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Joined: 17 Oct 2000
Posts: 38

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 4:52 am   

Terminating an ansi function?
How can I go about terminating a %ansi function? I setup a sub function to add in timestamps to my chats and stuff, and used %ansi to colour it. However many users often have ansi-colour prefixes(for chat) and right now it's stripping the colour from those prefixes, and other such matters.. Anything after the #SUB ends works fine, but I would like to see colours prior to it.

Jerle Minara,
zMUD 6.34
Win 2k Advanced Server
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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
Posts: 5182

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 5:00 am   
I think the problem is that the trigger has stripped all the ansi codes out of what it is SUBbing. I would have to see your trigger, an example of the mudinput, what it outputs like and what you want it to look like to be sure though.
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Joined: 17 Oct 2000
Posts: 38

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 5:02 am   

~<- Leaves -~> (*)


#SUB {%ansi( high, red)~[%ansi( high, cyan)%time( hh:mm:ss)%ansi( high, red)~] %ansi( high, cyan)~<- %ansi( high, red)Logout %ansi( high, cyan)-~>%ansi( default) %1}

<- Leaves -> Gabriel has fled from Land of Chaos.

Jerle Minara,
zMUD 6.34
Win 2k Advanced Server
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Joined: 28 Nov 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 2:17 pm   
You can't terminate an %ansi function. You can use another %ansi function to switch to a different set of colors, but there's no way to revert to the MUD colors once you choose to override them. %ansi(default) is your default text color, but it's still a specific color.

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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
Posts: 5182

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 5:14 pm   
If I understand right you want to not change the colors in anything after the "<- Leaves ->", so we just remove it from the trigger and then the SUB doesn't affect it.

#TR {^~<- Leaves -~>} {#SUB {%ansi( high, red)~[%ansi( high, cyan)%time( hh:mm:ss)%ansi( high, red)~] %ansi( high, cyan)~<- %ansi( high, red)Logout %ansi( high, cyan)-~>%ansi( default)}

<- Leaves -> Gabriel has fled from Land of Chaos.

Jerle Minara,
zMUD 6.34
Win 2k Advanced Server

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