raks Beginner
Joined: 30 Jan 2002 Posts: 24 Location: USA
Posted: Fri May 31, 2002 7:26 am
Repeating ... Commands, help |
okay here is my probably... i use about 10 diffrent lines to flee and recall myself if someone attacks me but the lines can repeat them selfs a few times before i finally recall. Which can make me end up recall like 3 or 4 times in a row once it goes off.
my trigger lines are:
hits you right in the groin!
knocks your legs our from under you! You fall down.
makes a slick move and trips you! You fall down.
misses a kick at your
OUCH! {A Cloaked Figure|An old man|A Dark-Hooded Figure|Hooded Character|Strange man|suspicious man|friendly man|unfriendly|poor beggar|funny figure|cityguard|gladiator|mecenary|gypsy man|priest|woman|merchant|nobleman|janitor|shimmering figure|drunk bum|evil man|philosphor|guards|godly man|(%w)}'s clenched fist finds your face.
sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
slowly fades into existence.
^OUCH! That really did HURT!
^That really did HURT!
{A Cloaked Figure|An old man|A Dark-Hooded Figure|Hooded Character|Strange man|suspicious man|friendly man|unfriendly|poor beggar|funny figure|cityguard|gladiator|mecenary|gypsy man|priest|woman|merchant|nobleman|janitor|shimmering figure|drunk bum|evil man|philosphor|guards|godly man|Djinn}'s punch hits your face! OUCH!
now the command(s) i exicute on them are :
recite recall
remove backpack
get recall backpack
wear backpack
But like i said before the command can come one after on other (not really in that order)
and they end up makeing me waste a bunch of scrolls when i recalled the first time
any help would be usefull |
Castaway GURU

Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 793 Location: Swindon, England
Posted: Fri May 31, 2002 9:26 am |
Try setting a variable to true when you have recalled, and check it in your trigger, ie:
#IF(not @recalled) {flee;recall; .. ;recalled=1}
and then trigger on some message which shows that you have recalled, and set the variable to 0.
Lady C. |
raks Beginner
Joined: 30 Jan 2002 Posts: 24 Location: USA
Posted: Fri May 31, 2002 3:50 pm |
that would help if keep from repeating
So and so sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
recite recall
remove backpack
get recall backpack
wear backpack
(1 sec)
so and so misses a kick at your face!
recite recall
remove backpack
get recall backpack
wear backpack
so i wouldn't have to worry about the recall going off like 2 times(can be more) before it finally recalls me?
Okay on #IF commands. I don't understand how to set them up right so i usally don't try to use them. So it would help if i can see it set up right for me.
#TRIGGER {hits you right in the groin!} {fleerecite recallremove backpackget recall backpackwear backpack} |