Hi...I'm working on a CLASS that captures the prompt and grabs the HP information
then analyzes it is within two ranges..and if so to execute the according spell.
Also, when it executes (this part works BTW :) the spell it alternates between
casting and invoking the spells (ih and ch are alias' for casting heal).
Anyhow this is what it looks like, but zmud won't let me do it because of syntax
errors in the checkhealth and checkhealth2 alias's :<...If anyone can help me try to
fix it..thanks.. (i tried breaking it down as much as possible..but still it doesn't
seem to work).
#CLASS SelfHeal
#VAR hp 0;#VAR maxhp 0;#VAR mn 0;#VAR maxmn 0
#TR {~[H:(%d)/(%d)~] ~[M:(%d)/(%d)~] ~[S:(%d)/(%d)~] ~[E:(%d)/(%d)~] ->} {#var hp %1;#var maxhp %2;#var mn %3;#var maxmn %4;#var spr %5;#var maxspr %6;#var end %7;#var maxend %8;checkhealth}
#TR {~[H:(%d)~] ~[M:(%d)~] ~[S:(%d)~] ~[E:(%d)~] ->} {#var hp %1;#var mn %2;#var spr %3;#var end %4;checkhealth}
#AL checkhealth {#IF @heal {#IF (@hp < 300) {#IF (@castinv=0) {ih2 %1;#var castinv 1} {ch2 %1;#var castinv 0};checkhealth2}
#AL cheackhealth2 {#IF ( (@hp > 300) & (@hp < 650) ) {#IF (@castinv=0) {ih %1;#var castinv 1} {ch %1;#var castinv 0};#T- SelfHeal;#ALARM +2 {#T+ SelfHeal}}