Ok. I know I'm close to getting all this. This is my MUD output for an identify:Item: 'wind dagger'
Weight: 4 Typical cost: 2867 Level: 20 (very uncommon)
Type: WEAPON Composition: NONE Requires 16 strength to wield.
Dieroll: 5d3 stab Weapon speed: normal
Item has effects as:
Affects: HITROLL by 3
Affects: DAMROLL by 3
Affects: DEX by 1
Affects: STR by -2
Here is a list of triggers I have to accomodate all this and more (in case I were to id armor) The first two are not in the same class folder as the others:#ONINPUT {c ident %w} {#T+ ItemDB;#CLASS ItemDB}
#TRIGGER {^This item is being sold by *.} {#T+ ItemDB;#CLASS ItemDB}
#TRIGGER {Ac-apply: (%d)} {eq.ac_apply = %1}
#TRIGGER {Affects: (*)} {eq.affects = {%if( @eq.affects=%null, %1, @eq.affects -- %1)}}
#TRIGGER {Composition: (%x)} {eq.composition = %1}
#TRIGGER {Dieroll: (%a) (%w)} {eq.dieroll = %1;eq.damage_type = %2}
#TRIGGER {Item: '(*)'} {#VAR eq %null;eq.item = %1;#TEMP add2db {^$} {#NEW All @eq;#CLASS 0;#T- ItemDB;#T- add2db}}
#TRIGGER {Level: (%d)} {eq.level = %1}
#TRIGGER {Object is: (*)} {eq.object_is = %1}
#TRIGGER {Requires (%d) strength to wield} {eq.req_str = %1}
#TRIGGER {Total levels: (%d)} {eq.total_levels = %1}
#TRIGGER {Type: (%x)} {eq.type = %1}
#TRIGGER {Typical cost: (%d)} {eq.typical_cost = %1}
#TRIGGER {Weapon speed: (%w)} {eq.weapon_speed = %1}
#TRIGGER {Wear locations are: (*)} {eq.wear_location = %1}
#TRIGGER {Weight: (%d)} {eq.weight = %1}
#TRIGGER {{(}(*){)}} {eq.commonality = %1}
When I look at the variable eq that was created, it HAS taken all data *correctly*. But, when I look into my database, it has inserted part of the 'eq.item' into my 'name' field (which I insert manually since my mud doesnt list the name, but keywords after you do an ID), a partial insertion into the 'Item' field and absolutely NOTHING more. What did I do wrong? I am assuming it is in the following line, if so:#TRIGGER {Item: '(*)'} {#VAR eq %null;eq.item = %1;#TEMP add2db {^$} {#NEW All @eq;#CLASS 0;#T- ItemDB;#T- add2db}}
Any ideas??