I've got the following being captured:Razak gossips, 'they are dead now'
with this pattern:* gossips, '*'$
But sometimes I get people with multiple names that will still work, but if they gossip something with "says" in it, it captures to my says window.says, '*'$
So if I were to getDarth Malcolm gossips, 'look what he Storm said. Storm says, 'dear god I suck''
that would #CAP the line to my gossip window AND my says window.
I was thinking of a pattern that would see if it was a name that consisited of one, two, or three words, and then cap it:^{%w|%w %w|%w %w %w} gossips, '*'
Though this looks for "%w" and not an actual word of some type. Anyone have any ideas?
Currently Using zMUD 6.37aBeta