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Joined: 19 Jan 2002
Posts: 107

PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2002 3:50 pm   

Automapping almost perfect!!
I need one more step for making automaping perfect; the frist step was to imput the next text on zmud :
#DIR ns "n|norte" n
#DIR sn "s|sur" s
#DIR we "w|oeste" w
#DIR ew "e|este" e
#DIR ud "u|arriba" u
#DIR du "d|abajo" d

that way,zmud recognice almost al the directions,but im having troubles with ne,se,nw,and sw; zmud imputs them this way: southeast northeast northwest and southwest,and the mud doesnt recognice it when openning doors,so i need to make it imput noreste,noroeste,sureste,suroeste,instead of thoose.Any solutions? Tnx a lot =)
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
Posts: 4379
Location: USA

PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2002 5:59 pm   
You need to set the directions in the same manner as the other are set up. You do have to notice that diagonal directions normally use command like ne, nw, se and sw which brings up problems in a path. Example:

Should zMUD move:
3 norths, 5 easts, south, west, 2 norths, east
or should it move:
3 norths, 5 easts, southwest, 2 northeasts

In this case, the first one will happen because to clear up the confusion, zMUD only accepts one-character directions in a path (with an optional preceding number.) So you need to think of some one-character directions to use for diagonal directions. Here are the default zMUD uses modified to work with Spanish directions:
#DIR hl "nw|noroeste" nw
#DIR lh "se|sureste" se
#DIR ik "ne|noreste" ne
#DIR ki "sw|suroeste" sw

With this directions set up, everythign would work as normal, but in paths and speed-walking you have to take into a ccount the different one-letter directions. If, for example, you wanted the above path to work as the second case, it would have to be written like this:

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