree to this license agreement to download CMUD v3

BETA versions of software CONTAIN BUGS. Before downloading and installing a BETA version, you should make a backup of your current files. Installing a new version will convert your data files to a new format, and you may not be able to run an older version again unless you restore a backup.

Bugs in BETA versions should be reported in the Beta Forum on, or via email to However, you should first read the other topics in the Beta Forum to see if the bug is a known problem.

If you are not prepared to properly report bugs and potentially live with them until a new update is released, then you should NOT install the BETA version.

Installing a BETA version is also not recommended unless you are a registered user. Changes to the license system in new versions can cause your 30-day trial to expire. Also, installing a new version will NOT reset your trial, so don't install just because you think you might get to use the new version for free.
I Agree | I Dont Agree

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