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Joined: 29 Jun 2002
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2002 9:46 am   

To #VAR or not to #VAR...
Ok, cheesy title but I couldnt figure out what to title this. I have a mux that sends out lists of contacts and junk like that. Say the following is that list:

Line of Sight Contacts:
r[hv]Q AI Serengeti x:194 y:180 z: 2 r:93.9 b:125 s: 0.0 h:252 S: DFS
r[SQ]B PS Phoenix H x:207 y:148 z: 2 r:90.6 b:103 s: 0.0 h:300 S: DFS
End Contact List

Now, my delema is simple. I get that and I have a trigger that saves all the information in each individual variable, like CONhv has in it [hv] AI Serengeti 194,80,2 s:0.0 h:252 S: DFS

Get it so far? Now I also have a variable called CONS. Its lists all the IDs of the contacts. The id is located in the []'s. Now. What I want to do is every time the list refreshes I want to refresh the CONhv variables. It does that now, but it also spamms the CONS variable with multipls hv|hv|hv and so on. Is there a way to check to see if a singe id is in the list and if it is dont add it? Heres an easy example. Say you have the numbers 5 6 8 9 in the variable as a list. Then you get the number 9 again. You dont want to add it cause its already there, but if you get a 3 you want it cause its not. Get it?
Also, I want to know if there is a way to remove all variables in a folder without haveing to open up the settings and deleting it manually. Like when I erase my cons I want to get rid of all the CONvh and CON* variables.

Richard Powell
Mux Alias: Virus
2796 Wizard Staff port 2796
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2002 11:58 am   
Sicne I didn't understand much your real example, I'm going to go with the simpler one (the 5|6|8|9 list.) If you want to add something to this list but not add it if it is a duplicate, you use #ADDITEM. Example:
#VAR test {5|6|8|9}
#ADDITEM test {9}
#ADDITEM test {3}

will result in having a list of 5|6|8|9|3

To delete all settings (including buttons, triggers, variables, etc.) inside a specific class folder, you can use #DELCLASS. This will also delete the class folder, but you can create it again with the #CLASS command.

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