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Yuri Kiseki

Joined: 10 Jun 2002
Posts: 6

PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2002 8:21 pm   

Storing a different variable.
This trigger stores the variable that's set,
but is there any possible way for it to store a different variable for it to be stored then fired?

#ALIAS bandit {take all.moccasins bag;take all.robes bag;take all.shortsword bag;take bag;take all.rags bag;take all.legplates bag;take all.chainmail bag;take all.broadsword bag;take all.hat bag;take all.shortsword bag;take all.warhammer bag}
#VAR selllist {a jagged stone warhammer|a pair of hide moccasins|a large broadsword|a pair of iron legplates|a pair of large leather boots|a pair of studded leather boots|a set of iron chainmail|a suit of leather rags|an iron shortsword|some black cloth robes|a blue hat|a short black dagger}
#TRIGGER {^You get ({@selllist}) from a bag sewn from strands of starweed.} {#VAR sellist %1;sell %1;put all.coin sack}

Example: It tries to sell a jagged stone warhammer, but the keyword is warhammer. Might there be a way to change the variable so it isn't "sell a jagged stone warhammer", but "sell warhammer"? And so on? Thank you for your input. :)
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int 21h

Joined: 14 Jun 2002
Posts: 8

PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2002 8:39 pm   
Just change the original trigger that adds items into that list, so that it only captures * (%w).

For example:
If your mud sent this:

You get a bright blue robe from the corpse of Satan.

Make the trigger:
#trigger {You get * (%w) from the corpse of *} {#var selllist %addItem(%1,@selllist)}

That would store 'robe' in the list. Notice how I use %addItem instead of #addi, because you want duplicates in the list (in case you have two of one item).

I can show you the door, but only you can open it.

ArcticMUD ( || telnet://
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Yuri Kiseki

Joined: 10 Jun 2002
Posts: 6

PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2002 3:44 am   
Hmm... only thing is that those items on the list is the only things that I want to sell at the moment. That trigger will indiscrimiatly add to everything I take from a corpse, right?
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Joined: 08 Jan 2001
Posts: 341
Location: Singapore

PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2002 6:20 am   
Sell one type of item at a time, so that you don't inadvertently sell any items that have multiple names.

*** DISCLAIMER: I have not tested this script nor used this kind of script. I wrote this entirely on the web browser, so I hope this script will at least give you a general idea.
1) A string list with all the items to take out of your bag.

#var takeoutlist {warhammer|moccasins|sword|legplates|boots|chainmail|rags|robes|hat|dagger}
2) Your sell list.
#var selllist {a jagged stone warhammer|a pair of hide moccasins|a large broadsword|a pair of iron legplates|a pair of large leather boots|a pair of studded leather boots|a set of iron chainmail|a suit of leather rags|an iron shortsword|some black cloth robes|a blue hat|a short black dagger}
3) A trigger to check each item taken out. Put a 2.item or some way to skip the item if it does not match.
#trigger {^You get (*) from a bag sewn from strands of starweed.} {
#var itemlist {%additem(%if("%1" =~ "{@selllist}",1,0),@itemlist)}
4) An Alias to take out one set of items. Initialize the sell list to for a fresh list of items from the trigger.
#alias takeout {
#var itemlist {}
take all.%item(takeoutlist,@takeoutptr) bag
say YOUR-STOP-MARKER-%item(takeoutlist,@takeoutptr)-THIS-COULD-BE-YOUR-PROMPT
5) An Alias to start this process. Initialize a pointer to point to the first item on your takeoutlist.
#alias bandit {
#var takeoutptr 1
*** This assumes that 2.rag is the second rag in your inventory.
*** This also assumes that your inventory is LIFO - Last In First Out.
6) Trigger on the marker to restart the process on the next item in your take out list. Initialize the skip counter.
#if %numitems(@itemlist) {
#var skipcounter 1
#loop %numitems(@itemlist),1 {
#if %item(@itemlist,%i) {
sell %if(@skipcounter!=1,@{skipcounter}.)%item(takeoutlist,@takeoutptr)
} {
#add skipcounter 1
put all.coin sack
#if (%numitems(@takeoutlist) > takeoutptr) {
#add takeoutptr 1
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