I have been thinking about creating some sophisticated scripts in Zmud. Although the Zmud interpretive language is quite powerful, I feel more comfortable working in BCB. Therefore I have started looking into writing BCB plugins for Zmud. Although I have had no experience in writing COM routines I have found the discussion by Zugg most helpful, as the Borland Delphi and BCB environments are very similar.
I have had some problems showing the registration details of my Test Plugin:
STDMETHODIMP TTestPlugImpl::Register(BSTR* Name, BSTR* Company,
BSTR* Regcode, BSTR* Description, BSTR* Version, BSTR* HelpFile,
AnsiString NameStr = "Test Plugin";
NameStr.WideChar( *Name, NameStr.WideCharBufSize() );
AnsiString CompanyStr = "Personal Use Only";
CompanyStr.WideChar( *Company, CompanyStr.WideCharBufSize() );
AnsiString RegCodeStr = "Personal Use Only";
RegCodeStr.WideChar( *Regcode, RegCodeStr.WideCharBufSize() );
AnsiString DescStr = "A Test of ZMud Plugins";
DescStr.WideChar( *Description, DescStr.WideCharBufSize() );
*LoadDef = true;
Any ideas why Zmud won’t recognize the details I have created?