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Joined: 25 Feb 2002
Posts: 18
Location: USA

PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2002 1:03 pm   

Thanks for Zugg
I was reading the forum earlier, and saw the topic that Zugg created, and ranted on, and I must say, that I was a GMud user for about 2 years.. I had tried 4.62 a couple months after using GMud for a while, and I just could not get it to work properly (No, I had not tried to crack it, I was testing the software in the 30 day trial). I had gotten like 5 errors in 2 days with zmud, and my friends didn't get those same errors, so I just got rid of ZMud, after all, GMud, provided me with a practically problem free Mudding experience *Color bleeding was my only problem* After 6.16 Came out, I figured I would give it another try, and I loved it. I could create much broader triggers, to accomplish a lot more things. (I play Realms of Despair, and am actually an Admin there) And I shelled out 25 bucks to zugg in a heartbeat, just for funcionality. I have friends who have "circumvented" Zmud, and they offered their way to me, before I registered, when I mentioned in passing that my trial version was about to run out, and I hoped my new Check card showed up, but I am a firm believer in small businesses (No Offense intended Zugg), so I figured I'd give the man his due. And heck, I am ranting here, but I really just came on to say, I was using 6.36, and I just started with 6.39a, and I was Amazed in the speed difference between the two. (Maybe it is just me) But 6.39a Loaded about 25% faster, and all responses from the program itself, via triggers, #EC, etc all were A lot faster. No change in my system at all. So, Thanks again Zugg, and please, keep up the good work, I am one registered user who would never use another Client.

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