Tre976 Beginner
Joined: 15 Feb 2001 Posts: 20 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2002 11:20 pm
some script help |
first off, thanks for any help i get!
What i'm looking to do is set a target (which i already have alias for) and follow him as he flees into a room and autoengage him. basically its going to be used as an anti-assassin script..
i was looking for either a way to do this by setting up a class(?) where by i could have my numberpad (which is already setup for movement eg: w,e,n,s,se,etc) toggled to not only move but also engage @target
ne;back @target
I'd like to be able to turn off the class/macros so when i am not running across a map not looking for anyone i dont keep trying to kill @target..
if that makes sense :)
OR what i'd like to have is a script that will follow @target into whatever room they flee into and k @target
ie:Ixe panics, and attempts to flee.
Ixe leaves north.
so then my script would go n and k @target.. thereby not giving them the chance to come back into room and backstab me..
since my class does involve backstabbing skills I currently use a fleeback script such as below so i'd need to be able to have both classes coexist simultaneously:
#ALIAS tar {#var Target %1;#say -=-=-=-=-= Target Set to: @Target =-=-=-=-=-} {-}
#ALIAS westbac {#T- FleeBac;west;bac @Target} {FleeBac}
#ALIAS eastbac {#T- FleeBac;east;bac @Target} {FleeBac}
#ALIAS northbac {#T- FleeBac;north;bac @Target} {FleeBac}
#ALIAS southbac {#T- FleeBac;south;bac @Target} {FleeBac}
#ALIAS upbac {#T- FleeBac;up;bac @Target} {FleeBac}
#ALIAS downbac {#T- FleeBac;down;bac @Target} {FleeBac}
#ALIAS swbac {#T- FleeBac;sw;bac @Target} {FleeBac}
#ALIAS sebac {#T- FleeBac;se;bac @Target} {FleeBac}
#ALIAS nebac {#T- FleeBac;ne;bac @Target} {FleeBac}
#ALIAS nwbac {#T- FleeBac;nw;bac @Target} {FleeBac}
#ALIAS bson {#T+ FleeBac;#var BS_Status ON;#SAY -=-=-=-= Flee Bac Activated =-=-=-=-} {-}
#ALIAS bsoff {#T- FleeBac;#var BS_Status OFF;#SAY -=-=-=-= Flee Bac De-Activated =-=-=-=-} {-}
#VAR Target {Seeking} {Seeking} {-}
#VAR Flee_Dir {eastward|westward|northward|southward|upward|downward} {eastward|westward|northward|southward|upward|downward} {-}
#VAR Flee_DiagDir {northeastward|northwestward|southeastward|southwestward} {northeastward|northwestward|southeastward|southwestward} {-}
#VAR BS_Status {ON} {_nodef} {-}
#TRIGGER {^You flee (%w)!} {%case(%ismember(%1,@Flee_Dir),westbac,eastbac,southbac,northbac,downbac,upbac;%case(%ismember(%1,@Flee_DiagDir),swbac,sebac,nwbac,nebac)} {FleeBac} 519
#KEY F1 {BSON;flee} {-}
#STAT {Flee_Bac_Status: @BS_Status | Target: @Target} {-} |