Haloway13 Beginner
Joined: 10 Mar 2002 Posts: 12 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2002 6:39 pm
Advanced population of map information problems |
Is there a way to directly populate information to the map database? including exit to/from information?
The reason I ask is that I have had limited success on getting the auto configuration to recognize multiple lines properly, get the vnum, get exit details set.
Don't know if this level of detail is neccessary, but here it is:
Triggers I have set up so far:
#TRIGGER {^Room name: (*)} {#tag name %1;exits=%null}
#TRIGGER {Zone: ~[%s&%d{zone_number}~], VNum: ~[%s&%d{room_number}~], RNum: ~[%s%d~],
Type: %w} {#tag vnum {@room_number}}
s&%w{key_word},%sType:%s&%w{type}} {#var exitstring "EXITS: ";exits=%concat( @exits,
@exit_dir, " ", @to_vnum, ",")}
#TRIGGER {^~>$} {#echo %concat( @exitstring, @exits);#echo ">>"} "" {nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER {^~>~>} {#tag prompt}
#TRIGGER {^~>EXITS: (*)} {#tag exit %1}
#TRIGGER "room_description" {^Description:$} {#VAR room_desc "";#TEMP {Chars present:}
{ #STATE room_description 0}}
#COND "room_description" {} {#ADDITEM room_desc %line} {looplines|param=99}
***Start mud input***
Room name: Heart of the God Complex
Zone: [ 2], VNum: [ 220], RNum: [ 105], Type: INSIDE
SpecProc: No, Flags: INDOORS !SHSTRM
You find yourself in the heart of the god complex. The radiant
room seems to contain infinite space yet it doesn't take any time
to get from one place to another. This is where the Gods enter the
game and gather to just socialize. Long vaulted marble corridors
extend for miles in all directions leading to the rest of the
complex. Since there is no ceiling, just by thinking about it you
can ascend into the heavens to visit where the Gods live (if
they're receiving visitors at the moment). Below you is the board
room of the immortals.
Chars present: Guts(PC)
Exit north : To: [ 225], Key: [ -1], Keywrd: None, Type: NOBITS
You see a gleaming marble corridor, hundreds of feet wide,
stretching leagues into the distance.
Exit east : To: [ 226], Key: [ -1], Keywrd: None, Type: NOBITS
You see a gleaming marble corridor, hundreds of feet wide,
stretching leagues into the distance.
Exit south : To: [ 227], Key: [ -1], Keywrd: None, Type: NOBITS
You see a gleaming marble corridor, hundreds of feet wide,
stretching leagues into the distance.
Exit west : To: [ 228], Key: [ -1], Keywrd: None, Type: NOBITS
You see a gleaming marble corridor, hundreds of feet wide,
stretching leagues into the distance.
Exit up : To: [ 247], Key: [ -1], Keywrd: None, Type: NOBITS
You see the heavens where the Gods live.
Exit down : To: [ 221], Key: [ -1], Keywrd: None, Type: NOBITS
You see the board room of the immortals.
>EXITS: north 225,east 226,south 227,west 228,up 247,down 221,
***END mud input***
Tim |