Well, I have made a spiffy trigger (included PS) that changes the room to something like:
Room: Temple Courtyard
[Exits: N, W, E, S ]
The square before the temple has a large circle of inlaid wood in the
center. The Oak depicted is a mesh of various woods, with leaves of green
pine, golden teak and red sequoia. The tree looks real as the various
shades blend together, and the traffic has not diminished the beauty of the
carving. Suddenly, a being materializes and walks from the tree toward the
druids standing off to one side.
[SAFE]<65hp 166sp 144st>
But, when I went to configure the mapper... it seems to be only seeing the
first trigger's #SUB, but not the second #COND's #SUB.
Is there any way to make sure a trigger fires off before the mapper reads the lines?
#TRIGGER {^ (%*)%s({NW|- |# }) ({N|-|#}) ({NE| -|#})$}
#var exits ""
#var doors ""
#IF %trim( %2)="-" {} {#ADDITEM exits NW}
#IF %trim( %3)="-" {} {#ADDITEM exits N}
#IF %trim( %4)="-" {} {#ADDITEM exits NE}
#IF %trim(%2)="#" {#ADDITEM doors NW} {}
#IF %trim( %3)="#" {#ADDITEM doors N} {}
#IF %trim( %4)="#" {#ADDITEM doors NE} {}
#SUB {%ansi(high,yellow)"Room:" %1}
#COND {~(-------------------------------------------------~) ({W|-|#}) ~<-({U|-|#})-~(M~)-({D|-|#})-~> ({E|-|#})}
#IF %trim( %1)="-" {} {#ADDITEM exits W}
#IF %trim( %2)="-" {} {#ADDITEM exits U}
#IF %trim( %3)="-" {} {#ADDITEM exits D}
#IF %trim( %4)="-" {} {#ADDITEM exits E}
#IF %trim( %1)="#" {#ADDITEM doors W} {}
#IF %trim( %2)="#" {#ADDITEM doors U} {}
#IF %trim( %3)="#" {#ADDITEM doors D} {}
#IF %trim( %4)="#" {#ADDITEM doors E} {}
#COND {%s({SW|- |# }) ({S|-|#}) ({SE| -| #})$}
#IF %trim( %1)="-" {} {#ADDITEM exits SW}
#IF %trim( %2)="-" {} {#ADDITEM exits S}
#IF %trim( %3)="-" {} {#ADDITEM exits SE}
#IF %trim( %1)="#" {#ADDITEM doors SW} {}
#IF %trim( %2)="#" {#ADDITEM doors S} {}
#IF %trim( %3)="#" {#ADDITEM doors SE} {}
#VAR exits {%replace( @exits, "|", ", ")}
#SUB {%ansi(green)~["Exits:" @exits ~]%cr}
#ALARM +1 {#LOOP %numItems( @doors) {#DOOR %item( @doors, %i)}}