Ok, here's some general triggers and such for the Towers of Jadri(toj.jadri.com 4000) an awesome mud that I play.
NOTE: For best results with my scripts, set your columns in the mud to 1014(type:columns 1014),
go to view->preferences screen, set wrap indent to 0(zero),
and adjust your zMud window width to display your skills in a readable manner...
The things included in this script are:
1> a class to automatically sac body parts that fly off of mobs....(bodyparts)
2> a class to make mapping easier, by cancelling room creation for invalid directions (nodir)
3> a prompt trigger to capture current HP/End and status
4> a status bar, to show the status (Sleep)(Hu)(.......whatever)
5> Triggers to capture your max HP and End from score
6> an alias to exchange silver to gold and put it into a belt pouch. Usage:
ex 10
exchanges 10 silver for 1 gold, and puts it into your belt pouch.
7> Guage buttons to show your HP/End
NOTE: the guage buttons are numbered 1 and 2... if you already have buttons defined, you can modify these....
#CLASS {nodir} {enable}
#CLASS {bodyparts}
#ALIAS ex {exchange %1 silver gold;open belt;put all.mark in belt;close belt}
#TRIGGER {~[(%d)hp (%d)en~](%*)} {#var hp %1;#var end %2;#var status %3}
#TRIGGER {~[(%d)hp (%d)en~] $} {#var hp %1;#var end %2;#var status ""}
#TRIGGER {^~[(%w)~] (%*)} {#cap %1;#gag}
#TRIGGER {^>} {#SUB ""}
#TRIGGER {^A Red Guard says in Common, 'This area is restricted.'} {#nodir} "nodir"
#TRIGGER {^You need a boat to go there.} {#nodir} "nodir"
#TRIGGER {^Your mount is too big for that!} {#nodir} "nodir"
#TRIGGER {Hps: %d~((%d)~)} {#var maxhp %1}
#TRIGGER {End: %d~((%d)~)} {#var maxend %1}
#TRIGGER {^You can't tell which way is} {#nodir}
#TRIGGER {^The door is closed.} {#nodir} "nodir"
#TRIGGER {^Alas, you cannot go that way.} {#nodir} "nodir"
#TRIGGER {^Nah... You feel too relaxed...} {#nodir} "nodir"
#TRIGGER {^You have trouble controlling your mount.} {#nodir} "nodir"
#TRIGGER {^You're too big for that!} {#nodir} "nodir"
#TRIGGER {^You are too exhausted.} {#nodir} "nodir"
#TRIGGER {A * arm is sliced from} {sac arm} "bodyparts"
#TRIGGER {heart is torn from * chest.} {sac heart} "bodyparts"
#TRIGGER {guts all over the floor.} {sac guts} "bodyparts"
#TRIGGER {brains splash all over you.} {sac brains} "bodyparts"
#TRIGGER {leg is sliced from * dead body.} {sac leg} "bodyparts"
#TRIGGER {severed head plops on the ground.} {sac head} "bodyparts"
#BUTTON 1 {HP:@hp} {} {} {} {@hp} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {32816} {} {Gauge||4|@maxhp|@maxhp/10|7} {} "" {Explore|Inset|Stack} {} {hp} {3}
#BUTTON 2 {End:@end} {} {} {} {@end} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {32800} {} {Gauge||4|@maxend|@maxend/10|7} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {end} {3}
#STAT {@status}