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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
Posts: 152
Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 8:07 pm   

How to ignore certain text, and capture other
The mud is Realms of Despair, using v6.26.

Heres the output:

You are using:
<used as light> the source of magie noire
<worn on finger> the shade ring
<worn on finger> the shade ring
<worn around neck> the captain's cloak
<worn around neck> the captain's cloak
<worn on body> the Spoils of Thievery
<worn on head> the shade helm
<worn on legs> godskull shinguards
<worn on feet> (Humming) chains of imprisonment
<worn on hands> (Glowing) Blessed gauntlets of the Templar
<worn on arms> (Glowing) the Ice Arm Guards
<worn about body> (Glowing) the Cloak of Royalty
<worn about waist> a girth of mangled hide
<worn around wrist> a lion-crested bracer
<worn around wrist> a lion-crested bracer
<wielded> (Humming) Lord Kahl's "ThievesBlade"
<dual wielded> (Humming) Lord Kahl's "ThievesBlade"
<worn on ears> a crystalline teardrop
<worn on eyes> the shades
(type 'garb' for a list of all wear locations)

What i've done is made a trigger to capure the long name of itmes i'm wearing to variables for each piece of eq. What i don't want to capture, is the (Glowing) and the {Humming}. Or in some cases, both of those, or even three such things could preceed a piece of eq. For example:

<wielded> (Glowing) (Humming) (Red Aura) The Blade of Evil

My trigger works well enough for items without anything before the item, it's just:

#TR {~<used as light~> (*)} {#var light "%1"}

etc, with one of those for each piece.

I know i could just put those items in the trigger, then capture whats after it, but i want the script im making to be useable by anyone, and everyone has different eq.

Let me know if this is enough info. Thanks for any help.
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Joined: 26 Jul 2001
Posts: 1958
Location: Canada

PostPosted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 9:13 pm   
Your trigger will capture the (humming) etc
into %1. What you need to do is strip
those state messages out.

A simple way is like:

#TR {~<used as light~> (*)} {#var light %replace(%replace(%replace("%1","(Humming) ",""),"(Glowing) ",""),"(Red Aura) ","")}

Ton Diening
Providing untested answers that tend to be
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
Posts: 152
Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 10:51 pm   
Works perfectly, thanks very much for your time


One thing i forgot to mention. As you see, there are a few instances where there are 2 of the same wear location. There's a chance that these items may not be the same. I have variables for 2 different neck items, @neck and @2neck, but with the way your eq is listed, i anticipate that the way i have the triggers set up, the variable is going to be filled with whatever is in the second instance.

<worn on neck> an obsidian cloak
<worn on neck> a captains cloak

any ideas how to get around that?
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Joined: 26 Jul 2001
Posts: 1958
Location: Canada

PostPosted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 11:47 pm   
What I tend to use for that kind of concept

Erase what you had:
#TRIGGER {^You are using:} {#FORALL @V_Eq_Type {#VAR %i ""}

#VAR V_Eq_Type "finger|finger2|neck|neck2|body|head|legs|feet|hands|arms|waist|wrist|wrist2|wielded|wielded2|ears|ears2|eyes"

Then something like:
#TRIGGER {^~<* (%w)~>%s(%*)} {#IF (%null( @%1)) {#var %1 %replace( %replace( %replace( "%2", "(Humming) ", ""), "(Glowing) ", ""), "(Red Aura) ", "")} {#var [%1]2 %replace( %replace( %replace( "%2", "(Humming) ", ""), "(Glowing) ", ""), "(Red Aura) ", "")}}

Ton Diening
Providing untested answers that tend to be
more complicated than others.
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