raks Beginner
Joined: 30 Jan 2002 Posts: 24 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2002 5:11 pm
Plugin Mudreader help |
okay i've been useing mudread to read the tells, says, and town channels, and it worked fine but when i try to use the Class channels it just does should good..i am useing
#TRIGGER {Warrior (%w)} {#speak %trigger}
for reading this
[Warrior Prevail] hello raks
but when it reads it it sounds like this
squar bracket warrior prevail squar bracket hello raks
any help on getting it to not read the Brackets out be nice
Thx |
MattLofton GURU
Joined: 23 Dec 2000 Posts: 4834 Location: USA
Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2002 12:29 am |
okay i've been useing mudread to read the tells, says, and town channels, and it worked fine but when i try to use the Class channels it just does should good..i am useing
#TRIGGER {Warrior (%w)} {#speak %trigger}
for reading this
[Warrior Prevail] hello raks
but when it reads it it sounds like this
squar bracket warrior prevail squar bracket hello raks
any help on getting it to not read the Brackets out be nice
Do it this way:
#trigger {~[Warrior %w~] (*)} {#speak %1}
li'l shmoe of Dragon's Gate MUD |
raks Beginner
Joined: 30 Jan 2002 Posts: 24 Location: USA
Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2002 9:22 pm |
works somewhat
it does not read the
Warrior Prevail
and only reads the first word
hello |
Kjata GURU
Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 4379 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2002 12:35 am |
Try changing Matt's trigger to look somewhat like your original one:
#trigger {~[Warrior %w~] (*)} {#speak %trigger}
Kjata |
MattLofton GURU
Joined: 23 Dec 2000 Posts: 4834 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2002 2:41 am |
Try changing Matt's trigger to look somewhat like your original one:
#trigger {~[Warrior %w~] (*)} {#speak %trigger}
Whoops. That should've been a quoted %1 ("%1") instead of unquoted--the quotes will allow ZMud to understand it needs to send the entire string assigned to %1 to whichever command routine called for it.
Dunno if %trigger would be a great idea, though. Doesn't it contain ONLY the trigger pattern that matched the last-fired trigger (which may or may not be this #SPEAK trigger)?
Now, if the entire line is wanting to be read (ie, channel name followed by channel message), perhaps modify the trigger like this (note, I don't use MUDreader so I don't know if #SPEAK can take multiple arguments like I have it set up):
#trigger {~[(Warrior %w)~] (*)} {#NOOP watch the %concat(), since I don't have ZMud in front of me to test it.;#VARIABLE speech %concat("%1"," ","%2");#speak @speech}
li'l shmoe of Dragon's Gate MUD |
Kjata GURU
Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 4379 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2002 12:28 pm |
It contains the line that cuased the last trigger match, but I think it is highly unlikely that another trigger will fire before the #SPEAK command is executed unless the second trigger that fires, fires off from the same line as the first, and then this represents no problem.
Kjata |
LightBulb MASTER
Joined: 28 Nov 2000 Posts: 4817 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2002 4:42 pm |
As raks pointed out in his original question, using %trigger for these lines sounds like:
square bracket warrior prevail square bracket hello raks
and it's the square bracket he doesn't want to hear.
Try this, raks
#trigger {~[Warrior (%w)~] (*)} {#speak Warrior %1 %2}
Vague questions get vague answers |
raks Beginner
Joined: 30 Jan 2002 Posts: 24 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2002 6:26 pm |
quote: As raks pointed out in his original question, using %trigger for these lines sounds like:
square bracket warrior prevail square bracket hello raks
and it's the square bracket he doesn't want to hear.
Try this, raks
#trigger {~[Warrior (%w)~] (*)} {#speak Warrior %1 %2}
Vague questions get vague answers
Lightbulb, you get want i'm trying to do but your set up only reads "Warrior" that's all it reads.
MattLofton your first try only does as i said before
quote: works somewhat
it does not read the
Warrior Prevail
and only reads the first word
now on your other post
quote: Whoops. That should've been a quoted %1 ("%1") instead of unquoted--the quotes will allow ZMud to understand it needs to send the entire string assigned to %1 to whichever command routine called for it.
works a bet better
#trigger {~[Warrior %w~] (*)} {#speak "%1"}
but that only reads the part that is sayed therefor i don't know who said it if
now on your last part i'm still trying to it figure out since i am not that experenced with zmud
quote: #trigger {~[(Warrior %w)~] (*)} {#NOOP watch the %concat(), since I don't have ZMud in front of me to test it.;#VARIABLE speech %concat("%1"," ","%2");#speak @speech}
... |
LightBulb MASTER
Joined: 28 Nov 2000 Posts: 4817 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2002 6:49 pm |
Try enclosing the phrase in {} then.
#trigger {~[Warrior (%w)~] (*)} {#speak {Warrior %1 %2}}
Since I don't use the Mudreader plugin I don't have the helpfile for #SPEAK and I'm just guessing at the syntax based on other commands. Looking it up would probably be a good idea. You may need to use "" around the phrase instead.
#trigger {~[Warrior (%w)~] (*)} {#speak "Warrior %1 %2"}
With a little experimentation, I'm sure you can find the right answer.
Vague questions get vague answers |
Kjata GURU
Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 4379 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2002 6:52 pm |
Oops, thanks LightBulb, I didn't catch that one.
raks, you should use LightBulb's second trigger then. If that fails, try joining all the parts together using %concat.
Kjata |
Pega Magician
Joined: 08 Jan 2001 Posts: 341 Location: Singapore
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2002 6:54 pm |
I thought you got it already...
Try this:
#trigger {~[(Warrior %w)~] (*)} {#speak {%1: %2}}
or this:
#trigger {~[Warrior (%w)~] (*)} {#speak {%1 the warrior says: %{2}.}}
Cheers |
raks Beginner
Joined: 30 Jan 2002 Posts: 24 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2002 9:36 pm |
OKay... that worked light and i liked how pega did the _______ the warrior says..
now i am going set it up for the other classes |