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Joined: 19 Jan 2002
Posts: 107

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2002 4:32 pm   

Really hard mob database?
Well,i would like to make a mob database,and i dont know how to do it very well...
actually,i read troubatour`s posts about objects database,and i did all in his posts,and
i am being able to identify and put objects on my objects database,so i want to have too
a mob database.
Well,i know i should configure the database and i should make fields,and i know how to,what i dont know is how to make zmud fill em,so here there are mob interactions with me,so anyone can help me so zmud fills the fields. I would like to have the next fields:

Mob name
Mob objects names (just names,when i identify em,they go to the object database)
Mob gold
Mob level (more or less)
Mob profession
Mob race
Mob spells affected by

I am playing in a spanish mud,so first i will give the examples in spanish,and after them,there are the same examples translated by me XP

c identificar mendigo <-order

El mendigo parece tener un nivel entre 0 y 5.
El mendigo tiene el aspecto de un un(a) Humano, y sigue el camino de los mago.
El mendigo parece estar afectado por: agilidad, agudeza dragon, y armadura.

kill guardia <- order

El guardia ha MUERTO!!
Recibes 1000 puntos de experiencia.
Coges 3300 monedas de oro del cadaver de el guardia.
El cadaver de el guardia contiene:
una espada larga
unas mangas de hierro
un yelmo de hierro
una coraza de hierro
(Magico) (Brillante) un anillo del guardia de la ciudad

look guardia <- order

Descripciòn del mob,con varias lineas
El guardia esta en perfecto estado de salud.

El guardia esta usando:
<usado como luz> una antorcha
<puesto en el dedo> (Magico) (Brillante) un anillo del guardia de la ciudad
<puesto en el cuerpo> una coraza de hierro
<puesto en la cabeza> un yelmo de hierro
<puesto en las piernas> unas perneras de hierro
<puesto en los pies> botas negras
<puesto en las manos> unos guantes de hierro
<puesto en los brazos> unas mangas de hierro
<blandiendo> una espada larga

c identiy mendigo <-order

El mendigo level seems to be between 0 and 5.
El mendigo looks like a(an) [race], and works as a [profession].
El mendigo seems to be affected by: agilidad, agudeza dragon, y armadura. <-spells

kill guardia <- order

[mob name] has DYED!!
U Recive 1000 points of experience.
u get [cuantity of gold] coins of gold from the body of [mob name].
The body of [mob name] contains:
[1st objet]
([1st objet special property])([2nd object special property])[2nd objet]
more and more objets (depends on the mob,when it has no objet,here puts: nothing

look guardia <- order

Mob description,one or more lines

El guardia is wearing:
<[wear location]> objet name
<[other wear location]> ([1st objet special property]) ([2nd objet special property]) objet name
<[more wear locations]> more objets and its special propertyes,if they have anyone

Well,tnx a lot if u arrived here reading,and tnx a lot if u help me to get what i want... if it is able to be got XP

Thanks a lot,Articnal =)
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Joined: 19 Jan 2002
Posts: 107

PostPosted: Sat Apr 27, 2002 6:09 pm   
Well,perhaps what i asked for is too difficult,but does anyone knows how to put the mobs on the rooms? i got an idea,which was the next:

with next tigger:
[mob name] is DEAD!!
i get mob name to a variable,and then,if i want to put the mob name on the room i am,i will have to tell zmud to put this variable into the room,but... does anyone know how to write it for putting it into zmud? tnx for ur help, Articnal =)
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