Silvayn Beginner
Joined: 11 May 2002 Posts: 13 Location: Slovakia
Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 3:58 pm
What font do you use in zmud (output window) |
Just curious :) I personally find fixedsys to be well suited for it, since it's easily readable and with fixed width. Others might think different, so post here...
wth Novice
Joined: 14 Nov 2001 Posts: 37 Location: Poland
Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 4:19 pm |
Always use proportional font - I'm using Courier (10px)
Gandorf Novice
Joined: 28 Oct 2000 Posts: 38 Location: Sweden
Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 4:21 pm |
I use wingdings. In the beginning it was hard to tell what ít says but now it makes perfect sense to me
Ok no more jokes. I use Courier (10px)
Out in the night they laugh about me and my knowledge |
Silvayn Beginner
Joined: 11 May 2002 Posts: 13 Location: Slovakia
Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 4:30 pm |
Hey, windings are cool :) imagine a copy protection that, instead of not allowing you to start zMUD, would force you to use that font.
vileplume Novice
Joined: 26 Dec 2001 Posts: 43 Location: USA
Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 9:42 pm |
I don't think that would slow most of you down for a minute! Anyone who can process all the syntax I see being slung around on these boards would crack the Wingding code in a heartbeat I'm sure!
As for myself, well...I'm still not altogether convinced that my help files AREN'T displaying in Wingdings!
Rainstorm Newbie
Joined: 05 May 2002 Posts: 9
Posted: Thu May 16, 2002 5:15 am |
I think Arial 9 point is the best.
doomfyre Apprentice
Joined: 03 Jan 2002 Posts: 152 Location: USA
Posted: Thu May 16, 2002 5:19 am |
Courier New, Bold, 14pt